Benefits of Hard X-Radiation
This white paper outlines the main benefits of using hard radiation for material analysis studies. X-ray powder diffractometers are generally equipped with X-ray sources using Cu anodes. For specific applications, however, switching to shorter wavelength, ‘harder’ radiation, like obtained from X-ray tubes with Mo or Ag anodes, gives significant improvements over Cu, or even allows experiments that are impossible with Cu radiation, like experiments where a large Q range needs to be probed.
Often, people make use of synchrotron radiation, but new developments on source, optics and detector technologies allow a variety of hard radiation experiments in the home lab. In this white paper we present six key advantages of hard radiation studies.
Often, people make use of synchrotron radiation, but new developments on source, optics and detector technologies allow a variety of hard radiation experiments in the home lab. In this white paper we present six key advantages of hard radiation studies.