The Scientific Observer Issue 35
Published: April 30, 2024

Credit: Technology Networks
Exploring the human dimensions of the urgent realities of climate change is increasingly important.
This issue of The Scientific Observer dives deep into the hearts and minds of our youngest generation, confronting the impact of eco-anxiety and identifying ways to foster resilience in young people in the face of uncertainty.
We also hear how scientists at the forefront of climate research can feel burdened by responsibility and gain insights into how researchers can persevere amidst the climate crisis.
Also in issue 35:
- Strategies for Sustainable Science at CU Boulder and Beyond
- Fighting for Truth in a Burning World
- The Landscape of Agricultural Biotechnology
The Landscape
of Agricultural
Fighting For Truth in a
Burning Word
ISSUE 35, APRIL 2024
Fighting For Truth in
a Burning Word 06
Recca Dawes
Universal Microbial Network
Breaks Down Human Flesh 10
Molly Campbell
Navigating Eco-Anxiety
in Children 14
Mariana Gil, PhD
Strategies for Sustainable Science
at CU Boulder and Beyond 19
Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne
The Landscape of Agricultural
Biotechnology 24
Molly Campbell
Testing London's Water
for PFAS 31
Leo Bear-McGuinness
19 24
in Children
Mariana Gil, PhD
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Have an idea for a story?
If you would like to contribute to
The Scientific Observer, please
feel free to email our friendly
editorial team.
Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne
Laura is the Managing Editor for
Technology Networks.
Leo Bear-McGuinness
Leo Bear-McGuinness is a Science
Writer for Technology Networks.
Mariana Gil, PhD
Mariana is Technology Networks'
Custom Content Manager.
Molly Campbell
Molly is a Senior Science Writer
for Technology Networks.
Rebecca Dawes
Rebecca is a Freelance Science
Writer, currently working towards
her master’s degree in molecular
biology at the University of Sheffield.
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the 35th issue of The Scientific Observer.
As we grapple with the urgent realities of climate
change, exploring the human dimensions of these
challenges is increasingly important. In this issue, Dr.
Mariana Gil’s feature article delves deep into the hearts
and minds of our youngest generation, confronting
the acute and long-term impact of climate anxiety on
children. Through expert insights and compassionate
advice, this profound article sheds light on how we can
support young people through these tumultuous times,
fostering resilience and hope in the face of uncertainty.
We’re also examining how research scientists, faced
with the monumental task of understanding climate
change and devising approaches to mitigate it, are often burdened with feelings of guilt and pressure. In an
exclusive interview with Dr. Natalie Cooper, ecologist
and senior researcher at the National History Museum
in London, Rebecca Dawes asks: how can scientists
persevere amidst global crises?
In 2009, Kathryn Ramirez-Aguilar established the
University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulders)’s CU
Green Labs Program. Her goal was to address the
resource-intensive nature of the institute’s research
laboratories. In this issue of The Scientific Observer,
Ramirez-Aguilar outlines the key strategies that have
engaged scientists in sustainable practices and details
the critical role that research funding bodies play in
shaping sustainable practices within laboratory environments.
Also in issue 35, we tread the evolving landscape of
agricultural biotechnology, where emerging gene-editing technologies offer hope for revolutionizing food
security and alleviating the impacts of climate change
on crop sustainability.
We hope you enjoy our exploration into these pertinent topics – and many more – in issue 35 of The
Scientific Observer.
The Technology Networks Editorial Team
From the Newsroom
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Check out theTechnology Networks newsroom.
iStock, Ken Boyd/ Pixabay
A peer-reviewed scientific paper has gathered significant attention on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), albeit for
unfavorable reasons. The first line of said paper’s introduction
appears to have been written by a large language model.
JOURNAL: Elsevier
Scientific Journal Publishes Paper
With AI-Generated Introduction
New information on how the gut and brain communicate
has been uncovered by Flinders University researchers in a
development that could influence how we make and use certain
drugs, such as antidepressants.
JOURNAL: Cell and Tissue Research
The Gut–Brain Axis May Not
Operate as Previously Thought
Boiling tap water may be an effective way to reduce exposure to
nano- and microplastics, a new study suggests, after observing
tiny plastic particles appearing to get trapped within the
limescale deposits formed when hard water is boiled.
JOURNAL: Environmental Science & Technology Letters
Concerned About Microplastics
in Your Water? Consider Boiling
It First
Want to learn more?
Check out theTechnology Networks newsroom.
Marilyn Sargent/B erkeley Lab, Natracare/ Unsplash, iStock
Despite the unappealing origins of the fake meat, burgers
derived from different fungi species have become supermarket
staples in recent years thanks to rising consumer interest in
environmental sustainability and meat-free lifestyles.
JOURNAL: Nature Communications
Scientists Engineer a New
A new study, published in Nature Mental Health, investigated
how rhythmic oscillations in hormones shape brain structure
during the reproductive years.
JOURNAL: Nature Mental Health
Imaging Study Details the
Menstrual Cycle’s Effects on
the Brain
Scientists at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth have
shown that therapeutic phages can be detected by epithelial
cells of the human respiratory tract, eliciting proinflammatory
responses that depend on specific phage properties and the
airway microenvironment.
Phage Therapies for MultidrugResistant Infections Should
Consider Host Response
How to remain a
good scientist amidst
the climate crisis
As humanity faces a growing
climate and biodiversity
crisis, the scientific community finds itself on the
frontlines. Scientists, tasked with
understanding and mitigating these
issues, can often feel burdened by
such responsibilities, resulting in
feelings of guilt and pressure.
In this article, Dr. Natalie Cooper,
an ecologist and senior researcher
at the Natural History Museum in
London, shares her insights on how
to persevere as a scientist amidst
global crises.
The climate crisis is a multi-faceted
challenge requiring interdisciplinary solutions from experts across
a variety of fields such as ecology,
sociology, economics and policymaking. Collaboration between scientists, the public and government
is vital to save our planet.
Cooper emphasizes the need for scientists to be mindful of their communication, explaining how public
engagement has changed how she
does her research. “I think carefully
about what I'm doing and how that
information might be transmitted to
the public,” she says.
She explains that her role in the
museum enables her to interact
with donors and government departments: “Even if I'm not working
Fighting For Truth in a
Burning World
directly on those climate solutions,
I can be working with people who
might control policy or the funding of work on climate solutions,”
she says. The role of the scientist
extends well beyond pipetting and
writing research papers; the scientific voice is powerful and significant in the public sphere – and we
must use it wisely.
Scientists have a unique position
of authority and credibility, which
can be used to raise awareness, inf luence policy and advocate for sustainable practices.
Are scientists doing enough to advocate for the planet, and, if not, what
more they could be doing?
“Scientists are doing a pretty good
job of getting the word out about the
climate crisis,” Cooper says. “Everyone could be doing a good job; I'm not
a climate scientist, but I will shout
about it … if I give a presentation with
a funny animal fact, I will ensure we
also talk about how those animals
are facing extinction.”
