Shimadzu’s Innovative Nexera UHPLC Solution is Combined with an Advanced Autosampler to Deliver Shorter Cycle Times, Higher Productivity and Lower Costs
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Shimadzu UK’s next-generation Nexera UHPLC system offers a number of ultra-high performance benefits including the lowest carryover, highest pressure rating, shortest autosampler cycle time and the highest injection volume precision, all with the flexibility of Open Access.
The combined benefits lower the system’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) while delivering the highest level of productivity gains required by the most demanding application markets such as the pharmaceutical and food industries. The system is capable of running at high throughput with a 2300-plus sample capacity.
Offering precise solvent delivery, excellent reproducibility and near-zero carryover the Nexera UHPLC system is a green LC and ensures fully reliable ultra-high speed and ultra-high resolution analysis in all application fields.
Shimadzu’s Nexera is a supremely flexible system and allows users to perform high-temperature analysis, automatic sample pretreatment and multidimensional LC separation.
Coupled with Shimadzu’s SIL-30ACMP autosampler, the Nexera UHPLC system offers the tightest integration with AB Sciex and Thermo Fisher mass spectrometry platforms. The SIL-30ACMP autosampler enables lower carryover performance and shorter cycle times than competitor systems.
“The Nexera UHPLC solution supported by the SIL-30ACMP autosampler is ideal for all users struggling with carryover problems causing re-analysis of samples and inducing extra costs. The faster autosampler helps minimise cycle times thereby enhancing the return on investment (ROI) of the LC-MS/MS system,” explained Stuart Phillips, Shimadzu UK’s LC/LCMS Business Manager.
Phillips continued, “The solution is also appealing for users of AB Sciex and Thermo Fisher Mass Spectrometers who either do not have a UHPLC capability or are struggling to integrate their existing HPLC or UHPLC systems with AB Sciex’s Analyst software or Thermo Fisher’s XCalibur software. Our no-compromise solution curbs the higher cost of analysis associated with lost runs when communications have failed and also removes the unnecessary complexity and system costs that some users face when they need to use more than one software platform to reliably run their LC-MS/MS system”.