Exosomes – Products

Product News
AMSBIO Introduces High Quality Products
Company has introduced a wide selection of new high quality products for exosome research.

Product News
Using ZetaView to Quantify Extracellular Vesicles
Particle Metrix, developers of versatile particle characterization solutions for the life sciences, report on the work of the Baur Laboratory in the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Erlangen.

Product News
Using ZetaView to Study Membrane Microparticles
Particle Metrix, developers of versatile particle characterization solutions for the life sciences, report on the work of the Burger Laboratory at Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

Product News
ZetaView Applied to Exosome Research at Augusta Uni
Particle Metrix report on the work in the Liu Laboratory at Augusta University which is studying exosomes where size and concentration are critical parameters.

Product News
Unlocking New Areas of Disease Research
Data measured using the NanoSight NS300 from Malvern Instruments is providing new insights into the role of exosomes in diseases such as cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and cystic fibrosis, in pioneering research at the University of Alabama - Birmingham (UAB).

Product News
Two years on NanoSight is Reaping the Benefits of Joining Malvern Instruments
The latest software release along with an expansion of the global technical specialist team, highlight Malvern Instruments’ ongoing commitment to extending and supporting the application of NanoSight, a nanoparticle characterization technology with unique capabilities.

Product News
“My ‘go to’ Analyzer for Nanoparticles” NanoSight NTA System
Malvern NanoSight NTA system boosts the characterization toolkit of Particle Characterization Laboratories, Inc.

Exosomes and Microvesicles: Characterization by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
Through the use of antibody-mediated fluorophore labelling of specific sub-populations of exosomes, phenotyping within complex mixtures can therefore be achieved.

Exosomes and Microvesicles: Characterization by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

Product News
Exosomes for Regenerative Medicine Research
AMSBIO has launched a new range of human exosomes to the regenerative medicine tools and technologies market.