“There are some scientists who feel
that science should be kept separate
from politics and emotion,” she adds.
“I would encourage those people to
realize that nothing is without context, including science. They need to
get involved.”
Individual actions that scientists
can take beyond the laboratory environment to lead by example include
joining a charity, working in a nature
reserve or getting involved with local
campaigning groups, for example.
Empowering young people is particularly important, Cooper highlights:
“Working with young activists who
come from around the world is very
inspiring; it does make me feel better
about the future. As people who have
gone through their whole lives with
[knowledge of the climate crisis]
underlying their childhood, they will,
hopefully, make great change when
they get to positions of power.”
Collaboration across scientific
networks allows for not only the
exchange of ideas, but also emotional
support. Cooper emphasizes the
importance of community for coping
with difficult emotions surrounding
major crises such as the climate crisis:
“Some people manage to put it into a
little box in their head, but most people have been really open about saying [the climate crisis] is something
that upsets them,” she says.
“For some [scientists] it's especially
difficult; they're working with species
that are really close to extinction …
coral reefs they may have worked on
are dead and don’t exist anymore.
Having a community to chat with has
been really important,” she adds.
Now more than ever, scientists must
come together. With the help of social
media platforms, connection to a supportive network can be a mere click
away, whether you fancy joining a
network such as this LinkedIn group
for women in STEM, or joining an online community via one of the myriad
science associations.
In the face of seemingly insurmountiStock
able challenges, Cooper reminds
us that small successes can make
a difference, recalling examples of
people coming together to solve
major environmental problems.
She describes the remarkable resurgence of osprey and bald eagle
populations in the US, and peregrine
falcon and red kite populations in
the UK, following the 1972 ban on
the once routinely used pesticide
d ich lorod ipheny lt r ich loroetha ne
(DDT) after it was found to cause
eggshell thinning for birds of prey.
Recounting the recovery of blue
whale populations from the brink of
extinction, Cooper reiterates, “It’s
not all bad. There’s definitely hope.”
Even when it may feel like our
accomplishments are just a drop
in the ocean, progress is progress.
Amidst significant challenges, it’s
vital that we take the time to celebrate our successes, however small
they may seem.
A career in science can be noble,
but often carries an emotional toll
and significant self-sacrifice, with
scientists finding themselves unable
to “switch off ”. With over 20 years
of research experience, Cooper
recounts the challenges she faces as
an ecologist amidst the climate and
biodiversity crisis. “I go through
cycles of feeling very guilty [about
not working more], but I have my
own life. I can be worried about climate change, but I still need to do the
washing,” she says. Her comments
highlight the almost comical challenge many scientists face, juggling
their personal lives – picking up the
kids, taking out the bins – with the
weighty responsibility of helping to
solve humanitarian and environmental crises through the humble tools
of research.
Cooper reminds us of the importance
of balance between personal life and
concern about the climate crisis,
urging us to prioritize our mental
well-being: “If I can’t do something
[about the climate crisis] right now,
what else do I need to be doing to
make sure that my life continues
running? [Eco-anxiety] is a constant
undercurrent. Maybe that’s a good
thing, maybe it motivates researchers – but it’s important to make sure
that the undercurrent doesn’t overwhelm you.”
Despite pressure to remain current
and impassioned regarding every
problem world-over, the daily barrage of distressing news we are exposed to can become overwhelming.
Cooper advises: “It’s okay to have a
social media detox… self-care is really important. If you're feeling bad,
sitting down and ruminating isn’t
going to help. Try to do nice things,
hang out with your friends, engage
in hobbies.”
Balancing a personal life with the
struggles of the research environment can be a challenge, both for the
burnt-out post-grad student and the
esteemed senior researcher. Having
spent time working as a researcher
in the US, Cooper highlights the
differences between UK and US
work culture, emphasizing the importance of a work-life balance. “The
US system is at an extreme where it’s
not unusual for people to be working
60 to 70 hours a week… that’s really
unhealthy,” she says. “I strongly encourage my students to take breaks,
holidays and work a standard nineto-five so they don’t feel they have to
be working constantly.”
In a culture where success is increasingly defined by the arbitrary
metrics of career progression or
monetary wealth, it’s crucial that we
focus on real successes – creating a
better world, supporting our loved
ones and living a fulfilling life.
Achieving these goals, and doing
good science, can only happen if we
are mentally well enough to do so. So,
how do you remain a good scientist
while the world burns? Step one: look
after yourself.⚫
Key advances will be highlighted across the field of immuno-oncology. Hear a cross-section of
experts discuss their research with a focus on basic research and a broad range of established
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Brought to you by the publication
June 19–20, 2024
Sebastian Kobold
University of Munich
Craig Eagle
Guardant Health
The Landscape of Cancer
Research: Advances in
he breakdown of biological material by microbes is an integral
process to life on Earth. While
some genetic studies have
probed the microbial communities
that decompose plant matter, surprisingly, we know very little about
the decomposition of vertebrates
such as humans.
That was until a recent study by
scientists from Colorado State University (CSU) identified a network
of microbes that appear to “universally” drive the decomposition of
animal flesh, regardless of environmental variables.
The research team, led by Dr. Jessica
Metcalf, associate professor in the
Department of Animal Sciences,
tracked the decomposition of 36 human cadavers across 3 willed-body
donation sites: the University of Tennessee, Sam Houston State University and Colorado Mesa University.
Over the multi-year study, cadavers
were placed in cages and exposed to
the elements across all four seasons.
After 21 days of exposure, Metcalf
and colleagues collected skin and
soil samples from each cadaver,
which were then subject to various
molecular and genomics studies
including genetic sequencing and
metabolite analyses.
Strikingly, the same 20 microbes
were identified across all 36 bodies,
regardless of the climate or type of
soil to which they had been exposed.
The network, including characters
such as Oblitimonas alkaliphila,
Ignatzschineria, Wohlfahrtiimonas,
Bacteroides and Vagococcus lutrae,
represented a “unique phylogenetic
diversity” that was rare or undetected in host–association or soil microbial communities in the American
Gut Project or the Earth Microbiome
Project data sets, two large studies
characterizing microbial communities in humans. The microbes are
found on insects, however, suggesting that insects act as “vectors”,
delivering microbes to the cadavers
for decomposition.
Uncovering the makeup and timing of
the microbes that decompose human
flesh carries important implications
for the field of forensic science. MetUniversal Microbial Network Breaks
Down Human Flesh
calf and collaborators applied machine
learning approaches to the data and
built a tool that is capable of predicting – with high accuracy – the time that
has passed since a body’s death. This
period, also known as the postmortem
interval, can be difficult to decipher
when remains have been exposed to
harsh environmental conditions.
Technology Networks spoke with the
research team to understand how the
study – which builds on over 10 years
of work – was conducted, and the how
the data could help in modulating
decomposition processes in human
death industries.
