Advanced Techniques for PFAS Analysis in Soil
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: August 1, 2024
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Published: July 19, 2024
Known as 'forever chemicals,' per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are linked to various health issues, including liver damage, thyroid disease, obesity, fertility problems and cancer.
With over 6,000 PFAS commercially available, many exhibit high environmental persistence, contaminating water and soil globally. This widespread presence poses significant challenges in developing analytical methods, particularly for extracting diverse PFAS from solid matrices like soil.
This application note showcases the effectiveness of accelerated solvent extraction in isolating various PFAS compounds—including acids, sulfonates, fluorotelomer sulfonates, and sulfonamide compounds—from soil samples.
Download this guide to discover:
- Insights into the latest advancements in PFAS detection and quantification
- Step-by-step procedures for utilizing accelerated solvent extraction technology
- A highly effective method for extracting a wide range of PFAS from soil samples
Extraction and analysis of poly- and
perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from soil
The soil samples were extracted using the Thermo
Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 350 Accelerated Solvent
Extractor, which produced 70–130% recovery of all PFAS
target compounds. Accelerated solvent extraction has
outperformed commonly used, manual “shaking” extraction
methods under the same conditions.
After ASE extraction, the solution from the ASE sample
collection vials underwent clean-up using solid-phase
extraction (SPE) and were analyzed on an LC/MS/MS in
a 15-min run. Blanks contained no significant amounts of
PFAS. Accelerated solvent extraction is demonstrated to
be acceptable for the extraction of short- and long-chain
PFAS, with a variety of polarities and head-groups, from
soil in the range of 1 ng/g to 400 ng/g.
Authors: Matthew S. MacLennan1,2,
Daniel Ng1
, David Hope1,3
Pacific Rim Laboratories, #103, 19575-55A
Avenue, Surrey, B. C. Canada V3S 8P8
Recent studies suggest that toxic and highly persistent polyand perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are much more
prevalent in tissue and soil than in water. The increasing
length of perfluoroalkyl chain in PFAS is correlated strongly
to lower water solubility/higher adsorption behavior of a
particular PFAS molecule in the environment (i.e., migration
of PFAS at soil/water/air interfaces) and in remediation/
filtration (i.e., choice of filtration media or sorbents). There
are over 6,000 PFAS commercially available, many of which
have high environmental persistence and have been found in
water and soils globally. This poses a significant challenge to
developing analytical methods, especially for the extraction
of a variety of PFAS from solid matrices such as soil.
Previously, we reported unsatisfactory (0–50%) recovery
of long-chain PFAS from soil using vortex/sonication.1
In the present study, soil was spiked with 24 PFAS
(C4-C14 acids, C4-C10 sulfonates, 4:2, 6:2 and 8:2
fluorotelomers, C8 sulfonamide) at 1 ng/g, which were
allowed to absorb overnight into the soil samples.
Sample information
A 10 g soil sample was in 250 mL polypropylene or
polyethylene bottles with no PTFE or other fluorinated
polymers. Two grams were taken for analysis.
Sample preparation: Weigh out 2 g of soil sample in a
250 mL glass beaker.
• Add 10 g diatomaceous earth to the beaker and mix with
the soil sample.
• Transfer the sample mixture into a 100 mL stainless steel
ASE cell with cellulose filter at the bottom of the cell.
• Top up the cell with diatomaceous earth.
– Spike extraction surrogate and native standard.
– Place a 250 mL bottle with septa cap in the bottle tray
of the Dionex ASE 350 system.
Accelerated solvent extraction (Dionex ASE 350 setup)
Rinse settings
Solvent 100% acetone
Volume 13 mL
Cycles 3
Extraction settings
Cell type Stainless steel
Oven temperature 100 °C
Static cycle
Time 300 s
Solvent 80:20 methanol/
Volume 50 mL
Cycles 3
Purge time 120 s
Sample clean-up used a styrene-divinylbenzene (SDVB)
polymer SPE cartridge (500 mg, 6 mL), on a vacuumcontrolled manifold, under the following sequential
• Condition cartridges with 15 mL methanol.
• Run 20 mL of reagent water through the cartridge.
• Transfer the extracted sample solution from the Dionex
ASE 350 system to the SPE cartridge using a largevolume sampler.
• Rinse the sample bottle with 10 mL reagent water and
transfer to the cartridge.
• Vacuum dry the SPE cartridge.
Elution phase
• Rinse the sample bottle with 10 mL methanol and
transfer to the SPE cartridge.
• Elute all methanol extracts into a polypropylene
centrifuge tube.
LC parameters
A Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ LC, with all Teflon™ lines
replaced by PEEK tubing, coupled to a Thermo Scientific™
TSQ Quantis™ triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, was
used for sample analysis.
