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Automated LC-MSMS methods for Clinical Diagnostics - Realized for therapeutic drug monitoring and vi
Tecan and RECIPE have worked together to automate ClinMass® LC-MSMS Complete Kits for the analysis of vitamin D and immunosuppressants on a Freedom EVO® platform, to help meet the demand for high throughput sample preparation for mass spectrometry in clinical labs.

Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics & Its Impact on Clinical Research/Basic Biology
Listen as Prof Neil Kelleher, discusses how he believes the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos MS might better characterize unexpected PTMs in Top-Down Proteomics to decode cellular function.

Beyond Genomics For Personalized Medicine
The proteome is the most functional component encoded for in the genome. Advances in proteomic technologies allow comprehensive profiling of of signaling pathways, precise expression of therapeutic targets in tissues and cellular subcompartments, and of metabolomic features that determine likelihood of therapeutic response. Moreover the current paradigm shift in cancer therapy with dramatic and durable responses to antibody and checkpoint therapeutics that trascend tumor genomic profiles further emphasize opportunities to identify novel targets and tailor treatment based on their expression patterns. The potential for personalizing cancer treatment based on proteomic and metabolomic profiles will be presented for epithelial type tumors including lung and pancreatic cancer.

Microinjecting CRISPR: Options and key considerations for creating transgenic animal models
CRISPR is revolutionizing the life sciences. Genome editing using RNA-programmable nucleases opens up a wealth of experimental options. At the same time, it makes creating new cell and animal models faster, easier and cheaper than in the past. Consequently, researchers in areas as diverse as cell/developmental biology, genetics or clinical research are turning to CRISPR as their method of choice.

Horizon Discovery: The Power of Personalized Medicine
Learn about how Personalized Medicine is changing how drugs are being developed and how healthcare is being delivered, and how Horizon is helping to enable this change.

Loss-of-Function Genetic Screens with RNAi and CRISPR Libraries
Loss-of-function genetic screens with pooled sgRNA and shRNA libraries aid in discovery / prioritization of drug targets, understanding of disease progression and gene-disease associations, analysis of signal transduction pathways, characterization of the mechanisms for compounds, uncovering of synergistic gene interactions, and identification of markers of drug resistance and sensitivity. This webinar presents a comparison of loss-of-function genetic screens performed with CRISPR versus RNAi technology.

Behind the Science, ep. 13: SPE vs. matrix effects – battle episode!

Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery

Characterizing the Performance of qPCR Instruments

DeNovix DS-11 FX Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer Series: 1uL UV-Vis + Fluorescence