Q: Can you explain why little
was known about the ecology
of vertebrate decomposition,
prior to this study?
A: Microbes have been known to
be one of the major players when it
comes to decomposing vertebrate
remains, including humans. However, some of the intricacies of how
the decomposer microbial community members respond and interact
with each other isn’t well known,
particularly comparisons of these
activities across climates. The reason for this lack of knowledge is that
most prior research in the decomposition field has focused on the
decomposition of plant material due
to its vastly larger global biomass.
Q: Why did you choose a 21-day
observation period?
A: The 21-day period was chosen
because this is when vertebrate
decomposition is most dynamic. We
see the largest changes to the body,
surrounding environment and the
microbial communities. So, by choosing this timeframe we capture how
the microbes are responding to these
dynamic changes.
Q: The study generated a significant amount of molecular
and genomic information from
the samples. Can you summarize the different methods that
you used to analyze this data,
and why?
A: We sequenced an essential gene for
all prokaryotes called the 16S rR NA
gene. Sequencing this gene allows
us to identify the microbial members in the system and get a relative
measurement of their prevalence at
each time point. We also sequenced a
eukaryotic gene, 18S rR NA, that has
the same role in eukaryotes to look
at the microscopic eukaryotes in
the system.
Further, we performed metagenomic
sequencing to study the functional
genes of bacteria, such as the ability
to create or use specific nutrients. We
were also able to assemble genomes
of some key bacteria with the metagenomic data, which provides the first
microbial decomposer database to
our field. Lastly, we generated metabolomics data which is a profile of
some of the nutrients and resource
types within the environment.
Q: Can you tell us a bit more
about the universal decomposers? What are some of the key
microorganisms in that community? Were there any that surprised you?
A: These universal decomposers are
organisms we found to be associated
with active and advanced stages of
decomposition at all our climate
locations. Some of these organisms
include bacteria known to be associated with blow f lies that feed on
remains, such as Ignatzschineria.
None of them were particularly surprising, but there are some which
we don’t know a lot about, such
as Oblitimonas.
Q: You found the universal decomposers on insects, which
implies that insects “bring them
in” to cadavers. Can you talk
more about these insects – are
they found all over the world,
and do they face any environmental pressures?
A: Yes, insects serve as vectors both
to and from the cadavers. They bring
their microbes in and deposit them
via feeding and defecating. In the
case of flies, they also lay eggs that
hatch to maggots and deposit/pick up
their own microbes. Then, once the
flies/maggots leave, they take some
of these microbes with them to the
next location. These insects include
a broad subset including flies, beetles
and ants.
There are studies in which decomposition has controlled settings to
exclude insects, and some of the
same microbes we detect do occur,
but the insect specific microbes are
missing. The decomposition process
still occurs, but the lack of insects
can lead to slower progression
and even tissue remaining on the
cadaver longer.
Q: The setup of the experiment –
human bodies exposed to the
elements in cages across research sites – might be interpreted as quite grim by some. I
appreciate that this is the only
way to gather data such that
it reflects real life scenarios of
human decomposition, but can
“We see similar microbes
arrive at similar times during
decomposition, regardless of any
number of outdoor variables you
can think of,” Metcalf said.
you explain how you, as a research team, felt during the experience of the study?
A: The ultimate goal for studying
human decomposition specifically
is to better improve society. This
can be through discovering greener
ways to handle the deceased,
improving our understanding of
essential ecological processes so we
can mediate them, and for forensic
investigations to ensure justice is
As a researcher, it is important to
keep these benefits in mind when
performing these studies. It is also
extremely important that these
donors, and the samples from them,
are treated with the utmost respect
as they willingly donated themselves to better our society.
Q: Can you talk about the
cadaver donation process for
your study?
A: The three facilities we worked
with in this study are what we consider “willed-body donation” facilities. Because of this, the donors
in this study willingly signed up to
donate their body to their specific
facility during life. This request
was approved by the facility and
the donor’s next of kin, attorney or
physician ensured that the donor’s
wishes were known and granted.
Q: The discussion of the paper
states that the data might help
in modulating decomposition
processes in human death industries – can you explain what
you mean by this?
A: The human death industry has
issues with things such as space
availability in cemeteries for burials and the generation of volatiles
and greenhouse gases from cremation. Because of this, other more
green methods of handling the
deceased have been researched. For
example, human composting works
to convert the human remains into
nutrient-rich soil in a completely
natural way that can be used to
support growth of plants or recover
damaged habitats.
Through the study of the microorganisms associated with decomposition, we can work towards
increasing our understanding of
these processes in a way that we can
hopefully increase their efficiency. ⚫
“I feel like
we’re opening
a whole lot
of avenues in
basic ecology
and nutrient
Metcalf said.
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t's late and I’m trying to get my boy
to sleep. That’s when the deepest
meaningful questions arise.
“Does pollution harm the planet?” he
asks. “Yes, it does,” I reply.
“Can the planet defend itself?” he continues. “No, it can’t,” I say.
“But then, people are harming themselves; why do they do that?” and
without waiting for an answer, he
irately says, “I’m starting to hate people because they throw garbage, and
the animals eat it and they die. That’s
so stupid!”
He just turned six, and it’s not the
first time he has made questions and
statements revealing his concern
about environmental issues. He cares
about it, and failing to understand
why all this happens makes him truly
upset. I wonder if this is part of the
so-called “eco-anxiety” phenomenon.
This new and complex concept has
diverse definitions across the literature. Dr. Susan Clayton, professor
of psychology and environmental
studies at the College of Wooster in
the USA, defines eco-anxiety as “a
pattern of negative emotional responses, especially anxiety but also
possibly mixed with grief or guilt, associated with a perception of environmental degradation.”
We all are susceptible to suffering
eco-anxiety to some degree. “A common predictor of negative emotions
triggered by climate change is to
embrace universal and biospheric
values – such as animals’ right to exist, global justice and peace. Since climate change threatens these values, a
very rational and normal reaction is
to worry,” explains Dr. Maria Ojala,
associate professor in psychology at
Örebro University in Sweden.
“Everybody on the planet, as far as I'm
concerned, has mild climate anxiety;
how could you not? It’s a healthy
response. But it affects children
differently as they have an empathic
connection with nature and are
completely tuned into things being
fair or unfair. As adults, we're able to
rationalize the problem and accommodate it by our recognition that life
is not always fair. But children have
not learned about injustice yet,” adds
Caroline Hickman, psychotherapist
and lecturer at the University of Bath
in the UK.
Learning about environmental
degradation can trigger a plethora
of emotions – such as worry, stress,
hopelessness, irritability, despair,
anger, frustration, confusion, grief
and guilt – that children (and adults)
need to learn to navigate.
The largest global survey on
eco-anxiety in children and young
people was conducted in 2021. It
collected data from 10,000 young
people aged 16–25 years old living
in 10 countries across the world.
