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Greyscale photo of Prof. Ola Soderberg leaning against a staircase.
Credit: Gustav Ceder

Ola Söderberg, PhD profile page


Ola Söderberg is a Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences at Uppsala University and a SciLifeLab researcher. His ongoing research and future plans include both method development to provide better tools for investigating cell biology and application of these new methods in basic research and for improved diagnostics of e.g., cancer and infectious diseases. Since the development of the in situ proximity ligation assay (in situ PLA) (Söderberg et al., Nat Methods, 2006), most of his lab's efforts have been related to the use of in situ PLA and to further improve the method, e.g., for multiplex analysis, simultaneous measurement of proteins and mRNA and for detection of protein-DNA interactions. He has also been working on developing novel methods, such as proximity-dependent initiation of hybridization chain reaction (proxHCR) (Koos et al., Nat Commun, 2015). ProxHCR retains the dual binding requirement of in situ PLA while not needing any enzymatic steps. His ongoing work is focused on developing methods that will provide a deeper understanding on the biochemistry of the cell, and for analyses of DNA and RNA.


Uppsala University

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