Biobanks supporting diverse clinical studies face unique challenges in managing varying cryovial types, labeling practices and storage requirements.
Manual handling methods struggle to keep up with high volumes and high turnover of samples, often leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies.
This poster explores how advanced automation tools can address these challenges, enabling clinical biobanks to improve compliance, optimize space and streamline operations for diverse sample sets.
Download this poster to learn:
- Key considerations for automating diverse cryovial collections
- Strategies for managing high volumes of samples efficiently
- How automation increases productivity and enhances compliance in biobank operations
Automate High-Turn & High-Volume
Clinical Samples to Maximize Benefits
Evaluation of Collections for Automated Sample
Handling and Storage in a Biobank with
Diverse Sample Sets
Automating Clinical Collections • ~70% of samples are in 2mL cryovials
• 85% of samples ship within 3 years
• Diverse cryovial types are possible with
the right automation tools
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about Azenta Storage
A multivariant analysis was performed that took into consideration storage
temperature, cryovial volume, cryovial size, label format, label application
practices and expected utilization. Volume and cryovial size were obtained
from the sample management system (SMS), while cryovial type required a
physical assessment to capture manufacturer and catalog number of the
cryovials being received. Sample utilization was evaluated taking into
consideration the age of the sample in the biobank.
Clinical biobanks have used automated sample handling and storage solutions for more than a
decade supporting large observational and population-based studies. They have
accomplished this by use of standardized consumables. However, many clinical biobanks have
diverse collections that change over time. The biobank is not typically empowered to use
select consumables and must be able to accommodate multiple types. Furthermore, common
practice at the clinical sites processing the samples is to add handwritten information to
‘sticky’ labels applied to the cryovials that are often not automation friendly.
Seventy percent of the samples received were in 2 mL cryovials
from 5 different manufacturers. Different color High Density
(HD) trays were designed to allow for easy visual segregation of
the cryovial types by biobank technicians in the automated
store to ensure effectiveness of the tube pickers used in the
sample handling process. Specific collections were chosen for
prioritization of automated storage based on utilization
practices. It was found that 85% of samples requested for
retrieval were requested within 3 years of sample receipt.
Automation of sample handling and storage is possible in clinical
biobanks that support diverse studies. Through analysis of physical
properties associated with samples received and assessment of
utilization patterns, automation can be employed to reduce labor
efforts and improve compliance and space efficiency in diverse
clinical biobanks.
J. Gore, Z. Kogler, D. Montano, J. Luo, K. Shea, Azenta Life Sciences
Consumables Chosen for
Azenta Clinical BioStore #1, Indiana
Consumables used in Clinical Sample Environment- Candidates for Vial, Tube or Box level Automation
ISBER 2023 Annual Meeting, PA-07
Customer Code % of Grand
Sample Est.
# of Inbound
Customer #1 15.5% 437,926 8,827
Customer #2 11.6% 325,492 10,485
Customer #3 9.1% 257,649 6,876
Customer #4 8.8% 246,800 4,262
Customer #5 7.6% 213,473 4,921
Customer #6 7.2% 202,054 12,294
Customer #7 5.2% 145,356 5,031
Customer #8 4.3% 122,501 1,720
Customer #9 2.7% 76,376 1,095
Customer #10 2.7% 75,413 853
Customer #11 2.0% 57,621 395
Customer #12 2.0% 56,001 2,337
Customer #13 1.6% 44,679 1,279
Inbound Samples
Outbound Samples
Customer Code % of Grand
Total # of Samples # of Outbound
Customer #1 15.5% 69,020 1,334
Customer #3 13.3% 58,885 714
Customer #6 10.4% 45,990 768
Customer #14 7.2% 32,115 381
Customer #7 6.9% 30,584 626
Customer #15 6.7% 29,846 305
Customer #5 5.8% 25,776 390
Customer #2 5.7% 25,281 382
Customer #16 3.9% 17,222 195
Customer #17 3.0% 13,370 156
Customer #18 2.2% 9,645 124