The results showed that nearly
60% of young people are very or
extremely worried about environmental problems.
Between 50% and 67% said climate
change makes them feel sad, scared,
anxious, angry, powerless, helpless
and guilty. Remarkably, 45% reported a negative impact of these
emotions on daily functioning such
as eating, concentrating, sleeping
and playing. A n overwhelming 83%
of the young people surveyed think
adults have failed to take care of the
planet, and 75% believe that the future is frightening. Moreover, 48%
reported they have been dismissed
or ignored when trying to talk about
the environmental crisis.
The survey also offers insight into
young people's perceptions of
governmental responses to climate
change. Participants tended to rate
government responses negatively;
around 64% think governments are
not taking their concerns seriously,
are not doing enough to avoid a
climate catastrophe and are failing
young people around the world.
Thus, the source of eco-anxiety
seems to be twofold; one part is the
actual ecological problem, and the
other is the realization that our leaders are not doing enough to change
it. “Climate anxiety, particularly in
children, is a moral injury caused by
the people who are supposed to be
looking after us but are failing us. A
big portion of the children’s distress
comes from realizing that we live in
a world that doesn't care about their
future," highlights Hickman.
A lthough responses varied across
countries, strong negative feelings
were present in all populations, despite differential access to resources
and exposure to the physical effects
of climate change. “The overall responses are the same among young
people from different cultures that
have different experiences in terms
of poverty and climate impact; this
is a shared generational phenomenon,” explains Hickman.
Several scales have been developed
and validated to measure eco-anxiety in adults over recent years,
such as the Clayton & Karazsia’s
Climate Change Anxiety Scale
(CCAS) and the Hogg Eco-A nxiety
Scale (HEAS). But, unfortunately,
measuring eco-anxiety in young
children is quite complex. “The
CCAS has been used with children
as young as 11–14 years old but
would probably not be appropriate for younger children. I don’t
know of [any] attempts to assess
eco-anxiety in younger children,”
explains Clayton.
That is because studies on younger children are very difficult to
perform, explains Ojala: “I have
worked with 11–12 years old; it is
possible to do interviews as well as
let them write and paint pictures
about their worries and anxieties,
but you need a lot of assistants present in the classroom.” Interestingly,
her data showed that 11–12 years
old are more hopeful than older
children. “Hope can reside side by
side with worry and can help people
feel well, confront their worry and
do something constructive with it,”
she concludes.
More work needs to be done to overcome the challenges of measuring
eco-anxiety in younger children.
Until then, our understanding of
their emotional well-being will be
limited to personal experiences and
sparse qualitative data.
There is overwhelming evidence
that climate change is having a
negative effect on the mental health
and emotional wellbeing of people
around the world. The experts
agree that eco-anxiety is a rational,
rather than a pathological response.
“However, it may lead to diminished
mental health, especially clinical
anxiety or depression if it becomes
extreme and people don’t have good
coping skills,” explains Clayton.
Eco-distress constitutes a chronic
and long-term stressor that can increase the risk of developing mental
health problems in vulnerable individuals, and exacerbate pre-existing mental health problems in some
children. Maybe the best-known
example of the latter is the case
of Greta Thunberg. She was eight
years old when she first heard about
climate change and felt extremely
distressed because she could not
understand why so little was being
done about it. The distress was
followed by depression. At the age
of 11, she stopped talking and eating.
The same year, she was diagnosed
with Asperger syndrome, obsessive
compulsive disorder and selective
mutism. Thunberg struggled with
depression for almost four years
before beginning her school strike
campaign when she was 15. This
is certainly an extreme case, but a
very enlightening one.
“Eco-anxiety is a normal emotion to
a very serious and difficult problem.
The question is not to get rid of worry but to promote constructive ways
of coping with these feelings. To
transform it into active citizenship
without lower mental wellbeing in
general. A nd to prevent a feeling of
hopelessness,” emphasizes Ojala.
Climate anxiety is a correlate of care
and empathy for our planet. Nonetheless, the scale of its emotional and
psychological effects on children and
young people is disturbing. Exploring
how to cope with these emotions
seems paramount in this context.
Ojala's research focuses on how
children and young people cope
with global environmental problems.
She identifies three main coping
strategies: emotion-, problem- and
meaning-focused coping. During
emotion-focused coping, people usually take distance from the problem
to avoid the negative emotions associated with it. “This can be done by
doing something else than to worry
or avoiding information about the
topic, but it could also involve de-em-
"Everybody on the planet, as far as I'm
concerned, has mild climate anxiety;
how could you not?" said Hickman.
phasizing the problem by denying it,”
she explains.
Problem-focused coping, in turn,
involves taking action and trying to
find solutions. “Often these are small
actions in everyday life, like eating
less beef, asking your parents not to
drive you to school but take the bicycle instead or to talk to your friends
and parents about the importance of
the problem,” she says. Although this
strategy is associated with a feeling
of empowerment, it can also have
negative effects on young people.
This is because there is no individual
action that can solve the problem.
“It is important to balance external
activism with internal activism; that
is, building emotional intelligence
and resilience to tolerate these complex emotions. Because you're not
going to save the planet by taking the
streets; and chasing after something
impossible to achieve, can massively
damage your mental health,” stresses Hickman.
When, as in the case of climate change,
the stressor cannot be removed, a
meaning-focused coping strategy
seems to be the best approach. “This
involves promoting constructive
hope by acknowledging the seriousness of the problem but also being
able to switch perspectives and see
positive aspects. Constructive hope
can be facilitated by trusting in other
more powerful actors such as the
climate change movement, the young
generation or technological progress.
Meaning-focused coping can buffer
worries and anxiety from turning into
low wellbeing,” explains Ojala. This
strategy is positively correlated with
both active engagement and wellbeing. Thus, the more meaning-focused
coping the children use, the more they
experience life satisfaction, purpose
and optimism. Constructing meaning
requires navigating (not controlling,
nor managing) all the emotions triggered by the problem. “This allows
the children to reframe the problem
and turn eco-anxiety into something positive such as eco-empathy,
eco-compassion, eco-awareness or
eco-community. It’s all about learning to be okay with not being okay,”
concludes Hickman.
All adults – parents, teachers and
policymakers – have the responsibility to help children and young people
deal with the emotions triggered by
the environmental crisis.
We might recognize that confronting
the truth is the first step towards hope,
yet it is not always easy knowing what
to do and how. “I do think parents of
young children need more support
and advice with this,” explains Hickman. “Because a natural thing for a
parent is to protect your child from
scary things. But we're trying to turn
parenting on its head today with the
climate crisis. Instead of protecting
your child from scary things, you
now need to introduce them to scary
things. Otherwise, they will find
out by themselves from school, the
internet or their friends, and then
they will often misunderstand some
of it. So, my advice to parents is to
start talking to the children as soon
iStock modified
as possible and normalize these conversations.”
“Do not be afraid of negative emotions
but listen, be empathic and help
children put words to their worries.
