Xcelleron Sign Agreement with Biofrontera

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Xceleron has announced an agreement for a Phase 0 microdose study with Biofrontera Bioscience GmbH, a member of the German Biofrontera Group.
The study’s purpose is to administer sub-pharmacological dose levels of promising drug candidates in human volunteers in order to gain critical pharmacokinetic information which in turn will enable the most promising drug candidate(s) to be progressed to Phase I trials.
Dr Reinhold Gahlmann, Managing Director of Biofrontera Bioscience GmbH, commented, "Our collaboration with Xceleron, and the use of their highly innovative approach, will save Biofrontera significant time and cost, allowing us to focus resources on our most promising preclinical drug candidates going forward."
Xceleron will co-ordinate the complete microdose project from synthesis through clinical trials (with Dutch clinical partners Pharma Bio-research) and finally zeptoanalysis at the Company’s GLP accredited laboratories in York, UK using ultra-sensitive accelerator mass spectrometery (AMS).
"This agreement means that Biofrontera becomes Xceleron’s 89th client and confirms that microdosing is fast becoming an accepted approach in drug development with the interface between preclinical and clinical trial stages radically changing," said Professor Colin Garner, Xceleron’s CEO.