Unlocking the Future of Medicine: Recent Advances in Organ-on-a-Chip Technology

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In the realm of scientific inquiry, organ-on-a-chip (OOAC) technology has quietly emerged as a pioneering force, reshaping our methodologies in understanding the complexities of human organs.
Despite the inherent challenges, the benefits afforded by OOAC technology are substantial. These miniature organ replicas have the potential to surpass traditional models, providing an unprecedented level of granularity. Scientists can now meticulously study the effects of drugs, simulate diseases and unravel physiological mysteries with exquisite precision.
Download this listicle to explore the use of OOAC technology in:
- Pharmacology and toxicology
- The development of multi-organ systems
- Disease modeling and personalized medicine
Unlocking the Future of Medicine:
Recent Advances in Organ-on-a-Chip
Stefaan Verbruggen, PhD
In the realm of scientific inquiry, Organ-on-a-Chip (OOAC) technology has quietly emerged as a pioneering
force, reshaping our methodologies in understanding the complexities of human organs. Originating at
the intersection of tissue engineering, microfluidics and bioengineering, OOAC technology was conceived
to transcend the many limitations of traditional cell cultures. The objective was to replicate the dynamic
functions of human organs within a controlled microscale environment.
The path toward precision in replicating complex microenvironments on miniature chips poses significant challenges. Creating a microscale representation of organs demands meticulous attention to detail.
Researchers grapple with integrating diverse cell types, emulating physiological conditions and ensuring
accurate biomimicry. It’s a methodological endeavor that requires both technological finesse and a profound understanding of the intricate interactions within organs.
A particular recent boost has been in the area of standardization of OOAC platforms, which is crucial for
ensuring reproducibility and comparability across different studies. Recently, the UK Organ-on-a-Chip
Technologies Network surveyed a broad range of organ-chip developers and end-users.1
With a wide
variety of stakeholders represented, it was generally agreed that there is a need for more detailed validation of individual and interconnected models in order to reach broader adoption and ease the transition of
these new technologies through the start-up and scale-up phases.1
Establishing standardized protocols is being actively aided by regulatory agencies, with the European
Medicines Agency having a commitment to reducing animal testing since 2010 (Directive 2010/63/EU),2
and in particular by the recent passing of the US FDA Modernization Act 2.0 (USS.5002)3
which is changing the regulatory landscape. Drug sponsors will now have the capacity to use alternative complex in vitro
or in silico models in place of animal testing, where suitable.
Despite the inherent challenges, the benefits afforded by OOAC technology are substantial. These miniature organ replicas have the potential to surpass traditional models, providing an unprecedented level
of granularity. Scientists can now meticulously study the effects of drugs (e.g., on lung performance),4
simulate diseases (e.g., many cancer types),5 and unravel physiological mysteries (e.g., human-microbiome interactions)6
with exquisite precision. OOACs are not just microenvironments; they serve as tools
for refined drug development processes, intricate disease modeling and the realization of personalized
medicine. Here, we will discuss a number of recent landmark studies that demonstrate the recent strides
being made at the frontier of this field of research.
Pharmacology and toxicology
Drug development, from target discovery to market approval, is a protracted process that takes a minimum of 10–15 years and is often unsuccessful, resulting in substantial financial losses for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Historically, animal studies have been an integral part of this approvals
process, despite the fact that drug toxicity for humans often does not show up in these preclinical models.
This results in dangerous effects in humans only being discovered during clinical trials, or in the wider
population upon release to the market. As these drugs will ultimately fail, this leads the pharmaceutical
industry to waste much time and resources that could be spent on more promising drug candidates.7
the investigated drug is not effective, incompatible with human metabolism, or has serious or fatal side
effects, the resources invested have been wasted. This highlights the potential role that could be played
by OOAC technology in both reducing the need for animal models and improving the screening of lead
drug candidates for human clinical trials.
This has been a goal for the field since its inception, with a landmark recent study demonstrating the
efficacy of organ-chips to model drug toxicology for the first time. Using a well-established OOAC model, researchers used 870 liver-chips to test whether they could predict liver injury resulting from small
molecule drugs used as benchmarks by the Innovation and Quality consortium, who publish guidelines
for defined criteria to use when qualifying preclinical models.7
The liver-chips performed extremely well
across a blinded set of 27 drugs either known to cause liver damage or known to be non-toxic, meeting or
exceeding the qualification guidelines with a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 100%.7
By conducting
an economic analysis, the researchers also calculated that if chips could be this effective broadly, they
could either save or create value of more than $3 billion every year, allowing the pharmaceutical industry
to focus on drugs more likely to succeed.7
As well as demonstrating the promise of the field for pharmacology, this study provides confidence that OOAC models can be deployed at scale to improve the drug
discovery and development pipeline.
Multi-organ systems: Emulating the body’s complex interactions
The human body is a complex interplay of organs working in harmony, and recent advancements in OOAC
technology are moving beyond single-organ models. Scientists are now developing multi-organ systems,
where different organ chips are interconnected to simulate the intricate interactions between organs in
the body.
For instance, a cutting-edge development involves connecting heart and liver chips to study the effects
of drug metabolism and toxicity on both organs simultaneously.8
Furthermore, it allowed the authors to
explore the effect of liver metabolism on off-target cardiotoxicity, measuring the impact of drug activity in
the liver on a distant organ like the heart.8
This holistic approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of how drugs impact various organs, allowing for safer and more effective drug development.
Multi-organ systems represent a significant leap forward in capturing the complexity of human physiology, offering a more accurate platform for drug testing and disease research.
