Accelerate and Simplify Routine Laboratory Food Testing
App Note / Case Study
Published: August 23, 2024

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Pesticides play an important role in improving crop yield and food production however, when pesticide residues remain in or on food, this can lead to adverse health effects and environmental concerns.
Due to the vast number of pesticides used, analysis of these residues often requires multiple analytical approaches and laboratory-intensive workflows, resulting in high operating costs and slow turnaround times.
This app note highlights a workflow that streamlines routine pesticide analysis and accelerates lab throughput and productivity.
Download this app note to explore a workflow that can:
- Quantify over 1,000 pesticide residues in the same raw extract.
- Increase turnaround time, simplify analysis and lower laboratory costs.
- Analyze a wide range of residues simultaneously in 20 minutes.
Application Note
Food and Beverage
Peter Kornas and Teresa Klink
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
A comprehensive multiresidue workflow was developed and validated for the
simultaneous quantitation of over 1,000 pesticide residues in tomato to accelerate
and simplify routine laboratory food testing. The workflow analyzes a wide range
of pesticide residues simultaneously in 20 minutes and uses a single sample
preparation method for both LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS analyses, leading to
increased turnaround time, simplified analysis, and lower laboratory costs.
The workflow includes sample preparation, chromatographic separation, mass
spectrometric (MS) detection, data analysis, and data interpretation using
Agilent LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS systems. For sample preparation, the
Agilent QuEChERS extraction kit was used without further cleanup. Compound
transitions and associated optimized parameters were developed based on the
Agilent pesticide MRM databases for both LC/MS and GC/MS workflows.
Workflow performance was evaluated and verified according to the
SANTE 11312/2021 guideline based on instrument limit of detection (LOD),
calibration curve linearity, recovery, and precision using matrix-matched calibration
standards from 0.5 to 100 μg/L. Over 98% of analytes demonstrated linearity with
≥ 0.99. Method precision was assessed using recovery repeatability (RSDr
). At the
10 µg/kg level, RSDr
values of 98% of compounds were within the limit of 20%. The
mean recoveries of the six technical replicates were within the limits of 40 to 120%
for 98% of target analytes.
Quantitation of Over 1,000 Pesticide
Residues in Tomato According to
SANTE 11312/2021 Guideline
Using LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS detection
Pesticides play an important role in the agriculture and
food industries to improve crop yield and food production.
Residues of pesticides remaining in or on commodities
such as fruits, vegetables, or cereals can cause adverse
health effects as well as environmental concerns. Regulatory
agencies have set maximum residue levels (MRLs) for
hundreds of pesticides and their metabolites. Most MRLs
are set at low parts per billion (ppb) levels, which poses
significant challenges, especially if hundreds of analytes are
screened and quantified simultaneously in complex food
matrices. In Europe, pesticide testing laboratories adhere to
the SANTE 11312/2021 guideline.1
This guideline ensures
a consistent approach for controlling MRLs that are legally
permitted in food or animal feed. Due to the vast number
of pesticides, the analysis is very elaborate, often requiring
multiple analytical approaches and laboratory-intensive
workflows, resulting in high operating costs and slow
turnaround times.
In this study, an accurate and reliable analysis of over
1,000 pesticide residues in tomato was developed using
a single QuEChERS extraction for sample preparation. As
shown in the Venn diagram (Figure 1), 764 analytes were
analyzed by LC/MS/MS and 341 analytes were analyzed by
GC/MS/MS. The GC/MS/MS analysis included 84 analytes
that can also be determined using LC/MS/MS; thus, this
workflow covers a total of 1,021 unique substances.
This workflow, including sample preparation, chromatographic
separation, MS detection, targeted quantitation, and results
interpretation, helps streamline routine pesticide analysis and
therefore accelerates lab throughput and productivity. Details
of sample preparation procedures, instrumentation setup,
and data analysis parameters are discussed, enabling the
quantification and confirmation of pesticide residues.
Chemicals and reagents
Agilent LC/MS-grade acetonitrile (ACN), methanol (MeOH),
water, and ammonium formate were used in the study.
LC/MS-grade formic acid was purchased from VWR. All other
solvents used were HPLC grade and from VWR and Merck.