Solvent B
10 mM ammonium acetate
in 19% v/v acetonitrile/81%
Solvent A
10 mM ammonium acetate
in 19% v/v acetonitrile in
Column temperature 25 °C
Solvent ramps from 40%
Solvent B to 90% Solvent B
over 15 min
LC flow rate 0.300 mL/min
MS parameters
The H-ESI source was used in the negative ionization mode
and the optimized MS parameters were as follows:
Q1 resolution 0.7 Da
Q3 resolution 1.2 Da
Use cycle time True
Cycle time 0.5 s
CID gas 2 mTorr
Source fragmentation 0 V
peak width 6 s
ESI negative voltage 1,500 V
Sheath gas 57.6 arb
Aux gas 2.4 arb
Sweep gas 0.4 arb
Ion transfer tube
325 °C
Vaporizer temperature 350 °C
Table 1. Monitored SRM transitions
Compound Retention time (min) Precursor
energy (V) RF lens (V)
PFBA 1.38 212.979 168.97 10.23 56
13C4-PFBA 1.38 216.979 171.97 12.81 71
PFPeA 1.89 262.976 219.042 10.23 79
13C5-PFPeA 1.89 268 223 10.23 64
PFHxA 3.00 312.9 268.8 10.23 73
13C5-PFHxA 3.00 318 273 10.23 76
4:2 FTS 2.70 326.974 307.042 19 129
-4:2 FTS 2.70 328.974 81.040 19 147
PFPeS 3.76 307.042 80.042 35 151
PFBS 2.33 298.912 79.946 32 152
-PFBS 2.33 302 79.946 32 152
PFHpA 4.74 362.97 319 10.23 81
13C4-PFHpA 4.74 367 322 10.23 82
PFHxS 5.56 398.912 79.929 37.2 154
13C3-PFHxS 5.56 401.947 79.957 37.3 171
PFOA 6.75 412.966 369 10.23 91
13C8-PFOA 6.75 421 376 10.23 92
6:2 FTS 6.36 426.968 406.988 22.43 164
-6:2 FTS 6.36 428.968 81.040 23.6 164
PFHpS 7.43 448.933 80.012 39.67 184
PFNA 8.68 462.963 418.946 10.23 99
13C9-PFNA 8.68 472 427 10.23 97
PFOS 9.19 498.862 79.946 40.78 164
13C8-PFOS 9.19 507 79.917 40.63 169
PFDA 10.39 512.96 469 10.23 108
13C6-PFDA 10.39 519 474 10.23 109
8:2 FTS 10.17 526.962 506.97 25.73 190
-8:2FTS 10.17 528.962 81.010 25.27 190
PFNS 10.73 548.927 80.071 44.4 177
PFUdA 11.87 562.957 519 10.23 117
-PFUdA 11.87 570 525 10.23 117
NMeFOSAA 11.13 569.925 418.926 19.36 200
Compound Retention time (min) Precursor
energy (V) RF lens (V)
d3-N-MeFOSAA 11.13 572.912 418.958 20.39 167
PFOSA 9.47 497.946 78.071 30.24 175
13C8-PFOSA 9.47 505.946 78.071 31.57 186
NEtFOSAA 11.89 583.983 526 19.02 187
d5-N-EtFOSAA 11.89 588.962 530.97 18.96 144
PFDS 12.06 598.924 80.042 44.92 192
PFDoA 13.11 612.9 569 10.23 126
-PFDoA 13.11 615 570 10.23 122
PFTrDA 14.16 662.95 619 10.23 134
PFTeDA 15.06 712.95 668.97 11.782 143
-PFTeDA 15.06 714.95 670 10.23 142
PFOA and PFOS Alternatives
HFPO-DA 3.52 284.96 168.887 17.35 68
13C3-HFPO-DA 3.52 286.912 168.833 10.23 67
ADONA 5.09 376.912 250.988 10.23 91
9Cl-PF3ONS 10.21 530.825 350.917 24.67 167
11Cl-PF3OUdS 12.80 630.825 450.887 27.17 254
All PFAS compounds analyzed in this method are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Chromatogram of PFAS compounds analyzed
Table 1. Monitored SRM transitions (cont.)
Relative abundance
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time (min)
2.72 3.16
3.98 4.95 5.76
7.03 8.03
8.73 9.09
11.75 12.59 13.71 14.68 15.55
C4 acid
C14 acid
Figure 2. Native analytes found at appreciable levels in a soil sample
Chromatogram of a soil sample
Only native analytes found at appreciable levels in the soil
sample are shown in Figure 2. These levels are between
1 and 5 ng/g, with the exception of PFOS at 50 ng/g.
From top to bottom, the analytes are PFPeA, PFHxA,
PFHpA, PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS, and PFOS. The other
21 PFAS analytes were at or below detection limit.
Internal standard recoveries (spiked in at 10 ng/g or 5 ng/g)
are as listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Recovery of the isotopically labeled PFAS compounds
Compound Recovery
13C4-PFBA 71
13C5-PFPeA 93
13C5-PFHxA 97
13C4-PFHpA 96
13C8-PFOA 94
13C9-PFNA 104
13C6-PFDA 99
-PFUdA 95
-PFDoA 97
-PFTeDA 108
Compound Recovery
13C3-PFBS 98
13C3-PFHxS 95
13C8-PFOS 91
13C3-HFPODA 56
13C8-FOSA 92
-4:2FTS 110
-6:2FTS 93
-8:2FTS 98
PFAS background levels
The Dionex ASE 350 system, which was used to develop
this method, contains Teflon lines. Due to the lines being
exposed to a variety of solvents over several years, the
PFAS background is at a minimum. Table 3 shows the
levels of PFAS measured in the blanks processed within
different spike batches (i.e., in a batch of soil samples
spiked with PFAS, these are the PFAS levels in the
blanks processed with that batch). These blanks contain
diatomaceous earth and isotopically labeled PFAS internal
standards (surrogates), but no spiked native PFAS and no
soil. Table 4 shows the linearity for PFAS in soil.
