Lipotype provides lipidomics analysis to help researchers from the biotech, pharma, food, cosmetics and dermatology industries as well as academia fuel their research. Its mass spectrometry-based lipidomics technology identifies and quantifies more than 4,200 individual lipids and works on a high-throughput scale but requires only minimal sample amounts.
Latest Lipotype Content

How To Deal With Missing Lipidomics Values
Scientists looked at common methods used to impute missing values in lipidomics datasets and tested how suitable they were for different types of missing data, with a special focus on values below the limit of detection.

How Fast Will a Diabetes Patient Develop Insulin Dependency?
Scientists have identified a number of biomarkers associated with progression of Type 2 diabetes to predict insulin resistance development, which could help to manage the disease and improve patient outcomes.

Product News
Lipotype Launches US Subsidiary in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lipotype GmbH announces the launch of its first US subsidiary, Lipotype Inc.

Industry Insight
Measuring Lipids in the Blood Can Predict Disease Risk Decades Before Onset
A new study demonstrated that lipidomic profiling can be used to predict the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) years before disease onset. We spoke with study lead Professor Chris Lauber to find out more.