Muliplex SNP Genotyping of Field Corn Crude Samples with Probe-Based Assays using the IntelliQube® from Douglas Scientific®
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping must be accurate, reliable, cost-effective, and time efficient for agricultural marker-assisted selection and genomic selection programs to fully benefit from SNP analysis during the breeding process. To address these needs, Douglas Scientific® has developed the IntelliQube®, a fully integrated liquid handling and real-time quantitative PCR instrument, optimized for use with miniaturized reactions in 384- and 768-well Array Tape®. The physical characteristics of Array Tape paired with the IntelliQube provide the ability to dramatically decrease thermal cycling times. Additionally, the option to multiplex reactions using four different fluorescence channels allows for profound reagent and time savings. In this study, field corn seeds were genotyped for two high-quality, polymorphic SNPs using crude DNA extracts.