Table 3. Measured PFAS levels in blanks
Spike level
batch 1 ng/g spike 20 ng/g
400 ng/g
Units ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g
PFBA 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05
PFPeA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFHxA 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04
PFHpA n.d. n.d. 0.02 0.01
PFOA 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.04
PFNA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFDA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFUdA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFDoA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFTRDA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFTEDA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
NMEFOSAA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Table 4. PFAS in soil linearity
Spike level 1 ng/g 5 ng/g 20 ng/g 100 ng/g 400 ng/g Slope r2
PFBA 0.979 5.05 21.7 101.0 408 1.020 1.000
PFPeA 1.035 5.22 22.0 101.4 423 1.058 1.000
PFHxA 1.024 5.15 22.1 102.4 429 1.073 1.000
PFHpA 0.985 5.28 22.4 99.2 423 1.056 1.000
PFOA 1.02 5.02 22.1 100.7 425 1.062 1.000
PFNA 1.032 5.21 21.8 102.6 426 1.064 1.000
PFDA 1.000 5.06 21.5 100.5 428 1.071 1.000
PFUdA 0.982 5.01 22.6 96.8 418 1.044 1.000
PFDoA 1.05 5.43 23.5 77.3 339 0.841 0.999
PFTRDA 0.567 3.65 15.5 45.4 200 0.496 0.998
PFTEDA 1.076 5.57 23.9 76.6 317 0.786 0.999
NMEFOSAA 1.13 4.86 22.8 97.2 368 0.915 1.000
NETFOSAA 1.097 5.18 19.5 117.0 424 1.061 0.999
FOSA 0.991 5.16 21.7 93.0 438 1.097 0.998
PFBS 0.966 5.14 22.4 104.6 453 1.133 1.000
PFPeS 0.915 4.93 21.1 99.6 433 1.084 1.000
PFHxS 0.945 4.98 21.6 110.6 451 1.129 1.000
PFHpS 0.976 4.55 22.8 111.4 467 1.169 1.000
PFOS 1.076 6.14 20.3 108.2 468 1.172 1.000
PFNS 0.893 5.51 21.4 107.1 462 1.156 1.000
PFDS 0.999 5.54 20.8 104.4 447 1.119 1.000
4:2FTS 1.129 5.89 22.2 57.8 272 0.672 0.997
6:2FTS 1.128 6.19 21.8 89.2 430 1.074 0.998
8:2FTS 1.149 5.43 21.0 79.8 384 0.958 0.998
Spike level
batch 1 ng/g spike 20 ng/g
400 ng/g
Units ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g
NETFOSAA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
FOSA n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFBS n.d. n.d. 0.01 n.d.
PFPeS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFHxS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFHpS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFOS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFNS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
PFDS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
4:2FTS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
6:2FTS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
8:2FTS n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
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Find out more at
Accelerated solvent extraction can extract a variety of
PFAS from soil including acids, sulfonates, fluorotelomer
sulfonates, and sulfonamide compounds. Although the
Dionex ASE 350 system utilized in this method contained
Teflon lines, the lines had been used under a variety
of different solvent conditions, effectively reducing the
PFAS background contamination to a minimum. Isotopic
dilution quantification was utilized for most analytes and
demonstrated linearity for all PFAS studied in soil over the
range of 1 ppb to 400 ppb. PFTrDA linearity is biased low
which is partially due to PFTrDA being quantified via the
internal standard method against 13C2
-PFTeDA and not an
isotopically labeled analog of PFTrDA, but more strongly
due to the effects of naturally abundant 13C2
-PFTeDA (from
the native spiked levels) artificially increasing the recoveries
of internal standard, thus underestimating the native levels
of PFTrDA.
Previously experienced difficulties recovering long-chain
PFAS from soil using sonication/vortex methods were
surmounted by using ASE, demonstrating that the absence
of long-chain PFAS is a true absence and not simply low
recovery. The approach described here was applied to a
soil sample and it was found to contain between 1 and
50 ng/g of several PFAS. Accelerated solvent extraction is
an acceptable method for extracting a wide selection of
PFAS, from 4-carbon to 14-carbon fluoroalkyl chain lengths
and five different polar head-groups, from soil over a wide
range of concentrations. Accelerated solvent extraction
shows high potential for effective extraction of the growing
list of PFAS from solid samples.
1. MacLennan, Matthew S.; Ng, Daniel; Hope, David (2019): Extraction of poly-and
perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) from solid matrices. Society of Ecotoxicology and
Chemistry (SETAC) North America, 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Poster. https://doi.
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