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Colored circles illustrating where lithium ions build up in the battery.

Sluggish Lithium Ions Hold Back Solid-State Lithium-Sulfur Battery Performance

Observing the transport of lithium ions in a solid-state lithium-sulfur battery has revealed that sluggish lithium ions cause slow charging and discharging, limiting the performance of the battery.
A strand of mRNA.

Understanding Differences Between Bacterial and Human Ribosomes Could Unlock New Therapeutic Avenues

Recent research has shown that human ribosomes decode mRNA more slowly than bacterial ribosomes, but more accurately. Understanding this difference could support the development of new therapeutics for cancer and infections.
Mouse on a concrete surface.

Miniaturized Three-Photon Microscope Provides Deep Brain Insights

Researchers have made a new breakthrough in multiphoton microscopy by developing a miniature three-photon microscope that has successfully captured deep-brain images of freely moving mice.
Two people stood on a elevated rocky area half covered in snow, collecting samples and making notes.

Some of Antarctica's Ice Sheets Have Melted and Refrozen Before

The ice sheet in Queen Maud Land in East Antarctica is not stable. Large amounts of ice have melted in the past, most recently around 5,000 years ago, evidence suggests.
A brain surrounded by electricity.

Immune Cells' "Cranial Housekeeping" Hampered by Traumatic Brain Injury

Following traumatic brain injury in mice, the brain’s immune system cells’ internal recycling function slowed dramatically, allowing waste products to build up and interfere with recovery from injury.
Gray blooms of bacteria on an agar plate.

Surface Structure Impacts Bacterial "Chatter"

"Chatter" between bacteria in a biofilm helps colonies to scavenge food and defend against threats like antibiotics. New research has shown that these signals are affected by the structure of the surface the bacteria are on.
Rashers of streaky bacon sizzling in a pan.

Lab-Grown Fat Could Make Cultured Meat's Flavor and Texture More Realistic

Researchers have successfully bulk-produced fat tissue in the lab that has a similar texture and make-up to naturally occurring fats from animals and could be applied to the production of cultured meat, giving it a more realistic texture and flavor.
The high altitude research station, Jungfraujoch.

Banned Ozone-Destroying Chemical Emissions Are Increasing

According to a study, the emissions of five ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons have rapidly increased between 2010 and 2020.
Picture of a person blowing into their hands because it is cold.

Lower Body Temperature Supports Healthy Aging

Researchers from the University of Cologne’s CECAD Cluster of Excellence in Aging Research have uncovered one of the mechanisms by which a lower body temperature increases life expectancy. The study is published in Nature Aging.
A bottle of liquid sits on a table, with other bottle sin the background.

Drug Strategy May Make Drugs More Soluble and Palatable for Children

A crystal engineering strategy could be used to make medicines more soluble and palatable, particularly for drugs where a high dose is required, like praziquantel, the drug of choice for schistosomiasis.