Detecting PFAS Contamination Using Combustion Ion Chromatography
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: August 6, 2024
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Published: July 19, 2024
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are used in various household products due to their resistance to water, oil and heat. Despite their utility, they are harmful pollutants linked to severe health issues.
Accurate measurement and control of these substances is crucial to protect waterways and public health. However, current detection methods are complex, time-consuming and can only identify a limited number of PFAS.
This application note describes how combustion ion chromatography (CIC) can provide a precise and automated method for analyzing a wide range of PFAS and their precursors, enhancing understanding of contamination levels and associated health risks.
Download this app note to explore :
- An automated and precise method for PFAS detection
- Detailed recovery data for PFAS compounds in various water sample types
- How CIC serves as a prescreening tool to identify compounds not detected by other methods
Detecting the elusive forever
chemicals using combustion
ion chromatography
(GC-MS/MS). Although powerful detection techniques,
they rely on time-consuming, complex processes that can
only identify a limited number of PFAS. As the number of
untargeted PFAS molecules continue to rise, the tried and
tested methods of the past no longer satisfy the needs of
the future.
This paper summarizes a recent Thermo Fisher Scientific
webinar: Using combustion ion chromatography (CIC) to
screen for extractable organic fluorine in PFAS, PFCA,
FTOH, and FOSA in water monitoring, presented by Carl
Fisher and Kirk Chassaniol. The webinar demonstrated
that CIC provides an automated, precise method for
the determination of adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF)
in environmental water samples, making it an attractive
complement to targeted methods to obtain a more
accurate indication of PFAS contamination.
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and their
precursors are used in many human-made products,
including non-stick cookware, food containers, polishes,
and waxes. Their resistance to water, oil, and heat also
makes them useful for many industrial processes and
in firefighting foams, the byproducts of which can easily
enter waterways. Although useful, PFAS are harmful
environmental pollutants; the most widely researched
PFAS chemicals, PFOA, and PFOS, have been linked
with immunological problems, cancer, and developmental
issues in animal studies, and there is evidence that they
can lead to adverse health outcomes in humans.1-3 PFAS
bioaccumulate and once present in food chains, can be
difficult to remove. This persistence and bioaccumulation
have dubbed PFAS the ‘forever chemicals.’
Accurate measurement of environmental pollutants is key
to detecting pollution and protecting waterways, particularly
if they are used as a source for human consumption, but
PFAS often elude detection. As the numbers of undetected
PFAS and their precursors continue to rise,4-7 it is more
important than ever that techniques are developed to screen
for the presence of PFAS molecules, especially those that
are not detected by targeted approaches.
Currently, the predominant method for the detection of
PFAS is solid-phase extraction (SPE), followed by liquid
chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
or gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry
What is AOX by CIC and how does it work?
Ion chromatography (IC) cannot be used in isolation to
analyze non-ionic PFAS. However, through first adsorbing
these compounds followed by combustion and gas
absorption (Figure 1), levels of adsorbable organic halides
(AOX), which include AOF, can be determined using CIC.
AOX by CIC analysis begins with the automated adsorption
unit where the halogens present in water samples are
retained on granular activated carbon. The inorganic
halogens are washed out and the resulting samples are
introduced into a combustion tube where they are oxidized
at high temperatures to produce sulfur dioxide, hydrogen
halides and elemental halogens. These substances then
pass into the gas absorption unit where sulfate and halide
ions are absorbed into solution. The ions in this solution are
readily detected using the IC system (Figure 2). By following
this process of converting organic molecules to detectable
ionic forms, organic halogens can be analyzed in the same
way as their inorganic counterparts, allowing both groups
of compounds to be detected by one IC unit.
Specific parameters ensure accurate detection of
forever chemicals
Various parameters, made available by CIC, can be set to
ensure effective detection of AOX, even in parts per billion
amounts. This means that even previously undetected
PFAS and precursors can now be potentially identified and
characterized by subsequently screening samples using
targeted techniques, providing the potential for a plethora
of yet unknown discoveries.
Figure 1. A) CIC system including autosampler, combustion furnace,
gas absorption unit and ion chromatograph, and B) adsorption
Figure 2. CIC process and resulting compounds. A) CIC process, B) Chemical forms present at each step, and C) Sample adsorption using granular
activated carbon.
Accurate detection starts in the combustion chamber. By
monitoring oxygen consumption, combustion is optimized,
resulting in shorter and more consistent runs compared
to results obtained using other technology, such as flame
sensors. Moving into the detection stage, sample loops
and preconcentration columns can be used to increase the
amount of sample on the column and lower the detection
limits. This stage is particularly important when working
with trace amounts of AOX, as is often the case in water
The IC stage itself can also be enhanced to deliver more
accurate detection, even at very low concentrations.
By using a hydroxide eluent, water dips are minimized
and, even without preconcentration, this enables larger
sample sizes to be analyzed for the detection of trace
elements. When automatic eluent generation is employed,
it eliminates the need for technicians to handle strong
bases and the potential error that can come with manual
calculations and mixing.
Automation can then be taken one step further with the use
of intelligent software. Overlaps can take place, allowing
preparation and combustion stages to run on new samples
while another is running through the IC stage. This reduces
each sample run time by 10 minutes, a number that soon
adds up to large time savings as the number of samples
analyzed increases.