This will give a sense of control and
worry will not be transformed into
free-f loating anxiety. Also, talk about
how a sustainable society could look
like and how can we work together to
promote it,” adds Ojala.
When talking with children around
the world, Hickman asked an eightyear-old about how we should talk to
kids about the climate crisis without
frightening them. “You have to tell
us the truth because if you don't tell
us the truth, you're lying to us. And if
you lie to us, we can't trust you. And
if we can't trust you, we can't tell you
how we feel. And then we're alone,”
she replied.
The role of teachers is also fundamental. But they need help. A recent
survey in the UK showed that 70% of
teachers feel they haven’t received
adequate training to educate students about climate change, and 79%
believe they are not teaching about
the ecological crisis in a meaningful
and relevant way. Climate change
education should be an integral
part of school curriculums. For this,
teachers need to be trained in how to
teach about the ecological crisis and
also how to deal with the emotions
triggered by this knowledge. “Meaning-focused coping can (and should)
be promoted in school,” says Ojala.
Validation is crucial for children
and young people. “Children would
be less anxious if they felt confident
that those in charge were paying
attention. We can support our
children by providing them with
accurate information about the climate crisis and by listening to their
concerns, not dismissing them,”
says Clayton. “ We can show young
people that there are adults who do
take climate change seriously by for
example inviting climate scientists
and politicians to the classrooms,”
adds Ojala.
Finally, government representatives
and legislators can act to reduce
eco-distress by validating the emotions of young people and prioritizing
their rights when making decisions.
Promisingly, international legal bodies are starting to recognize the negative effects of climate crisis on physical and mental health as a human right
issue. In a unique and inspiring case,
6 Portuguese children and young
people (aged between 11 and 24)
filed a complaint with the European
Court of Human Rights against 33
countries in 2020. They argue that
climate change impacts their physical
and mental health, their right to life
and their right to non-discrimination
(because children disproportionately
suffer these effects during their
lifetime). The complaint alleges that
by failing to take sufficient action on
climate change, these countries have
violated their human rights and seeks
an order requiring them to take more
ambitious action.
In an address to the British Parliament in 2019, Thunberg said: “You
lied to us. You gave us false hope. You
told us that the future was something
to look forward to. And the saddest
thing is that most children are not
even aware of the fate that awaits
us. We will not understand it until
it’s too late. And yet we are the lucky
ones. Those who will be affected the
hardest are already suffering the
consequences. But their voices are
not heard.” She was only 16.
“I always apologize to children; I
always say I'm sorry that you're
having to deal with this because
previous generations didn't deal
with this quickly enough. And I'm
sorry that this is now going to make
life harder for you and your generation. We have to say sorry. Children
respond brilliantly to this because
they know they can then trust you,”
concludes Hickman.
My boy is sleeping now. His future
might be daunting, but I am committed to nurturing constructive
hope and amplifying his voice. That
might hopefully help. ⚫
he CU Green Labs Program
plays a pivotal role at the University of Colorado Boulder
(CU Boulder) by helping to
tackle the resource-intensive and
expensive nature of its research laboratories. It achieves this by engaging
scientists in sustainable practices
and encouraging cultural changes to
improve the efficiency of research
processes. This initiative is not only
transforming laboratory operations at
CU Boulder but is also setting a precedent for sustainable research practices globally. Kathryn Ramirez-Aguilar, who established the program in
2009 and is an expert in sustainable
laboratory practices, sheds light
on some key strategies that have
significantly influenced the way the
university’s scientists and laboratory
personnel approach environmental
responsibility in their daily routines.
In the interview, Ramirez-Aguilar
also elaborated on her involvement
with the International Institute for
Sustainable Laboratories and discussed the role of research funders in
furthering sustainability within a lab
Laura Lansdowne (LL): Could
you share the key strategies or
initiatives that have been most
effective in engaging scientists
and lab personnel in sustainable practices at CU Boulder?
Kathryn Ramirez-Aguilar (KR-A):
Our program has had great success
with utilizing posters. We created
these to share information on
specific lab sustainability topics,
raise awareness of the CU Boulder
Green Labs Program and inform
researchers about how to contact
us (via information displayed at the
bottom of every poster). At research
universities, there is a turnover of
students working in campus labs
as they graduate. Our goal is to
establish a culture of sustainability
in research while these individuals
are still on campus before they
transition to their next roles. The
posters are strategically positioned
in laboratory buildings where scienStrategies for Sustainable Science at
CU Boulder and Beyond
tists will likely have time to engage
with them, such as in lavatories and
near microwaves in kitchenettes.
Other initiatives that have been
particularly effective at engaging lab
members include our lab-specific
material recycling program and
contests such as “Just Shut It” for
fume hood sashes and the International Laboratory Freezer Challenge.
Over the years, scientists have
repeatedly expressed interest in
diverting their waste streams from
the landfill. The diversion streams
established by CU Boulder Green
Labs have effectively engaged
scientists in our program and
facilitated discussions on various
efficiency-related topics, including
energy and water conservation.
For example, by setting ultra-low
temperature (ULT) freezers to -70
⁰C instead of -80 ⁰C scientists can
not only save energy but also extend
the life of their freezers in some
cases. By sharing research equipment (preferably where a manager
oversees the resources) it’s possible
to provide more researchers with
better and more inclusive access to
equipment while also avoiding repeat equipment purchases. Unnecessary equipment duplication not
only results in increased electricity
use but also requires more laboratory space to house the equipment.
Given that lab space is energy-intensive due to its ventilation needs,
optimized use of laboratory space
is of utmost importance for energy
efficiency in scientific research.
Leadership by researchers (on behalf of CU Boulder Green Labs) who
are passionate about sustainability
in research practices has helped
to engage lab members through
peer-to-peer interaction. It has also
led to the creation of efforts such
as the solvent recycling and reuse
program, which was established and
led by a chemistry graduate student.
Lab members can volunteer to be
eco-leaders for their labs or team
leaders for their lab buildings.
LL: Can you tell me about the
International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) and
your responsibilities as a board
KR-A: I2SL is the first and largest
international organization where
professionals involved in the
design, building and operation of
labs come together to promote efficiency, safety and sustainability
in research facilities. I2SL had its
start as a US federal program by
the US Environmental Protection
Agency and Department of Energy
to address the large energy consumption of laboratory facilities.
It is now a non-profit organization,
with an educational mission and
participation from non-profit institutions/groups, federal agencies and
companies that interact with laboratory research in various capacities.
I will highlight several I2SL initiatives that could be particularly
relevant to those focused on green
lab efforts:
1. Last year the I2SL Annual Conference and Technology Fair featured a Green Labs track from
start to finish over multiple days
and we expect to have the same
again at the 2024 conference.
2. In April each year, I2SL Education Week takes place.
Attendees have the opportunity
to participate in live virtual
sessions or watch pre-recorded
sessions on topics such as sustainable lab design, lab decarbonization strategies, efficient
ventilation systems and green
lab leadership. My Green Lab,
another nonprofit with whom I
frequently partner, also hosts a
virtual summit each year in May
or June.
