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Holly Large is a PhD student at the University of Leicester, with interests in public health genomics and science communication. Before joining the University of Leicester she worked as Technology Networks' editorial assistant. In her role as editorial assistant Holly supported the publication’s in-house writers.

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Published Content
Total: 37
Scientists Share Their Worst Work-Related Injuries and… Ouch content piece image

Scientists Share Their Worst Work-Related Injuries and… Ouch

Sharp objects, toxic chemicals and infectious bacteria – just a few of the hazards that scientists work with on a daily basis… what on earth could go wrong?
The Brain Under Pressure: An Interview With Kavli Prize in Neuroscience Winner Professor Ardem Patapoutian content piece image

The Brain Under Pressure: An Interview With Kavli Prize in Neuroscience Winner Professor Ardem Patapoutian

In this interview, Technology Networks speak with Professor Ardem Patapoutian, winner of this year’s Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, about his discovery of the Piezos, a family of pressure-sensitive ion channels with crucial roles in the body.
Industry Insight

Real-time Antibody Titer Monitoring Advances Bioprocessing Capabilities

In facilitating the move to continuous processing in biotherapeutic production, bioprocessing specialists are being driven to develop innovative analytical testing methods for key measurements of output and quality, such as antibody titer.

Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing: What Does Consent Mean?

We explore the intricacies of informed consent in genetic testing, including the role of secondary findings and genetic counseling.
Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing content piece image

Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing

In this series, we’ll explore some of the ethical issues of genetic testing, including those surrounding consent and confidentiality and the roles of the parties involved.

Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing: What Does Consent Mean?

We explore the intricacies of informed consent in genetic testing, including the role of secondary findings and genetic counseling.
Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing: Where Does Duty Begin and End? content piece image

Exploring the Ethics of Genetic Testing: Where Does Duty Begin and End?

What are the legal, professional and ethical, duties of researchers and clinicians in handling genetic testing and the knowledge that might be gained from it?
The Wonders of the Microscopic World content piece image

The Wonders of the Microscopic World

Download this FREE flipbook to get a glimpse into the wonders of the microscopic world, with stunning microscopy images from Olympus' Image of the Year Awards 2019.
“Make Up Your Own Holiday” Day content piece image

“Make Up Your Own Holiday” Day

In honor of this day, we asked some of our staff back at Technology Networks HQ what they would choose to see celebrated on a global level.
Can We Reliably Predict Monsoons? content piece image

Can We Reliably Predict Monsoons?

Researchers have uncovered a novel way of overcoming the difficulties in predicting the South Asian summer monsoon.