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Combating Nerve Agents With Nanotechnology

Could you ever imagine something so small, it isn't able to be seen with the human eye, changing the course of an international conflict? Listen to Omar Farha speak on how such a small agent could shape the future of violence as we know it today.

Omar K. Farha is a research professor of chemistry at Northwestern University, Distinguished Adjunct Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Chief Scientific Officer of NuMat Technologies, and Associate Editor for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. His research accomplishments have been recognized by several awards and honors including the Royal Society of Chemistry “Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Early Career” Award; the American Chemical society “The Satinder Ahuja Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science; and an award established by the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University in his honor: the Omar Farha Award for Research Leadership. Prof. Farha has more than 250 peer-reviewed publications, holds 10 patents, and has been named a “Highly Cited Researcher” by Thomson Reuters in 2014, 2015, and 2016.