Boost the Efficiency of Metagenomic Microbiome Analysis
App Note / Case Study
Published: December 19, 2024

Credit: iStock
The gut microbiome plays an important role in human health, as it has been linked to several diseases including inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. Next-generation sequencing technologies can provide critical information about the genetic profile and population structure of gut microbiota. However, isolating DNA from stool samples presents several challenges that can hamper downstream applications.
This application note explores an automated workflow that enhances DNA extraction and sequencing efficiency for stool samples, minimizing human error and delivering high-quality data on microbial communities.
Download this application note to explore:
- An optimized method for DNA isolation from stool samples
- Benefits of automated workflows in metagenomic analysis
- Improved data accuracy and consistency for microbiome studies
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures
Improving the
efficiency of
analysis of stool
Understanding the abundance, distribution, collective gene
expression, and function of microbiota provides intricate
insights into an individual at a specific time. Gut bacteria play an
important role in human health as changes in the microbiome
can be potentially harmful, often linking to chronic conditions
such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, cancer, and
autism. NGS technologies deliver the detail necessary to
characterize microbial communities, providing information
about the genetic profile, population structure, and role of
microorganisms within a given sample.
Here Revvity and Illumina describe a streamlined, automated
workflow from DNA extraction to sequence-ready libraries,
which results in robust data for species identification,
metagenomic profiling, and de novo genome assembly.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
A Valued Revvity Collaborator 2
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples
1 HR, 45 MIN 3 HR, 30 MIN 30 MIN 36 HR
Revvity® chemagic™ 360
Instrument + chemagic™
DNA Stool Kit
chemagic 360 Instrument Revvity Sciclone G3 NGS
Labchip GXTouch Nucleic Acid
Illumina NovaSeg® Sequencing
lumina® Nextera DNA Flex
on Revvity Sciclone® G3
NGS Workstation
Thermo Scientific® Qubit®
Fluorometer + LabChip®
GX Touch™ Nucleic Acid
150 bp PE Run
Figure 1. The automated Illumina Nextera DNA Flex library preparation workflow for metagenomics—Illumina and Revvity collaborated
to create a fully automated NGS library preparation workflow for high-throughput metagenomics. The times indicated above are for the
processing of 96 samples.
Workflow overview
Automation of an NGS-based metagenomics workflow offers significant advantages over manual sample preparation. Increased
throughput and scalability, reduction in human touch-points and human error, enhanced consistency and reproducibility, and
increased speed all contribute to reliable data production that is amenable to varying throughputs for metagenomics labs.
Optimized DNA isolation from stool samples
Correctly representing bacterial complexity and genetic
diversity is a challenging problem, complicated further
because it is difficult to isolate DNA from stool samples.
The matrix contains inhibitors which can interfere with
downstream applications, leading to incorrect microbial
profiles and misrepresentation of the microbiota. Efficient
washing procedures are required in the DNA extraction
process to eliminate these inhibitors. The DNA in stool
samples is also frequently heavily fragmented, resulting in
DNA that is not suitable for many downstream applications.
Therefore, for improved NGS results and identification
of rare microbial species, it is critical that the extraction
protocol does not further fragment the DNA.
chemagic™ technology addresses the challenges associated
with the isolation of DNA from stool samples while offering
high recovery of clean DNA suitable for downstream
applications. Shaking and centrifugation steps that typically
result in nucleic acid denaturation and fragmentation are
avoided with chemagic™ technology. This automated magnetic
separation procedure uses M-PVA Magnetic Beads to isolate
and purify nucleic acids from human sample material. The
beads have a high affinity for nucleic acids and low inhibitor
binding, resulting in ultra-pure DNA or RNA. chemagic™
technology features magnetizable rotating rods, combining
the transfer and suspension of magnetic beads to extract
DNA, preventing further fragmentation. 3
Sample collection & DNA isolation
Stool samples were collected multiple times from 4 donors: 2 adults and 2 children below 2 years of age. Before DNA isolation,
collected stool samples were stored at 4 °C for 20 hours. DNA was isolated from the samples using the chemagic 360
instrument and the chemagic DNA stool kit.
DNA yield
Figure 3. DNA yield dependent upon sample input amount (Qubit® fluorometer)—A strong linear correlation exists between stool input
amount and the amount of double-stranded DNA isolated. DNA yield between donors can vary drastically, which makes it necessary for the
extraction system to be able to handle extremes on both ends of the spectrum.
