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Latest How To Guides

Western Blot
How To Guide

How To Achieve High-Quality Western Blots

Download this guide to explore how you can achieve high-quality western blots by improving protein isolation and sample preparation, optimizing your antibodies and using controls effectively.
Data Integrity Risks
How To Guide

How To Reduce Data Integrity Risk

The aim of this guide is to provide practical advice on how to reduce data integrity risk and ensure GxP compliance. Learn from those in the industry who have failed to comply with data integrity regulations and who have been on the receiving end of an FDA inspection.
A person's hand holding a pen poised over a graph in a scientific paper.
How To Guide

Research Spotlight: Disseminate Your Research With Us

We know how important disseminating your findings is when working in research, but also how challenging it can be to find opportunities to do so aside from presenting posters and talks at conferences. So, we want to address this!
The Ultimate Guide to Corning® Matrigel® Matrix  content piece image
How To Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Corning® Matrigel® Matrix

For the past 35 years, the Corning® Matrigel® matrix has been used by researchers in essential applications as well as in cutting-edge, life-changing research. CLS scientists have learned a lot over the last 3+ decades and want to share that information with the scientific community.
Overcome Challenges in PFAS Analysis and Meet Evolving Requirements content piece image
How To Guide

Overcome Challenges in PFAS Analysis and Meet Evolving Requirements

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used in a variety of industrial processes and consumer products. They are highly stable, resistant to degradation and persist in our environment as potentially hazardous ‘forever chemicals’.
Agarose gel wells being loaded.
How To Guide

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Tips and Tricks

Download this guide to explore key considerations to remember when selecting the concentration of agarose required to give optimal separation, pouring and running your gel, and maintaining your equipment.
Revolutionary Binding Kinetics Analysis content piece image
How To Guide

Revolutionary Binding Kinetics Analysis

Conventional bioassays often require labeled detection reagents to provide a measurable readout. However, modifications to molecular structure and/or function can skew results, and non-specific binding of the labels themselves can lead to an unwanted background signal.
A closeup of blue tubes in a centrifuge
How To Guide

Caring for Your Centrifuge

Download this guide to learn tips on balancing, choosing the correct tubes, training, maintenance and cleaning.
A gloved hand holds a conical flask containing water. A glass pipette containing water can be seen to the left. In the background there are many test tubes.
How To Guide

Maintaining Water Quality in the Lab – Key Considerations

Download this guide to explore different water types and their uses, the implications of poor water quality and water storage.
Nitrosamine Impurity Analysis Solutions Guide content piece image
How To Guide

Nitrosamine Impurity Analysis Solutions Guide

Since the discovery of elevated levels of nitrosamines in certain pharmaceuticals, reported in July 2018, finding the right solutions have become a major focus for many pharmaceutical manufacturers, particularly as they are considered probable human carcinogens.