Randox Toxicology Launches World’s First ELISA Test

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Randox Toxicology has developed two new ELISA tests for the forensic detection of designer drugs known as “Bath Salts.”
The 96 well ELISA’s are currently the only immunoassay tests available for the detection of these potent drugs.
“Bath Salts” are known to produce psychoactive stimulant effects similar to MDMA (ecstasy) amphetamines (speed) and cocaine.
They can cause serious physical and mental effects including panic attacks, anxiety, psychosis, agitation and depression.
Even though Bath Salts are advertised as “legal highs”, this does not mean that they are legal or safe to use.
The Drug enforcement Administration (DEA) in America has described Bath Salts as an “imminent threat to public safety,” following an increase in the number of reported poison cases.
In December 2011, Bath Salts were banned under a “Synthetic Drug Control Act of 2011” which includes the synthetic stimulants Mephedrone, MDPV and Methylone.
In April 2010, a ban on the synthetic stimulant Mephedrone was put in place across the UK, the drug and its related compounds are now Class B drugs, carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison for possession and fourteen years for supply along with an unlimited fine.
The Randox Toxicology ELISA’s provide an efficient, effective and accurate screening method for a wide range of compounds known as “Bath Salts.” Prior to this, the only method of detection was timely chromatographic analysis.
The Randox Toxicology ELISA’s allow toxicologists to reduce the amount of time and money spent on extraction procedures required for chromatographic analysis.
Randox Toxicology also provides an automated ELISA plate reader which is a compact, reliable system capable of reading 96 wells in 30 seconds.
The Randox Toxicology Mephedrone and Methcathinone ELISA offers a highly sensitive screen, targeting the drug Mephedrone HCl and its Metabolites, R(+)-Methcathinone HCl, Flephedrone HCl, Methcathinone, 3-Fluromethcathinone (3-FMC) and Methylethcathinone.
Furthermore the MDPV ELISA offers forensic detection of the drug MDPV HCl and its metabolites MDPBP HCl, Naphyrone HCl and 4’ Methyl-alpha-pyrrolidinobutiophenone HCl.
Both ELISAs are intended for the detection of these drugs in blood and urine specimens.