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DXR3 Raman and iN10 FTIR Microscopes for Microplastics
Thermo Scientific offers a full range of spectroscopic solutions to help identify and quantify microplastic samples from industrial and environmental sources.
FTIR Microscopy: The Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iN10 infrared microscope was designed to be easy to use with a suite of software features that make imaging and identification of microplastics fast and simple. The iN10 IR microscope provides the user the ability to add automation to their analysis making it easy to collect data from samples with a large number of particles present.
Raman Microscopy: For particles at or below 1um, Thermo Scientific™ Raman micro-spectroscopy provides the user high special resolution to interrogate small particles. The complementary nature of Raman spectroscopy to FTIR can add another dimension to the identification of microplastics. The DXR3 line of Raman microscopes provide users options for even the most challenging samples.