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Handling Cannabis Reference Standards

Consistent reference standards are key to delivering accurate, reliable results in the lab.

Preventing Prohibition Problems: How to handle cannabis legalization

Legalizing and regulating the adult use of cannabis provides necessary controls and transparency to the existing market

AOAC Aims for Standardized Cannabis Methods

Only consensus methods can ensure reliable and comparable cannabis potency and more.
Unearthing Organic Fertiliser Fraud Using EA-IRMS content piece image

Unearthing Organic Fertiliser Fraud Using EA-IRMS

To maintain consumer confidence and protect brand reputation, food testing laboratories rely on robust and cost-effective analytical techniques for the identification of mislabelled organic fruit and vegetables.

Good or Bad: How to pick a cannabis testing lab?

We ask a few experts how they’d find the right place to analyze samples or products.

Improved Analysis of Bloodstains at Crime Scenes

Analyzing bloodstains at crime scenes can play a key role in law enforcement efforts to identify criminals. Current testing methods however are not without their limitations, and improvements could help forensic practitioners to learn more about a suspect in a shorter timescale.

Replacing Opioids: Developing drugs to treat pain

In America, in 2014, more than 28,000 people died from opioid overdose, and at least half of these deaths involved prescription opioids. This article highlights the research going into alternative pain medications.

Replacing Opioids: Developing drugs to treat pain

In America, in 2014, more than 28,000 people died from opioid overdose, and at least half of these deaths involved prescription opioids. This article highlights the research going into alternative pain medications.

Cannabis Safety Testing: Learning from the food analysis industry

A mature industry can offer a head start for an immature one, if people listen.

Mass Spectrometry Workflow Solutions Top Lab Managers’ Wish Lists at ASMS 2017

Streamlining workflows and easing lab manager “pain points” were common themes at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry (ASMS).