Standards and solutions
The following ready‑to‑use and custom premixed pesticide
standards were acquired:
– Agilent LC/MS pesticide comprehensive test mix
(part number 5190-0551)
– Agilent custom pesticide test mix
(part numbers CUS-00000635 to CUS-00000643)
– Agilent custom organic standard
(part number CUS-00004663)
– AccuStandard custom pesticide standard
(part numbers S-96086-01 to S-96086-10), amchro GmbH,
Hattersheim, Germany
– Agilent GC pesticide standard 1 to 10, and 12
(part numbers PSM-100-A to -J, and -L)
– Agilent GC pesticide standard no. 1 and 2
(part numbers PSM-105-A and -B)
Other single standards, either as standard solution or
powders, were purchased from AccuStandard (amchro
GmbH, Hattersheim, Germany) and LGC (LGC Standards
GmbH, Wesel, Germany).
When single standards were purchased as powders, single
stock solutions with a concentration of 1,000 mg/L were
prepared in acetone and stored at –20 °C.
Intermediate standard mixes were prepared from stock
solutions and used for preparation of prespiked quality
control (QC) samples, solvent calibration standards, and
matrix-matched calibration. Calibration standards were
prepared freshly and stored in a refrigerator at 4 °C if not
used immediately.
764 84 341
Figure 1. Venn diagram of compounds analyzed using LC/MS/MS (blue) and
GC/MS/MS (orange).
Sample preparation
Pesticide-free and organic-labeled tomatoes were obtained
from local grocery stores. The tomatoes were homogenized
using a domestic blender and stored in the refrigerator at 4 °C
before analysis.
The following products and equipment were used for
sample preparation:
– Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit
(part number 5982‑5650CH)
– Vortex mixer (VWR International GmbH,
Darmstadt, Germany)
– Centrifuge UNIVERSAL 320 R (Andreas Hettich GmbH,
Tuttlingen, Germany)
Samples of 10 ± 0.1 g of homogenized tomato were weighed
into a 50 mL tube. Prespiked QC samples were fortified by
spiking 200 µL of working standards (500 µg/L) to give a
final concentration of 10 µg/kg. After spiking, the samples
were capped tightly, vortexed, and equilibrated for 15 to
20 minutes. QuEChERS extraction was then performed and
the samples were centrifuged. An aliquot of this extract was
directly used for LC/MS/MS analysis. Before GC/MS/MS
analysis, an aliquot of the extract was diluted by a factor of 5
with ACN. The preparation procedure is illustrated in Figure 2.
Preparation of matrix-matched calibration standards
Matrix-matched calibration standards (postspiked
standards) were used and prepared for the assessment
of workflow performance. A matrix blank was prepared
using an unfortified, blank sample of tomato. Preparation of
matrix-matched calibration levels was performed by mixing
intermediate standard solutions with matrix blank extract.
These solutions were used for LC/MS/MS analysis directly
and diluted by a factor of 5 before GC/MS/MS analysis. The
matrix-matched standard at 10 ppb was used to evaluate
the matrix effect (ME) by comparing responses with the
corresponding solvent standard.1
The LC/MS/MS study was performed using an Agilent 1290
Infinity II LC system coupled to an Agilent 6470B
triple quadrupole LC/MS. The modules of the LC/MS
system included:
– Agilent 1290 Infinity II high-speed pump (G7120A)
– Agilent 1290 Infinity II autosampler (G7167B)
– Agilent 1290 Infinity II multicolumn thermostat (G7116B)
– Agilent 6470B triple quadrupole LC/MS (G6470B)
– Agilent pesticide dynamic MRM database (G1733CA)
– Agilent MassHunter software (version 10.1)
Agilent Bond Elut
extraction kit Shaker
Agilent 1290 Infinity II + Agilent 6470B MS
Agilent 8890C GC + Agilent 7010C MS
Figure 2. Sample preparation procedure using the Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit for sample cleanup before analysis.
The coupled 6470 triple quadrupole LC/MS was equipped
with an Agilent Jet Stream (AJS) electrospray ion source and
was operated in dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode.
The main LC and MS parameters are listed in Table 1. Please
refer to the Agilent application note by Kornas for the detailed
LC/TQ configuration.2
The GC/MS/MS study was performed using an Agilent 8890
GC and Agilent 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS system. The
modules of the GC/MS system included:
– Agilent 8890 GC (G3540A)
– Agilent 7693A automatic liquid sampler
(G4513A and GG4520A)
– Agilent 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS (G7012C)
– Agilent MassHunter pesticide & environmental pollutant
(P&EP) MRM database 4.0 (G9250AA)4
– Agilent MassHunter software (MassHunter acquisition
version 10.2 and MassHunter Quantitative Analysis
version 12.0)
The GC was configured with the Agilent 7693A automatic
liquid sampler (ALS) and 150-position tray. The system used
a multimode inlet (MMI). Chromatographic separation was
performed using the conventional 15 m × 15 m midcolumn
backflush configuration described in the P&EP database.