Figure 2. chemagic™ technology uses automated magnetizable rotating rods, combining the transfer and suspension of magnetic beads, to
isolate ultrapure, high molecular weight DNA.
Sample + Lysis
Buffer + Enzymes
Lysate + Binding Buffer +
M-PVA Magnetic Beads
Transfer of magnetic
beads and DNA/RNA
instead of liquids
Washing Elution Pure DNA
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples 4
DNA quality assessment
LabChip GX Touch nucleic acid analyzer microfluidics technology delivers rapid capillary electrophoresis analysis for DNA
sample quality control. Eluates were analyzed on the LabChip GX Touch nucleic acid analyzer using the genomic DNA chip and
reagents. The genomic quality score (gQC) refers to the degradation degree of the sample; 5 stands for intact gDNA and 0 for
degraded DNA. In the gQS, the size distribution of the sample is included; the peak shifts to the left with increasing degradation,
and the gQS is reduced.
Figure 4. DNA gQC was determined using the LabChip GX Touch nucleic acid analyzer and th genomic DNA chip and reagents. Donor A and
Donor T show relatively high quality scores (gQS: 3.7/3.9 and 4.2/4.7).
Figure 5. Size distribution of DNA extracted from Donor A (100 mg) using the chemagic technology compared to a column-based extraction
method. Figure 5 shows that column-based manual DNA extraction methods can fragment DNA. This additional fragmentation is not seen when
using the chemagic™ technology.
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples
Donor A 100 mg
donor A 100 mg
Column extraction donor A 100 mg 5
Performance in QPCR
DNA eluates obtained from different sample input weights from Donor T were tested in a qPCR targeting the human beta2
microglobulin (gB2M) gene.
Library preparation
Post nucleic acid extraction, the Illumina Nextera DNA
Flex library prep kit was used for library construction.
The Illumina Nextera DNA Flex library prep kit employs
on-bead tagmentation that allows for the use of a broad
range of input material (1 – 500 ng) from both large and small
genomes, delivering consistent insert sizes, minimizing bias
and opportunities for error, making it highly suitable for the
metagenomics studies. Additionally, the Illumina® Nextera™
DNA Flex library prep kit innovates sample normalization at
inputs greater than 100 ng, eliminating the need to quantify
and normalize individual libraries generated within a single
experiment. The Illumina Nextera DNA Flex kit offers manual
users a host of benefits, including decreased time and
greater economies of scale, and to the automation user a
promise of higher sample throughput.
The Sciclone G3 NGSx liquid handling station is an
automated benchtop solution optimized for high throughput
library preparation. Automated library preparation enjoys
the benefit of precision pipetting and therefore significant
reductions in error, as well as flexible tip and waste
management solutions for even the most complex NGS
workflows. Protocols can be run from 8 to 96 samples,
Figure 6. Mean CT values of eluates from donor T in quantitative PCR for a human target. Eluates were tested undiluted and tenfold diluted.
The CT differences for diluted eluates versus undiluted eluates are close to the perfect value of 3.3 indicating the absence of any inhibitors left
in the eluates.
where the number of consumables required to complete
the run is constant regardless of sample number. For
manual library preparations, the Illumina Nextera DNA Flex
workflow already decreases laboratory time to a mere
3 hours; however, automating this workflow reduces library
preparation to as little as 2.5 hours for 8 samples and
3.5 hours for 96 samples, while reducing hands-on time to
45 minutes to an hour.
Illumina Nextera DNA Flex libraries were prepared on the
Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation with variable DNA input
volumes (5-30 μL). The DNA input amount was between
100-600 ng for a single library and within the optimal
range of 1-500 ng required for Illumina Nextera DNA Flex
libraries. To ensure the automated script fully aligns with the
Illumina Nextera DNA Flex manual protocol, a few sets of
libraries, from the same DNA isolates used for automation,
were prepared manually as internal controls. Between
2 independent runs, 90 Illumina Nextera DNA Flex libraries
were prepared on a Sciclone G3 NGS workstation, and
a subset of 42 libraries from the same DNA isolates was
prepared manually as an internal control.
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples 6
Figure 7. The automated Illumina Nextera DNA Flex library preparation workflow program on the Sciclone G3 NGS workstation reduces
hands on time and total sample prep time for construction of metagenomic libraries.
The Illumina Nextera DNA Flex Library Prep workflow program on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation is intuitively designed to
quickly set up, start, and track a run. The Application Selection Menu offers the ability to easily run the entire protocol or split
the workflow into modules.
