Xceleron Signs Three Year Preferred Supplier Agreement With GSK

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Xceleron has announced the signing of a further three-year preferred supplier Agreement with GlaxoSmithKline. Under the terms of the Agreement Xceleron will provide support for GSK's bioanalytical AMS programme specifically for human metabolite profiling and obtaining mass balance data.
Xceleron is recognised for its expertise in AMS techniques. The company has been retained specifically to provide consultancy for further development of AMS analytical processes, for problem solving and for back-up analytical capacity using its own AMS instrument.
In a validation of the use of AMS technology for accelerating drug development, GSK recently became the first pharmaceutical company to invest directly in this technique by buying two of its own AMS devices.
Xceleron's CEO Professor Colin Garner commented, “This is a tremendous vote of confidence in Xceleron's unrivalled expertise in this area.”
“We have always valued our relationship with GSK as co-founders of this company and strong supporters of AMS in drug development and we look forward to another three years of working together.”
Other applications of AMS zeptotechnology include absolute bioavailability and microdosing studies - all of which provide key human clinical data.