3. The Circular Economy for Laboratories (CEL) Community of
Practice webpage was recently
launched. This is designed to
encourage communication and
collaboration between lab and
campus sustainability experts,
and their suppliers on topics
such as the diversion of materials from landfills through
reuse, recycling and reduction
of materials.
4. There are also several different
I2SL working groups focused
on specific technical topics and
common sustainability issues
that you can get involved in.
In addition to serving as a board
member for I2SL, where I have the
opportunity to give input on the direction that that the organization is
headed and contribute as time allows
to ongoing efforts of I2SL, I also chair
the I2SL University Alliance Group
(UAG) which is primarily composed
of individuals interested in greening
labs from universities but also from
federal roles/campuses and nonprofit research institutions as well.
The I2SL UAG focuses on green lab
topics and emphasizes the importance of connecting efficiency and
sustainability expectations in the
way research is conducted to the
funding of research.
LL: What have been the most
significant challenges you've
encountered while promoting
sustainability in labs and how
have you tackled them?
KR-A: W hile certainly there are
those labs that are more engaged
in greening their lab operations
than others, it is our experience
that there are many scientists and
labs that want to work with us on
efforts for efficiency and sustainability in their labs. So much so
that we have trouble keeping up.
Our most significant challenge is
the constraints on our time as staff
members of the CU Boulder Green
Labs Program – we are not limited
by finding engaged laboratory scientists who want to do more. We
are tackling our time limitations in
various ways. W here possible, we
empower interested researchers
to take the lead in their laboratory buildings. Over time, we are
chipping away at individual topics,
one at a time, as well as focusing
on systematic change and establishing processes that simplify the
ongoing effort to achieve our goals.
For example, many of our laboratory
departments at CU Boulder are
now proactively inviting us to their
new graduate student recruitment
events and orientations each year,
whereas historically we had to initiate contact to ask if CU Boulder
Green Labs could be included. We
also are currently piloting the My
Green Lab certification as a way to
have greater implementation of best
practices in our campus labs.
LL: What emerging trends or
technologies do you see playing a pivotal role in furthering
sustainability within the lab
KR-A: Two key areas of focus come
to mind – the inf luence of research
funders and the resulting advancement of equipment and supplies in
response to sustainability expectations by funders.
1. Research funders: Increasingly it is being recognized
that there is a need for granting
bodies to encourage or expect
efficiency and sustainability in
the way research is conducted in
connection with receiving grant
funding. Research is contingent
on funding, thus if those funding
the science make it clear they are
prioritizing environmental sustainability in research practices,
it will lead to large-scale, widespread adoption of environmental sustainability in research.
The I2SL UAG and My Green
Lab have led the Million
Advocates for Sustainable
Science (MASS) effort, which
is a call to action for science
funders around the world to
encourage sustainability in
Also, some granting bodies are
beginning to show signs of taking action, for example:
– UK Research & Innovation (UKRI): The UK R I
Environmental Sustainability
Strategy has a goal to “embed
environmental sustainability
across all our investment decisions” by 2025. The UK R I is
also finalizing a Concordat for
Environmental Sustainability
of Research and Innovation
Practice that “aims to gain
agreement from all organizations involved in research
or innovation activities on
immediate and consistent
long-term action to reduce
and eliminate environmental
impacts and emissions associated with R&I.”
– Science Foundation Ireland initiated a Sustainable
Laboratory Certification Pilot
Programme in October 2023.
– The German Research
Foundation (DFG) issued
a press release in June 2023
stating that “applicants for
DFG grants must provide
a concise account of sustainability aspects in their
research process, including a
succinct and comprehensible
outline of any potential for
reduction of emissions and use
of resources as part of the materials submitted along with
the project proposal.” DFG
has also created a webpage of
“Guiding Questions” which
DFG says are to serve “as a
source of inspiration". Among
many others, the site includes
questions such as “Can providers be found that sell more
energy-efficient products?”
and “Is it necessary to purchase new equipment if existing or repairable equipment is
available (e.g., in a neighboring
working group)?”
– The Wellcome Trust published a report by R AND
Europe that provides an overview of the current initiatives
focused on minimizing the
environmental footprint of
health research. “Progress on
sustainable health research
has been reliant on the goodwill of individual researchers.
Wider research system actors,
like funders, need to match the
efforts of these individuals by
providing resources and impetus for action. Without this,
progress towards more sustainable health research will
be stunted.” — R AND Europe.
– US Health and Human
Services’ climate action
plan priority action #3 is to
“develop language across the
range of HHS grant-making programs and funding
announcements to advance
federal sustainability and
climate resilience goals.”
2. Advances in equipment/
supplies: Funder expectations
for efficiency and sustainability
described above will drive more
sustainable solutions from
companies developing/manufacturing research equipment
and supplies. A lready advances
have been made to develop
highly efficient ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers that
use half or less than half of the
electricity they used to use (see
Energy Star for the top efficient
ULT freezers), but there are so
many other types of equipment
utilized in research that require
advancements in efficiency. Additionally, there is a significant
use of single-use materials in
research that necessitates truly
green/sustainable solutions for
waste diversion. ⚫
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Nourishing our
growing population
in the face of
climate change and
diminishing resources
will not be an easy feat.
y 2049, our global population
will reach ~9 billion people. Pests, diseases and adverse
environmental conditions are
impacting crops across the globe,
compounding the issue of feeding a
growing population.
Traditional breeding techniques
have enabled scientists and farmers
to develop many varieties of plants
and livestock tailored for specific
agricultural or commercial purposes.
Technologies such as genomic sequencing are helping to enhance these
methods further. However, traditional
breeding techniques can still take
years to produce results.
Genetic engineering and gene-editing
tools are by no means a panacea for the
time-sensitive agricultural and food-related challenges we face – but they
could help, if given the opportunity.
The invention of recombinant-DNA
technology in the 1970s provided a
new method for introducing desirable
traits into a crop plant using genetic
engineering. “A transgenic organism
contains one or more genes that have
been incorporated from another species, or across (trans) species, hence
‘trans-gene’,” Dr. Kevin Pixley, Dryland
Crops Program director and Wheat
Program director at the International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, describes.
Genetically-modified organism – or
GMO – has become the common term
used to refer to transgenic organisms.
GMO is not generally used to refer to
organisms developed using selective
breeding. Instead, it “refers to crops
where DNA that does not originate
from that species remains in the final
product,” explains Professor Giles
Oldroyd, director of the Crop Science
Centre at the University of Cambridge.
The Landscape of Agricultural
The first genetically engineered
food product to be made available
commercially was Calgene’s FLAVR
SAVR™ tomato in 1994. The FLAVR
SAVR™ was engineered to possess
reduced polygalacturonase activity,
an enzyme that dissolves pectin in
the cell walls and causes the fruit
to soften.