Therefore, two Agilent HP-5ms Ultra Inert (UI) GC columns
(part number 19091S-431UI) were used, and midcolumn
backflush capability was provided by the Agilent Purged
Ultimate Union (PUU) installed between the two identical
15 m columns, and the pneumatic switching device (PSD)
module on the 8890 GC. The acquisition method was
retention time locked to match the retention times in the
MassHunter P&EP 4.0.
The main GC and MS parameters are listed in Table 2. Please
refer to the Agilent application note by Klink for the detailed
GC/TQ configuration.3
All data were acquired in dynamic
MRM (dMRM) mode.
Parameter Value
Column Agilent ZORBAX RRHD Eclipse Plus C18,
2.1 × 150 mm, 1.8 µm (p/n 959759-902)
Column Temperature 40 °C
Injection Volume 2 µL
Autosampler Temperature 6 °C
Mobile Phase A 5 mM ammonium formate in water with
0.1% formic acid
Mobile Phase B 5 mM ammonium formate in methanol with
0.1% formic acid
Flow Rate 0.4 mL/min
Time (min) A(%) B(%)
0 95 5
3 70 30
17 0 100
20 0 100
Postrun Time 3 min
Needle Wash Multiwash
Ionization Mode Simultaneous positive/negative ESI with
Agilent Jet Stream (AJS)
Scan Type Dynamic MRM (dMRM)
Gas Temperature 200 °C
Gas Flow 9 L/min
Nebulizer 35 psi
Sheath Gas Temperature 400 °C
Sheath Gas Flow 12 L/min
Capillary Voltage 2,500 V (+)/3,000 V (–)
Nozzle Voltage 0 V
Total MRMs 1,590
Min/Max Dwell Time 0.52 ms/242.30 ms
Table 1. LC and MS conditions.
Results and discussion
Development of multicompound methods
A major part of this study was the development of dMRM
transitions for all pesticides from the Agilent databases. For
LC/MS/MS, the Agilent pesticide dynamic MRM database
was used. MRM transitions as well as fragmentor voltages,
collision energies, and ionization polarity were optimized
using the Agilent MassHunter Optimizer software by flow
injection. Approximately 1,600 MRM transitions from
764 pesticides were stored in the final dMRM method. Typical
chromatographic peak widths were between 8 to 12 seconds.
The selected cycle time of 490 ms ensured that sufficient
data points were collected across the chromatographic peaks
for reproducible quantitation and confirmation of results.
For GC/MS/MS, most of the compounds were already listed
in the MassHunter P&EP database.4
Compounds whose MRM
transitions were not listed in this database were developed
using the MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ. Starting
with a GC method that provides good chromatographic
compound separation, the MassHunter Optimizer first
identifies precursor ions and product ions, then optimizes
collision energies for each promising precursor-product
combination to identify the best MRM parameters. Around
2,100 MRM transitions from 341 pesticides were stored in
the final dMRM method. The selected cycle time of 300 ms
ensured that sufficient data points were collected across
the chromatographic peaks for reproducible quantitation
and confirmation of results. The GC acquisition method was
retention time locked to match the retention times in the
Agilent P&EP database, which was used to seamlessly create
the MS method. The use of P&EP increased the ease and
speed of setting up a targeted dMRM method. Retention time
locking allows a new column or instrument to have retention
times that match the MRM database or an existing method
exactly, allowing methods to be easily ported from one
instrument to another and across instruments globally. This
simplifies method maintenance and system setup.
Two or three target specific MRM transitions were selected
per pesticide in each method to satisfy the regulatory
requirements for identification and confirmation by
LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS, respectively.1
Data were acquired in dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode, which
enables the capability for large multi-analyte assays and to
accurately quantitate narrow peaks by an automated and
most-efficient dwell time distribution. Furthermore, dMRM
enables the analyst to add and remove additional analytes
with ease.
Matrix effect assessment
Effects caused by the sample matrix are frequent and cause
suppression or enhancement of the MS detection system
ME was assessed by the ratio of target response
in matrix-matched standards to that in corresponding
solvent standards. Typically, there is no strict requirement
on acceptance ME criteria, because ME can be corrected
by the matrix-matched calibration curve. However, ME is an
important parameter for method sensitivity and reliability
assessment, and less than 20% signal suppression or
enhancement is usually considered as insignificant ME.1
this study, ME was investigated using a 10 µg/L standard in
tomato extract (postspiked standard) and the response was
compared to the corresponding solvent standard. The 10 µg/L
standard was chosen, as this is the lowest MRL for pesticides
and their metabolites.
