Bruker Launches Novel D8 QUEST and D8 VENTURE High Performance X-ray Crystallography Systems

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This Memorial Day weekend at the 2011 Annual ACA Meeting, Bruker will launch a new series of high-performance X-ray crystallography systems, including the D8 QUEST™ and the D8 VENTURE™. Both systems incorporate next-generation X-ray source and novel detector technology to deliver unrivalled performance, ease of use, reliability and value.
The D8 QUEST is a compact and economical, yet high-performance, single X-ray source configuration for typical applications in chemical crystallography, while the D8 VENTURE provides the platform for all dual wavelength combinations for chemical and biological crystallography.
The D8 QUEST and D8 VENTURE systems both feature the newly-developed PHOTON 100™ detector, the first CMOS-based detector for chemical crystallography. The PHOTON 100 represents a paradigm change in area X-ray detector technology with respect to sensitivity, speed, dynamic range, resolution and detector size.
The PHOTON 100 detector is based on a large, research-grade CMOS sensor with an active area of 100 cm2 that is four times larger than typical CCD chips commonly used for X-ray detection. This new CMOS detector offers a detection efficiency significantly better than any other available detector.
Also, because of the outstanding reliability of low-voltage CMOS detector technology, the PHOTON 100 is the first detector to carry a full 3-year warranty.
The new D8 crystallography systems offer a range of X-ray source and optics options, including the proven performance of sealed-tube X-ray generators with the unique TRIUMPH™ curved crystal monochromator, or the exceptional brilliance and long lifetime of the new IS™ microfocus X-ray source with now up to 60% higher intensity.
All new D8 system configurations feature a new beam path design that allows easy alignment with the X-ray enclosure doors closed in order to comply with the latest radiation safety regulations.
The D8 systems also offer the widest range of proven goniometer options, including the open access and convenience of the FIXED-CHI, or the ultimate performance and flexibility of the KAPPA geometry.
Both new goniometers are driven by a new collision-avoidance program, based on the latest robotic trajectory-planning algorithms, which makes experiment planning easier and more efficient than ever.
Dr. Michael Ruf, Global Product Manager for Single Crystal XRD at Bruker AXS, stated: "Fifteen years ago, Bruker pioneered CCD-based area detectors that revolutionized X-ray crystallography. Most of the chemical structures published worldwide since that time have been measured using Bruker instruments with CCD detectors. However, today customers are looking at ever more difficult problems, from micro-crystals to electron charge density to metal-oxide frameworks.
With its advanced CMOS detector technology, cutting-edge X-ray sources, innovative software and flexible, modular design, the new D8 QUEST and D8 VENTURE crystallography systems offer even more powerful capabilities to deal with these challenging scientific problems."