Bruker Introduces LC/GC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer micrOTOF™ II for LC/MS and GC/MS on One System

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At ASMS 2008, Bruker Daltonics has announced the new further enhanced micrOTOF II API-TOF mass spectrometer, as well as an optional GC-APCI Interface for a single high-performance platform for LC/MS and GC/MS with analyte flexibility.
Bruker Daltonics has enhanced its well-known high-resolution API-TOF system, the micrOTOF™, even further improving its resolution to greater than 16,500 and its mass accuracy to 1-2 ppm.
Even better mass accuracy plus SmartFormula™ makes the micrOTOF II an outstanding instrument in its class, providing the user with high confidence in formula determination and identification, even in complex mixtures.
For additional analytical flexibility, the micrOTOF II now can be equipped with a new GC-APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) interface which allows GC/TOF-MS analysis on the same instrument.
This combination obviates the need for a dedicated GC/TOF, offering instead outstanding mass accuracy and resolution on a single platform with simple interchange between LC and GC operation in a few minutes without tools. The micrOTOF II the first universal bench-top accurate mass tool for GC and LC chemical analysis.
Typical applications for GC/TOF-MS include multiple target screening, identification of unknown peaks in the GC chromatogram and metabolomics studies. The high acquisition speed of 20 Hz spectra-to-disk of the micrOTOF II allows temporal resolution of the sharp peaks which are generated by a GC.
All renowned Bruker software tools to deliver real answers from LC/TOF-MS data, such as Smartformula™ for molecular sum formula generation, or TargetAnalysis™ for screening can be immediately applied to GC/TOF analysis.
The GC-APCI source can be further upgraded with a laser to APLI (atmospheric pressure laser ionization) which is an exciting new ionization technique for specific applications such as ultra-trace determination of PAH in food and water. The APLI technique delivers dramatic improvements in sensitivity and selectivity for these applications.