More than 45% of the 1,021 targets in tomato showed
significant ME at 10 μg/L.
Based on the results of the ME assessment, matrix-matched
calibration standards were used to compensate MEs in
this study.
Parameter Value
Columns Agilent HP-5ms, 15 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm film
thickness (two) (p/n 19091-431UI)
Carrier Helium
Column 1 Flow 0.94 mL/min
Column 2 Flow 1.14 mL/min
Injection Volume 1 µL, solvent vent
Inlet Liner Agilent Ultra Inert dimpled liner (p/n 5190-2297)
MMI Temperature Program 60 °C for 0.06 min, 720 °C/min to 280 °C and hold
Oven Temperature Program 60 °C for 1 min, 40 °C/min to 170 °C,
10 °C/min to 310 °C and hold for 3 minutes
Run Time 20.75 minutes
Transfer Line Temperature 280 °C
Backflush Conditions 1.5 min postrun, 310 °C oven temperature
Source High-efficiency source (HES)
Vacuum Pump Performance turbo
Quad Temperature
(MS1 and MS2) 150 °C
Source Temperature 280 °C
Mode dMRM
EM Voltage Gain Mode 10
Total MRMs (dMRM Mode) 2,093
Min/Max Dwell Time 1.2 ms/100.2 ms
Table 2. GC and MS conditions.
Verification of workflow performance
The workflow performance criteria were verified based on
linearity, method sensitivity, recovery, and precision. The batch
included solvent blank, matrix-matched calibration standards,
matrix blank, and prespiked QCs. Six technical replicates were
prepared for the prespiked QCs.
Calibration curves were generated for all compounds using
matrix-matched standards ranging from 0.5 to 100 µg/L, and
eight calibration points. Linear or quadratic regression with
1/x weight and unspecified origin were used for calibration
curve generation. The calibration range was determined
based on LOQ sensitivity and selectivity requirements. Results
in Figure 3 show that more than 98% of the targets met the
calibration curve linearity requirement of R2
≥ 0.99.1
some compounds showed a modified calibration range due
to either lack of sensitivity at low calibration levels or detector
saturation at high concentration levels.
Figure 3. R2
distribution of linearity curves for 1,021 pesticides, compounds
below R2
= 0.98 are not shown (9 in total).
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Instrument limit of detection (LOD)
A sensitive workflow for pesticide residue analysis is
beneficial for users to perform routine operations following
various regulatory guidelines. Instrument LODs were used to
evaluate method sensitivity. Instrument LOD was established
based on matrix-matched calibration standards for
signal‑to‑noise ratio (S/N) of 10 and up. The S/N was defined
using the peak height and peak-to-peak algorithm embedded
in MassHunter Quantitative Analysis software. The noise
region was manually chosen and had a minimum length of
0.1 minutes.
More than 97% of target compounds showed an instrument
LOD of ≤ 10 µg/L, and, even at a concentration level of 1 µg/L,
more than 88% of compounds had an S/N of 10 and up
(Figure 4). These results demonstrate the high sensitivity
of both systems, the 6470 triple quadrupole LC/MS and the
7010 triple quadrupole GC/MS, against a complex matrix
such as a tomato QuEChERS raw extract.
Figure 4. Instrument LOD in tomato QuEChERS raw extract.
1% 1%
% of Compounds
≤ 1 µg/L 1 to 5 µg/L 5 to 10 µg/L > 10 µg/L
Method precision and recovery
Method precision was estimated using recovery repeatability
) based on the variation of recovery values from
technical replicates of prespiked QC samples that were spiked
at 10 μg/kg. The RSDr
was determined by calculating percent
relative standard deviation (%RSD) of recovery using these
six technical preparations. Typically, the acceptable RSDr
20% or less. The RSDr
values of 98% of all targets were within
20%, demonstrating consistent behavior with each technical
preparation. These results confirmed the high repeatability
of this workflow. Figure 5 shows that the vast majority of
compounds had RSD of recovery rates below 20%.
Figure 5. RSDr
of recovery rates at 10 µg/kg in QuEChERS tomato
raw extract.
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
RSD (%) Recovery was used in this experiment to evaluate the
capability of a quantitative analytical workflow for over
1,000 pesticides. Recovery was calculated based on analyte
response ratios between prespiked QCs and corresponding
matrix-matched calibration levels. Mean recovery at 10 µg/kg
level was obtained for six technical replicates. According to
SANTE 11312/2021, mean recoveries are acceptable within
the range of 40 to 120% if they are consistent (RSDr
≤ 20%).
