Hiden SpaciMS System
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The Hiden SpaciMS spatially resolved capillary inlet mass spectrometer system is a research tool configured to dynamically sample gaseous species inside the confined spaces of reactive devices including automotive catalysts, fuel reformers and fuel cells for example.
By measuring chemical composition and temperature in both space and time within the reactor, direct in situ sampling ensures optimum definition of the reactor profile and of the catalytic chemistry.
The Spaci-MS inlet combines up to 16 quartz capillary sampling lines and thermocouples with a custom-configured interface to enable operation with a broad range of reactor type. Inlet streams are user selectable and can be configured for both manual and automated stream-switching.
The motor-driven linear ‘z’-drive enables acquisition of a true three dimensional map of the reactor chemistry complete with temperature profile, the minimally invasive nature of the capillary inlet system ensuring there is negligible disruption to the reactor flow and consequently negligible disruption to the reaction chemistry.
The selected gas streams are fed directly to the Hiden HPR-20 QIC mass spectrometer, providing fast response times of less than 300 millisecond for most common gases and vapours. Optimum sample integrity is maintained with sample exposure restricted to just quartz and platinum wetted surfaces.