Fourth Edition of Practical Guide to ICP-MS and Other Atomic Spectroscopy Techniques: A Tutorial for Beginners
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I'm very excited to announce the availability of the fourth edition of my book, "Practical Guide to ICP-MS and Other AS Techniques: A Tutorial for Beginners". My publisher (CRC Press/Routledge/Taylor & Francis) will begin taking preorders on September 8th with a 20% introductory discount.
This was a major undertaking for me because the previous edition of the book came out in 2014 and my publisher has been bugging me for the past couple of years to come out with a new edition. I initially resisted because I had been heavily involved in writing two other books on elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals and heavy metals in cannabis and hemp. In addition, I had committed to writing columns for a number of scientific journals to educate their readers on the benefits of ICP-MS for various applications. As a result, I just didn’t have the bandwidth or the time to undertake another book project. However, book publishers can be very persuasive (increasing royalties definitely helps) and a year ago I agreed to write a brand-new edition for publication in the summer of 2023.
Twenty years in the making
I cannot believe it has been almost 20 years since I published the first edition of this textbook in 2004 and nine years since the third edition was launched in 2014. What was originally intended as a series of ICP-MS tutorials on the basic principles for Spectroscopy Magazine in 2001 quickly grew into a textbook focusing on the practical side of the technique.
With over 6,000 copies sold, including a Chinese (Mandarin) edition, I’m very honored that the book has gained the reputation of being the reference book of choice for beginners to the technique all over the world. Sales have exceeded my wildest expectations. Of course, it helps when it is “recommended reading” for a Pittsburgh Conference (PittCon) ICP-MS short course I teach on “How to Select an ICP-MS”. It also helps when you get the visibility of your book being displayed at a bunch of different vendors’ booths at PittCon every year. But there is no question in my mind that the major reason for its success is that it presents ICP-MS in a way that is very easy to understand for novices and shows the practical benefits of the technique for carrying out routine trace element analysis.
Application landscape
During the time the book has been in print, the application landscape has slowly changed. When the technique was first commercialized in 1983, it was mainly the environmental and geological communities that were the first to realize its benefits. Then, as its capabilities became better known and its performance improved, other application areas like clinical, toxicology and semiconductor markets embraced the technique.
Today, with all its performance and productivity enhancement tools, ICP-MS is the most dominant trace element technique. Besides the traditional application fields mentioned, it is now being utilized in other exciting areas including nanoparticle research, oil exploration, pharmaceutical manufacturing and, more recently, for the testing of cannabis and hemp for heavy metal contaminants. As a result, with a street price tag for a single quadrupole-based ICP-MS on the order of $120–150,000, it is being purchased for applications that were previously being carried out by inductively coupled plasm optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and atomic absorption/fluorescence (AA/AF).
Not only is it an exciting time for users of the ICP-MS technique, but it also means that the other suitable techniques, which are often overlooked, now have lower price tags that make them a lot more attractive for labs with a limited budget, with less demanding detection limit requirements or with lower sample throughput demands.
Complimentary techniques
Eight years is a long time for a book to remain current. Sales of the book actually increased during the COVID pandemic; the trace element-using community was probably using the time to broaden their knowledge by investing in educational resources. For that reason, it made sense to not only write an updated version to represent the current state of the technology and applications being carried out, but also to incorporate all the great feedback I received from users and vendors over the past few years.
One of the most common requests was to expand the book beyond ICP-MS and include other AS techniques. So, with that as background, this edition is a little different. It will of course have comprehensive chapters on the fundamental principles of ICP-MS that have been covered in previous editions of the book. However, it will also include other AS techniques that are complementary to ICP-MS, such as flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption (FAAS/GFAAS), atomic fluorescence (AF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MIP-AES), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) and laser ablation, laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LALI-TOF-MS). So, the target audience will predominantly be new ICP-MS users, who have perhaps used other AS techniques, but want to better their understanding of the basics and how to apply them to solve real-world analytical problems.
What’s new?
By comparing it with other complementary AS techniques, it gives the trace element analysis user community a glimpse into why the technique was first developed and how the application landscape has defined its use today, 40 years after it was first commercialized in 1983.
What’s new in the fourth edition:
- Updated chapters on the fundamental principles and applications of ICP-MS
- New chapters on complementary AS techniques including AA, AF, ICP-OES, MIP-AES, XRF, XRD, LIBS, LALI-TOFMS
- Strategies for reducing errors and contamination with plasma spectrochemical techniques
- Comparison of collision and reaction cells including triple/multi quad systems
- Novel approaches to sample digestion
- Alternative sample introduction accessories
- Comprehensive glossary of terms used in AS
- New vendor contact information
However, this edition of the book is not only suited to novices and beginners in cannabis testing laboratories but also to more experienced analytical scientists who want to know more about recent ICP-MS developments and where the technique might be heading in the future. Furthermore, it offers much-needed guidance on how best to evaluate commercial AS instrumentation and what the best technique might be, based on your lab’s specific application demands.
So, with that in mind, please feel free to check out the fourth edition of “Practical Guide to ICP-MS and Other AS Techniques: A Tutorial for Beginners”; I promise you will not be disappointed. More information, including ordering details, can be found here.