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples 7
Figure 9. Automated Run 1 and Manual Run Index representation (%) of Illumina Nextera DNA Flex libraries prepared from various
amounts of stool metagenomic DNA and from an Illumina HiSeqX sequencing run (n=3). The automated and manual libraries were
prepared from the same Donor DNA and split into each workflow. The input amounts were dictated by concentration of DNA isolates and
maximum library input volume (30 μL). Index representation was similar across multiplexed sequencing libraries prepared either manually or
automated and was not impacted by amount of input DNA.
Figure 8. Input DNA amounts (ng), library size (bp), and library concentration (ng/μL) of automated Illumina Nextera DNA Flex libraries
prepared from stool metagenomic DNA and Coriell NA12878. Metagenomic libraries generated on the Sciclone G3 NGS workstation from
stool produced repeatable data that is similar to libraries generated from NA12878 gDNA.
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples 8
Figure 10. Quality Control overlay of Illumina Nextera DNA Flex sequencing libraries from Automated Run 2 on the Sciclone G3 NGSx
workstation, and analyzed on the LabChip GX Touch nucleic acid analyzer using the DNA NGS 3K Assay. The average insert sizes of 600
base pairs are fully aligned with the quality and sizing expected from manual library preparations.
Figure 11. MetaQUAST genome assembly analysis for a sub-set
of the top abundant bacteria species detected in Illumina Nextera
DNA Flex libraries by Genius Metagenomics.
Library preparation QC
Electrophoretic analysis assays are a core component of quality control (QC) for next generation sequencing libraries,
providing assessment of both the size and quantity of DNA fragments in a sample. Both capabilities serve to ensure that library
samples for sequencing are properly prepared. The LabChip GX Touch nucleic acid analyzer automates nucleic acid sizing and
quantitation of both fragments and smears. These assays, including NGS 3K and gDNA assay, provide unparalleled genomic and
NGS library data quality with minimal input requirements.
Manual and automated libraries were prepared in triplicate
from DNA extracted from a fecal sample originating from a
single donor. For all organisms analyzed, the automated and
manually prepared libraries generated comparable genome
assembly results.
The percent of genome assembled strongly depends on
alignment between available reference genome and genome
of particular species present in the tested stool samples.
Reference genomes were obtained from NCBI database.
Preferentially, whole genomes were used, and in the
instances where whole genomes could not be found, mostly
complete genomes consisting of contigs and scaffolds were
used instead.
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples
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Waltham, MA 02451 USA
Improving the efficiency of metagenomic analysis of stool samples
The Illumina Nextera DNA Flex library preparation kit offers
the most flexible protocol in the Illumina portfolio. The kit
supports a broad range of input amounts and versatile
applications. Its ability to generate normalized libraries
eliminates the burden of accurate quantification for both
input DNA and final library preparations.
The automated Illumina Nextera DNA Flex protocol,
combined with chemagic DNA extraction, is a convenient
solution for researchers whose microbiome projects
require a high level of automation. Stool storage
conditions which limit DNA degradation (Omega Bio-tek
tubes, (AC7055), 4 ºC storage), DNA isolation protocol
optimized for stool material, and the consistent, highly
uniform libraries delivered by the Illumina Nextera DNA
Flex kit allow thorough testing of complex human gut
bacterial communities.
1. Illumina (2017). Nextera DNA flex library preparation kit
data sheet.
2. Revvity (2016). Automated, high performance
electrophoresis for genomics. Document #011784B_01.
3. Revvity (2017). Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation for high
throughput sequencing sample prep applications.
Document #010500D_01.
4. Revvity (2016). Compact, high volume, high throughput
nucleic acid isolation. Document #CT6/30/0116-01.
5. Clarke SF, Murphy EF, Nilaweera K, Ross PR, Shanahan F,
O’Toole PW, Cotter PD. (2012) The gut microbiota and its
relationship to diet and obesity.
Gut Microbes 3:3, 186-202.
6. Guinane CM, Cotter PD. (2013). Role of the gut microbiota
in health and chronic gastrointestinal disease:
understanding a hidden metabolic organ. Ther Adv
Gastroenterol 6(4) 295–308.
7. Vandeputte D, Gwen Falony, Vieira-Silva, S, Tito RY,
Joossens M, Jeroen Raes J. (2015). Stool consistency is
strongly associated with gut microbiota richness and
composition, enterotypes and bacterial growth rates.
Gut 0:1–6. doi:10.1136/ gutjnl-2015-309618.
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