Over the last 25 years, transgenic
crop production has undergone an
over 100-fold increase; by 2013,
over 4 billion acres of crops had been
grown across 27 countries. These
crops are typically classified by generation, where first-generation traits
offer herbicide tolerance, resistance
to pests or environmental conditions,
and second-generation traits improve
nutritional quality. Third-generation
qualities are for which the applications “extend beyond those of traditional food items.”
Over 90% of US corn – the most
commonly grown crop in the country
– is transgenic, and an example of a
first-generation trait. Corn growers
are confronted by numerous pests,
with lepidopteran larvae considered
one of the most damaging. Bt corn is
engineered to express genes from the
soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis
to produce Bt delta endotoxin, which
kills the larvae. The selectivity of the
protein against lepidoptera means
that it is generally not harmful to other insects and is regarded as safe for
humans and other mammal species.
Ninety five percent of canola crops – a
staple ingredient in many cooking
oils or margarines, and a commonly
used animal feed – are transgenic in
Canada. The crop is engineered to
possess tolerance against ingredients
found in widely used herbicides,
which ensures that the plant can be
sprayed and protected against weeds
without experiencing damage itself.
Vitamin A deficiency, which can
cause blindness or even death, is
a major public health issue that affects 250 million people worldwide.
Scientists engineered a combination
of transgenes into rice that results in
an increased production of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. “Golden rice” (GR) has been approved for
cultivation in the Philippines, where
a recent study found it could provide
57%–99% of the average vitamin A
requirement for preschool children.
Transgenic crops could also support
climate change mitigation. A 2022
study suggests that growing transgenic crops in the European Union (EU)
could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 33 million tons of CO2 equivalents per year, equivalent to 7.5% of
the total agricultural greenhouse gas
emissions produced in the EU in 2017.
Many transgenic crops with diverse
traits have been produced in laboratory settings, but ultimately the number of new, commercially available
crops has been limited by a complex
interplay of factors.
Transgenic crops cannot be grown
or commercialized without approval
from an appropriate regulatory
agency, processes that ensure their
safety both for human consumption
and the environment. Legislation
protocols vary across the world,
with some regulations focusing on
A variety of laboratory techniques can be utilized to create transgenic
crops. A simplistic overview of the process is as follows:
1. Scientists decide which trait they want to insert into a plant and
identify an organism that possesses the gene encoding that trait.
2. The gene is isolated and copied, typically using polymerase
chain reaction (PCR).
3. To insert the gene into the organism’s cells, a vector is required
that can carry the gene into the plant’s cells, such as a plasmid.
4. The plasmid is introduced to the host plant’s cells, either using
agrobacterium-based methods or biolistics.
5. Once the gene is inserted, the cells are cultured in a laboratory
and those that have successfully incorporated the gene are
utilized to grow plants.
The first
engineered food
product to be
made available
was Calgene’s
tomato in 1994.
the product and others on the process, creating disparity.
In the US, three federal agencies are responsible for transgenics
regulation: the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA)
and the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA). Recently,
the USDA changed its position on
assessing environmental risks from
transgenic crops. Developers are no
longer required to invest in intensive
risk assessment if there is no scientific reason to believe that the crop is
likely to cause environmental harm.
An anthocyanin-rich purple tomato,
developed at the John Innes Centre
in Norwich, was the first transgenic
approved under the USDA’s novel
framework. Tomatoes carry the genes
to produce anthocyanins, but they
aren’t “switched on”. Researchers engineered the tomatoes to express two
genes from snapdragons that work as
genetic “switches”, helping to ramp up
production of the antioxidant. “The
bittersweet thing is that the tomatoes
will be on sale in America and not the
UK as well,” says Professor Cathie
Martin, who developed the tomato in 2008.
That’s because the landscape is
very different across the pond, and,
despite leaving the EU in 2020, the
UK currently adopts its regulatory
regime when it comes to transgenic
crops. “The EU has had a de-facto ban
on almost all cultivation of transgenic
crops for over 20 years,” Dr. Emma
Kovak, senior food and agriculture
analyst at The Breakthrough Institute explains.
The EU’s regulation of transgenics
is considered an example of a process-orientated regulatory scheme. It
adopts a precautionary approach to
regulating transgenic crop cultivation and commercialization, where
decisions are made on a case-by-case
basis and require extensive scientific
and safety trials. From 1992 to 2016,
the EU had approved 2,404 experimental transgenic field trials for research, a stark contrast to the 18,381
approved in the US. Only 2 cultivation applications have been approved
in the last 25 years in the EU, and
critics have argued that achieving its
requirements is so challenging that it
likely deters researchers from trying.
Even if authorization for cultivation
is made at the EU level, individual
member states retain the right to
ban cultivation in their territory.
Cultivation of MON 810 maize, for
example, has been banned by several
countries including Germany.
The general public is also offered
consultation on approvals, which
can influence regulatory decisions.
Public acceptance of transgenics has
been notoriously turbulent – with a
lot of skepticism deriving from “the
publication of fraudulent, poorly
designed and biased studies”, according to a recent article by Kathleen L.
Hefferon and Henry I. Miller.
Elsewhere in the world, we are continuing to witness a growing eagerness for the adoption of agricultural
biotechnology and the streamlining
of regulations.
In Africa – where farmers are
arguably most exposed to pressing
climate, pest and disease challenges –
there have been significant developments, says Oldroyd: “For instance,
Nigeria approved pod-borer resistant
cowpea, the world’s first transgenic
cowpea, for commercial use in 2019.
Likewise, amid historic droughts in
2022, the government of Kenya lifted a 10-year ban on the cultivation,
as well as importation, of transgenic
crops and animal feed, a move that
is currently subject to an ongoing
court case.”
Thorough scientific assessment of
transgenic crops is necessary, but
particularly strict methods can limit
the development of scientific expertise, hinder innovation and have
adverse economic and environmental
impacts. In a 2021 opinion piece,
Wu et al. argue that delaying the
uptake of transgenic products that
Technology Networks.
demonstrate clear benefits “has and
will cost numerous lives, frequently
of the most vulnerable individuals.”
“We need to feed people properly
without destroying the planet,” says Professor Jonathan Jones,
group leader at The Sainsbury
Laboratory in Norwich. […] “Using GM methods, we can replace
chemistry with genetics for pest and
disease control.”
“The lesson from countries that have
used this technology for 30 years is
that its potential risks can be regulated on the basis that they are predictable and specific to the change being
made,” Jones adds.
Gene editing allows scientists to
modify gene sequences directly in an
organism’s genome, a process that can
introduce changes much faster than
conventional breeding permits. Most
gene-editing processes do not result in
the introduction of DNA from a different organism.
“Advantages of genome editing are that
these changes are precisely targeted
and can be made within already excellent plant varieties, improving one trait,
such as disease resistance, without
altering any other traits,” says Pixley.