Integration of sensors: Real-time monitoring for precise analysis
To elevate the capabilities of OOAC technology, researchers are integrating sensors into the chips, enabling real-time monitoring of cellular activities. These sensors provide valuable data on parameters like
pH, oxygen levels and drug concentrations within the microenvironment of the chip.9
In a recent breakthrough, a kidney-on-a-chip was equipped with sensors to monitor the response of
renal cells to different drug concentrations. This real-time feedback allows researchers to observe subtle
changes in cellular behavior and assess the effects of drugs more precisely. The integration of sensors
not only enhances the accuracy of experiments but also provides a dynamic platform for studying the
real-time effects of various stimuli on organ function.10
Disease modeling and personalized medicine: Targeting precision
Organ-on-a-chip technology may yet prove to be a game-changer in disease modeling and the pursuit
of personalized medicine. Recent advancements have focused on developing organ chips that replicate
the pathological conditions of individual patients, allowing researchers to study disease progression
and test potential treatments in a controlled environment that replicates in vivo microenvironment of
an individual patient.
For example, researchers have successfully created lung airway-on-a-chip models that mimic the inflammatory response seen in diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.11 These disease-specific models enable the testing of targeted therapies, bringing us closer to personalized treatment
strategies tailored to an individual’s unique disease profile. By exposing the airway epithelial layer to agents
that mimic bacterial or viral infections, the epithelium became highly inflamed and replicated the effects of
an asthmatic response.11 This approach holds immense promise for the future of healthcare, where treatments can be tailored based on a patient’s specific genetic and physiological characteristics.
3D bioprinting: Building functional tissues on chips
The advent of 3D bioprinting technology has significantly advanced the field of OOAC research. Scientists
can now create intricate three-dimensional structures of tissues directly on the chip, providing a more
physiologically relevant environment for cells to thrive.
In a groundbreaking development, researchers have utilized 3D bioprinting to construct a heart-on-achip with aligned cardiac tissues that mimic the architecture of the human heart.9
This allows for more
accurate studies of cardiac function, drug responses and disease mechanisms. 3D bioprinting not only
enhances the structural fidelity of organ chips but also opens new possibilities for creating custom-designed tissues for personalized medicine applications.12
Organ-on-a-chip technology has transcended the realm of experimental curiosity, emerging as a potential transformative new force in life sciences and drug discovery. These recent advances mark significant
milestones in our journey toward understanding human physiology, disease and drug responses with
unprecedented precision. As the field continues to evolve, OOAC technology holds the promise of revolutionizing drug development, disease modeling and personalized medicine, paving the way for a healthier
and more tailored future in healthcare.
1. Allwardt V, Ainscough AJ, Viswanathan P, et al. Translational roadmap for the organs-on-a-chip industry toward broad
adoption. Bioeng. 2020;7(3):112. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering7030112
2. Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the Protection of Animals
Used for Scientific Purposes. European Parliament and European Council. http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2010/63/2019-06-
26. Accessed January 18, 2023.
3. S.5002 – FDA Modernization Act 2.0. United States Senate – 117th Congress; 2022. https://www.congress.gov/
bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/5002/text. Accessed January 18, 2023.
4. Huh D, Matthews BD, Mammoto A, Montoya-Zavala M, Hsin HY, Ingber DE. Reconstituting organ-level lung functions on a
chip. Science. 2010;328(5986):1662-1668. doi: 10.1126/science.1188302
5. Nolan J, Pearce OMT, Screen HRC, Knight MM, Verbruggen SW. Organ-on-a-chip and microfluidic platforms for oncology
in the UK. Cancers. 2023;15(3):635. doi: 10.3390/cancers15030635
6. Shin YC, Than N, Min S, Shin W, Kim HJ. Modelling host–microbiome interactions in organ-on-a-chip platforms. Nat Rev
Bioeng. Published online 2023. doi: 10.1038/s44222-023-00130-9
7. Ewart L, Apostolou A, Briggs SA, et al. Performance assessment and economic analysis of a human Liver-Chip for predictive toxicology. Commun Med. 2022;2(1):154. doi: 10.1038/s43856-022-00209-1
8. Oleaga C, Riu A, Rothemund S, et al. Investigation of the effect of hepatic metabolism on off-target cardiotoxicity in a
multi-organ human-on-a-chip system. Biomater. 2018;182:176-190. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.07.062
9. Zhang YS, Arneri A, Bersini S, et al. Bioprinting 3D microfibrous scaffolds for engineering endothelialized myocardium
and heart-on-a-chip. Biomater. 2016;110:45-59. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.09.003
10. Asif A, Kim KH, Jabbar F, Kim S, Choi KH. Real-time sensors for live monitoring of disease and drug analysis in microfluidic model of proximal tubule. Microfluid Nanofluid. 2020;24(6):43. doi: 10.1007/s10404-020-02347-1
11. Benam KH, Villenave R, Lucchesi C, et al. Small airway-on-a-chip enables analysis of human lung inflammation and drug
responses in vitro. Nat Methods. 2016;13(2):151-157. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3697
12. Park JY, Jang J, Kang H-W. 3D Bioprinting and its application to organ-on-a-chip. Microelectron Eng. 2018;200:1-11. doi:
About the author:
Stefaan Verbruggen runs a lab in the Centre for Predictive in vitro Models, at Queen Mary University of London. As a biomedical engineer,
his work focuses on building physiologically relevant organ-on-a-chip models to study bone diseases and for drug discovery in cancers.
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