Detecting the elusive PFAS with AOF by CIC
Recently, a Thermo Fisher Scientific team ran a series of
experiments to demonstrate the ability of CIC to detect
AOX in environmental water samples. Using a Thermo
Scientific™ Dionex™ Integrion™ HPIC™ system for detection,
wastewater and spiked wastewater samples were analyzed
using CIC with an isocratic 30 millimolar potassium
hydroxide eluent for the chromatographic step. Short
run times and excellent recovery of organic halogens, as
well as accurate resolution of each of the halogens, were
obtained (Figure 3 and Table 1).
Peaks (A): 1. Fluoride 0.0425 mg/L
2. Chloride 1.90
3. Bromide 0.340
Peaks (B): 1. Fluoride 0.543 mg/L
2. Chloride 3.92
3. Bromide 0.908
µS/cm 50
2 1 4 6 8 0
1 3
Analyte Amount spiked (µg/L) Average (µg/L) RSD Recovery (%)
50.0 53.7 4.75 107
80.1 86.6 1.31 108
160 173.7 1.33 109
250 275 4.19 110
50.0 43.8 4.70 87.6
80.0 76.7 2.95 95.9
160 147.4 1.41 92.1
320 291 4.54 90.8
115 118 5.08 103
184 198 2.95 108
367 402.7 2.96 110
574 656 3.38 114
Figure 3. Ion chromatograph showing peaks for each of the halogens
in both the wastewater (A) and spiked wastewater (B) samples.
Table 1. Recovery of each halide in the spiked wastewater sample (n=3).
A similar technique was used to determine AOF in four
water sample types. Again, potassium hydroxide was
used as the eluent, supplied by an eluent generator
cartridge. Surface water, municipal wastewater, industrial
wastewater, and groundwater samples were analyzed, with
perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) and 4-fluorobenzoic
acid (4-FBA) added to a final concentration of 10 µg/L
to determine the recoveries of representative organic
fluorinated compounds in environmental samples.
The wastewater matrix showed recoveries from 85%
to 102% for PFBS and 82% and 127% for 4-FBA,
confirming the ability of AOF by CIC to determine the
presence of PFAS compounds and supporting its use
as a prescreening tool to detect compounds that are not
included in targeted methods.
Figure 4. Ion chromatographs obtained after adsorption on activated carbon and combustion of four different water sample types. (A) municipal
wastewaters, (B) groundwaters, (C) surface waters, (D) industrial wastewater (diluted 1 to 10).
Table 2. Recovery data for PFBS and 4-FBA
Surface water Wastewater
(%) Sample
1 94 1 102 90
2 105 2 91 83
3 99 3 86 82
4 92 4 89 n.d.
5 109 5 93 n.d.
6 98 6 85 83
7 98 7 94 127
8 99
Fluoride (C)
4 4
0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15
t (min)
Κ (µS/cm)
Precise and accurate determination of AOX and AOF
in environmental water analysis
What these results tell us is that CIC can be used
as a single technique to determine AOX and AOF in
environmental water samples. Importantly, this technique
can be used not only for total levels but also to provide
determinations for individual halogens.
AOX and AOF by CIC provide a fast, precise, and more
accurate alternative to existing standardized techniques,
by delivering greater automation and increased speed.
These benefits deliver reduced error rates, time savings,
and more accurate determinations. Moreover, along with
being a replacement technology for combustion sample
preparation and analytical titrations, CIC can be used as a
complementary technique. Because CIC provides a simpler
and more cost-effective method, it is an ideal pre-screening
tool to identify suspicious samples which may contain
additional PFAS compounds that were not included in the
targeted LC-MS/MS method. The suspicious samples can
then undergo an unknown screen using high-resolution
accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry. CIC helps
make this process more cost-effective and saves time
because it identifies which samples should be screened
using HRAM, avoiding the need to screen all samples.
Although standards organizations globally are focusing
their methods on the detection of PFAS compounds with
SPE and LC-MS/MS or GS-MS/MS, it is widely known
that the majority of PFAS and precursors continue to go
undetected with this technique. It is hoped that this work,
and others like it, will fuel a deeper and wider consideration
of CIC to enable the uncovering of a greater number of
previously undetected perfluorinated compounds.
For more detailed information on AOX and AOF by CIC and
the results of these studies, watch the webinar or read the
application notes for AOX by CIC and AOF by CIC.
1. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. NIEHS Perfluorinated Chemicals
(PFCs) fact sheet, 2012.
perflourinated_chemicals_508.pdf (accessed Dec 1, 2019).
2. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
(PFAS). (accessed Dec 1, 2019).
3. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). An Overview of
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Interim Guidance for Clinicians
Responding to Patient Exposure Concerns, 2019.
clinical-guidance-12-20-2019.pdf (accessed Apr 6, 2020).
4. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Updated List complete
document 25-06-07 - revised August 20, 2007. Lists of PFOS, PFAS, PFOA, PFCA,
Related Compounds and Chemicals that may degrade to PFCA. http://www.oecd.
mono(2006)15 (accessed Dec 1, 2019).
5. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Toward a new
comprehensive global database of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs):
Summary report on updating the OECD 2007 Lists of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFASs), 2018.
mentpdf/?cote=ENV-JM-MONO(2018)7&doclanguage=en (accessed Jan 6, 2020).
6. Houtz, E. F.; Sutton, R.; Park, J.-S.; Sedlak, M. Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in
wastewater: Significance of unknown precursors, manufacturing shifts, and likely AFFF
impacts. Water Res., 2016, 95, 142–149.
7. D’Agostino, L. A.; Mabury, S. A. Certain Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Associated with Aqueous Film Forming Foam Are Widespread in Canadian Surface
Waters. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51, 13603–13613.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
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