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Agilent Certified Pre-Owned 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis System
With the Agilent Certified Pre-Owned refurbishment process, you can be confident that the Certified Pre-Owned 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis System will provide you the same performance as a new instrument.
The Agilent 7100 CE System can be used as a standalone unit, as the separations component of a CE/MS, or as a complementary, orthogonal technology to LC. Extended light path capillaries increase the system’s sensitivity, while the replenishment system enables high-throughput operation.
The system offers fast separations with exceptional efficiency and resolution for analytical challenges that can often only be met with difficulty by LC. In addition, several separation modes can be run on a single instrument. This makes CE a very versatile technique for a broad range of applications and separation challenges.