Based on these criteria, the mean recovery results for more
than 97% of targets in tomato QuEChERS raw extract at
10 μg/kg met the acceptance criteria. The vast majority of
compounds (975) were within the recovery range of 70% to
120% and only 26 compounds (3%) were below 70% or above
120%, respectively (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Recovery rates in tomato QuEChERS raw extract (RSDr
≤ 20%).
0% 0% 2%
1% 1% 0%
% of Compounds
70 to 120% 40 to 70% < 40% > 120%
Combination of methods
The combination of LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS allows users
to cover the widest range of pesticides and metabolites
occurring in food. Due to the molecular structure of this
huge class of compounds, it is impossible to analyze various
pesticides solely by GC or LC techniques. Exploiting both
techniques makes it possible to get a wide coverage of these
residues that can potentially endanger human health.
The presented workflow used both techniques and covered
in total 764 pesticides analyzed by LC/MS/MS and 341
compounds analyzed by GC/MS/MS. All detailed results can
be found in references 2 and 3. Furthermore, the analyses
covered pesticide residues (84) that can be analyzed by
either technique. This gives a clear benefit when, for example,
positive results must be confirmed or higher sensitivity
is needed.
In Figure 7, the chromatograms of silafluofen in a spiked
matrix sample at 10 µg/kg are shown. The left chromatogram
shows that sensitivity using LC/MS/MS was not good enough
to get reliable results at MRL of 10 µg/kg. The full Agilent
solution allows analysis of this compound using GC/MS/MS,
resulting in much better sensitivity (right chromatogram).
The use of the other technique for confirmatory analysis
can be demonstrated for bifenthrin. This compound can be
reliably quantified using both techniques. The chromatograms
in Figure 8 clearly demonstrate that sensitivity is high enough
to determine and confirm positive results by either LC or
GC technique.
Bifenthrin analysis by LC/MS/MS
17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5
440.2 & 181.0
440.2 & 166.0
Bifenthrin analysis by GC/MS/MS
13.75 13.80 13.85 13.90 13.95 14.00 14.05
181.2 & 165.2
181.2 & 166.2
182.2 & 166.2
Figure 8. Analysis of bifenthrin by LC/MS/MS (A) and GC/MS/MS (B).
Silafluofen analysis by GC/MS/MS
16.80 16.85 16.90 16.95 17.00 17.05 17.10
286.0 & 258.1
179.2 & 151.1
286.0 & 207.1
A Silafluofen analysis by LC/MS/MS B
17.7 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3
287.1 & 168.0
287.1 & 59.0
Figure 7. Analysis of silafluofen by LC/MS/MS (A) and GC/MS/MS (B).
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2023
Printed in the USA, November 6, 2023
This application note demonstrates the applicability of a
sensitive and reproducible workflow for fast and reliable
quantitation of more than 1,000 pesticide residues in tomato
QuEChERS raw extract conforming to the SANTE 11312/2021
guideline. The simple sample preparation protocol uses
the Agilent Bond Elut QuEChERS EN extraction kit for facile
extraction without requiring further sample cleanup. A single
sample preparation procedure can be used and then split
into two aliquots for subsequent analysis by LC/MS/MS and
An Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC system coupled to an
Agilent 6470 triple quadrupole LC/MS was used to quantify
764 pesticides, and an Agilent 8890 GC coupled to an
Agilent 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS was used to quantify
341 pesticide residues with matrix-matched calibration. Both
methods had 20-minute run times, and column setups offered
good chromatographic separation and even retention time
distribution of all targets.
To achieve the most efficient use of instrument cycle time,
all data were acquired in dMRM mode. The dMRM methods
were created and developed based on the Agilent pesticide
MRM databases.
The overall workflow performance was assessed for linearity,
instrument LOD, recovery, and precision, demonstrating its
suitability for the quantitation of over 1,000 pesticide residues
in the same QuEChERS raw extract.
1. SANTE 11312/2021: Analytical Quality Control and
Method Validation Procedures for Pesticide Residues
Analysis in Food and Feed.
2. Kornas, P. Quantitation of 764 Pesticide Residues in
Tomato by LC/MS According to SANTE 11312/2021
Guidelines. Agilent Technologies application note,
publication number 5994-5847EN, 2023.
3. Klink, T. Quantitation of 341 Pesticide Residues in
Tomato According to SANTE 11312/2021 Guideline.
Agilent Technologies application note, publication number
5994‑6761EN, 2023.
4. The Agilent MassHunter pesticide and environmental
pollutants MRM database (P&EP 4.0). G9250AA. https://
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