Accurate pesticide analysis ensures food and environmental samples meet regulatory standards and reduces the risk of exposure to harmful contaminants. While traditional QuEChERS extraction is effective for pesticide analysis, the followed clean-up of the QuEChERS raw extract by dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) poses challenges in terms of time, labor and cost efficiency.
The latest advancements in micro-solid phase extraction (μSPE) offer streamlined, automated sample cleanup, overcoming the limitations of manual dispersive solid-phase extraction (d-SPE).
This infographic explores how μSPE provides efficient cleanup for pesticide analysis.
Download this infographic to explore:
- The benefits of uSPE over traditional QuEChERS clean-up methods
- How automation improves efficiency and reduces labor costs
- Practical insights into enhancing the accuracy of pesticide analysis
µSPE lets researchers
achieve their
goals faster.
Pesticide analysis plays a key role in ensuring food and environmental safety. By ensuring
compliance with regulatory standards, it helps minimize the risk of exposure to potentially
harmful contaminants.
QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe) extraction is commonly
used to clean samples during pesticide analysis. Initial extraction uses solvents, such
as acetonitrile, and partitioning salts to separate the sample from unwanted matrix
compounds. Following this, additional extraction often relies on manual dispersive solidphase extraction (d-SPE) to further purify samples. However, this conventional approach
creates challenges in terms of time, labor and cost efficiency and requires large quantities
of solvent during analysis. In contrast, the latest technological advances in micro-solid
phase extraction (μSPE) overcome many of these limitations and offer the ability
to automate sample clean-up.
This infographic explores how μSPE provides a streamlined solution for pesticide analysis.
Streamlined Pesticide Analysis:
Enhancing Efficiency With Automated Micro-SPE
The traditional dispersive approach
The analytical power of μSPE
Multi-step dispersive clean-up
Fully automated µSPE clean-up
Achieve cutting-edge
sample clean-up and analysis.
pesticides across different matrices.
Manual dispersive workflows use a series of labor-intensive processes to extract samples of
interest. Each additional step in this process prolongs the analytical workflow, creating more
opportunities for inaccuracies and increased processing costs.
By automating repetitive tasks and minimizing manual intervention, μSPE accelerates
throughput without compromising accuracy. μSPE streamlines the sample preparation
process, significantly reducing labour time and solvent usage, allowing scientists to spend
more time on valuable data analysis.
Understanding the limitations of traditional workflows allows laboratories to make informed
decisions about which clean-up approach suits their needs. The adoption of cutting-edge
techniques, such as μSPE, can unlock efficient workflows, accurate analysis and provides
cost-effective approaches to pesticide clean-up and analysis.1-3
μSPE offers the opportunity to improve a range of workflows through cost savings, efficiency
and advanced analytical capabilities.
By unlocking efficient and streamlined workflows, μSPE empowers laboratories to achieve
operational excellence and meet regulatory requirements with confidence. μSPE cartridges
pair with the PAL System to provide the analytical power needed across a range
of applications, from food safety to environmental monitoring.
Depending on batch size,
manual sample transfer can
add hours of intensive labor
to the workflow.
A streamlined workflow
reduces the number of
manual sample transfer
steps and allows analysis and
sample preparation to be
carried out in parallel.
Throughout this workflow,
samples need to be
manually tracked to maintain
data integrity and regulatory
Automated sample tracking
eliminates human error
and variability.
Less solvent is used
during processing without
compromising performance.
The μSPE workflow allows for
a significant reduction (factor 2)
in solvent consumption
compared to dispersive
solid phase extraction.
Requires significant
quantities of solvents,
driving up consumable costs
and generating excess waste.
Reduce labor requirements
by more than 30%, freeing
up hours of valuable time
for data analysis and high
impact activities.
Relies on time-consuming
manual operations,
with low sample throughput.
Overlap sample clean-up
and analysis, drastically
increasing throughput.
Extended workflows demand
time and reduce throughput.
Sample transfer
with adsorbent
Load cartridge
Inject ready
for GC-MS
Elute extract
Sample mixing
Sample transfer
ready for
GC MS analysis
solvent usage
Manual sample
tracking and
sample processing
Lower solvent
solvent usage
High solvent usage
Low-labor input
Reduce solvent usage
in line with green
chemistry principles.
High throughput
Increase operational
efficiency to minimize
labor input and reduce
overall costs.
Fully automated
Enhance sample
throughput using
automated sampling
and analysis.
Eliminate sources of
error to ensure reliable
and precise results.
Reliable and
sensitive analysis
Labor-intensive processes
Walk away
Sequential sampling
and analysis
labor hours
! ! ! !
! ! !
Choosing the right workflow
Improved workflow through μSPE
Explore the capabilities of μSPE
Unlock the power of μSPE cartridges
1. Michlig N, Lehotay SJ. Evaluation of a septumless mini-cartridge for automated solid-phase
extraction cleanup in gas chromatographic analysis of >250 pesticides and environmental
contaminants in fatty and nonfatty foods. Journal of chromatography A/Journal of
chromatography. 2022;1685:463596-463596. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2022.463596
2. Hakme E, Poulsen ME. Evaluation of the automated micro-solid phase extraction clean-up
system for the analysis of pesticide residues in cereals by gas chromatography-Orbitrap
mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 2021;1652:462384.
doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462384
3. Lorena Manzano Sánchez, Jesús F, Ferrer C, M. Mar Gómez-Ramos, Amadeo
Fernández-Alba. Evaluation of automated clean-up for large scope pesticide
multiresidue analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
Journal of chromatography A/Journal of chromatography. 2023;1694:463906-463906.
doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.463906