Markes International Product Launches at Pittcon 2015

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Markes International has announced that it will be launching a new oil refinery fenceline monitoring solution for benzene and other VOCs at Pittcon 2015, Booth #1019.
The new package will enable oil refineries to comply with the forthcoming US EPA Method 325, which is expected to become law this summer. Adherence to the method will be required to comply with the new US federal regulation CFR 40, and will involve the monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) around the boundary of refineries using passive samplers analyzed by thermal desorption–gas chromatography.
Markes’s solution for Method 325 comprises: a 325 Field Station to protect the passive sampling tubes from the elements; a 325 Container for secure transport of tubes to and from the sampling location; RFID tagging of the tubes to ensure robust chain-of-custody between the field and the laboratory; TD-100 automated platform-neutral thermal desorber for simultaneous analysis of VOCs, SVOCs and thermally labile compounds from ppt to percent levels in a single sequence; TC-20 multi-tube conditioning unit to improve laboratory productivity and reduce costs.
Massimo Santoro, Technical Marketing Director at Markes International, says “Markes’ extensive experience of drafting and consulting on standard/regulatory methodology has placed us in a very good position to advise refineries and contract laboratories on the best way to comply with Method 325. Although the requirements of the method at first sight seem complex, the good news is that the technologies to comply with it are readily available and well-validated.”
“Markes suite of products for Method 325 smooth the process for those tasked with compliance, and we are looking forward to talking to industry representatives at Pittcon 2015 to explain how we can help them address the requirements of the method.”