“This contrasts with most breeding
techniques, where mating a disease-resistant parent with another excellent
parent produces progeny with half of
the traits from each parent.”
A variety of genome-editing technologies now exist, such as zinc
finger nucleases (ZFNs), homing endonucleases or meganucleases (HEs),
transcriptional activator-like effector
nucleases (TALENs) and the recent
Nobel-prize winning CRISPR/Cas nuclease system. While their molecular
components differ, these approaches
all generate double-strand breaks in
the DNA, activating the cell’s endogenous DNA repair pathway.
There are three types of edits that
can be made, referred to as site-directed nucleases: SDN1, SDN2 and
SDN3. Pixley describes SDN1 as the
“simplest type of edit”, where DNA is
cut and the natural repair mechanism
results in the editing of only a few nucleotides at a precise location, altering the performance of a gene. “SDN2
is similar to SDN1, but a ‘template’ is
provided, such that the reassembly of
the DNA is not random,” he explains.
“SDN3 is the most complex and
involves the insertion of a complete
gene or genes, often resulting in a
transgenic, but differing from other
transgenic plants in that the transgene
is precisely inserted into the DNA at a
carefully chosen site.”
The number of research studies applying gene editing to plants continues
to grow. The versatility, low cost and
high efficiency of CRISPR and its derivatives has led it to take center stage
in this space.
CRISPR is being used to develop a
wide range of products that possess
beneficial agronomic traits, consumer-focused traits and traits that are
favorable for improving the sustainability of agricultural practices.
Double strand break
Microhomology-mediated or
Non-homology joining (NHEJ)
gene disruption
Precise DNA editing
gene insertion
Homology-directed repair (HDR)
Zing finger
nucleases Fok I
Figure 1: How CRISPR/Cas9 technology works.
Rice supplies 20% of global calories but
is particularly sensitive to drought
in comparison to other cereal crops.
Karavolias et al. used CRISPR-Cas9
to create stomagen and epidermal
patterning factor-like10 (epfl10) knockout rice lines to fine-tune stomatal
density, as previous research had
demonstrated a reduction in stomatal
density contributed to drought adaptation. Modest reductions in stomatal
density were observed in epfl10 lines,
without adverse reductions in stomatal conductions, carbon assimilation
or thermoregulation. “These attributes could contribute to improved
climate resilience in current and
future conditions where water is limiting, and temperatures are increased,”
the researchers say.
Rice is also susceptible to a disease
known as bacterial blight, which can
cause severe crop loss, particularly
in Asia and Africa. Oliva et al. used
CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce mutations
into three SWEET gene promoters
in rice lines. These promoters are
required for the crop’s susceptibility
to the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae, which causes bacterial blight of
rice. In paddy trials, rice containing
genome-edited SWEET promoters showed broad-spectrum and
robust resistance.
Other agronomic traits introduced using CRISPR technology include fungal, viral and temperature resistance
and increased crop yield. Examples
of consumer-focused traits include
reduced browning, improved shelflife, reductions in allergens and traits
that address broader health issues.
Raffan et al. recently published the
results of Europe’s first CRISPR field
trial, where wheat lines had been generated with the asparagine synthetase
gene TaASN2 knocked out. “The aim
of knocking out TaASN2 was to reduce
the concentration of free asparagine
in the grain. Free asparagine is converted to the carcinogenic processing
contaminant, acrylamide, during
high-temperature processing, baking
and toasting,” the researchers describe. The gene-edited wheat lines
had approximately 50% the amount of
free asparagine as unaltered plants.
While most gene-edited plant varieties created with SDN1 or SDN2 edits
do not contain genetic material from
another organism, there is ongoing
debate surrounding the biological,
political, social and legal distinctions between gene-edited crops and
transgenic crops.
A growing number of countries are
updating their regulatory frameworks, making it easier to approve
gene-edited crops for cultivation
compared to transgenic crops.
“Argentina was the first country
worldwide to update regulations to
make it easier, and many countries
followed – including the US, Brazil,
Canada, Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile,
Colombia, Japan, Australia and
"Advantages of genome editing are that these
changes are precisely targeted and can be made
within already excellent plant varieties, improving
one trait, such as disease resistance, without altering
any other traits,” says Pixley.
Israel – with others considering such
regulations,” Kovak explains.
These frameworks, says Pixley,
largely consider SDN1 and SDN2 as
“no different” from conventionally
bred plants.
In 2018, the EU’s Court of Justice determined that gene-edited crops are
required to meet the same regulation
as transgenic crops. In July, the executive body of the EU – the European
Commission – proposed a revision to
these restrictions, which splits new
genomic technique (NGT) plants
into two categories. “Those that
could occur naturally by conventional
breeding, including those developed
from gene-editing technologies that
do not introduce foreign DNA, would
be exempted from transgenic legislation and labeling requirements,”
explains Oldroyd. “Conversely, all
other NGT plants would continue to
be treated as GMOs and will continue to require risk assessments and
other authorizations.”
In the UK, a “game-changing” Act
was passed into law earlier in March,
which allows for the commercial
development of gene-edited plants
and crops in England. “This means
researchers can cut down the time
it takes to supply farmers with more
resilient or higher yielding crop varieties, which could be the difference
between failed harvests and food
shortages – or food security and
continuous supply,” says Oldroyd.
The Act will help the plant sector
mainstream genetic technologies to
encourage further research by public
sector institutes and start-ups.
“It also stands to generate new varieties, products and technologies that
can be adapted and used by other
parts of the world, including developing countries,” Oldroyd adds.
The UK government is phasing in the
new framework, which does not affect
the country’s stance on transgenic
crops. “While there are many important traits that can be delivered in
food crops through gene editing, there
remain some traits, such as the transfer of nitrogen-fixation, that require
transgenics,” Oldroyd says.
Access is a further barrier to wider
use of gene editing in agriculture, says
Pixley: “Some [technology] is protected by intellectual property rights,
and [there are] trade barriers from
potential importing countries that
decide not to accept grains or plant
products from genome-edited plants.”
A 2020 study found that 1,232 out
of 7,427 patent families relating to
CRISPR were specific to plant modification. Patents can hinder research
progress, especially for public sector
or small-scale breeders, as licensing
fees charged by companies that hold
them might not be affordable for
smaller organizations.
The current landscape of agricultural
biotechnology shows us that nourishing our growing population in the face
of climate change and diminishing
resources will not be an easy feat. Pixley emphasizes that while navigating
these issues, there will be differences
of opinion about the best approaches
to follow: “But most of us will agree
that food and nutrition security must
be a basic human right for all – forever.”
This, he says, is a great starting point
to discuss science and innovation for a
better world. ⚫
Food and
security must
be a basic
human right for
all – forever
The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Air Quality
Guidelines establish air quality standards for five common
air pollutants, which have the strongest evidence to
suggest public health concerns.
There are many other common air pollutants that are not formally included in the WHO air quality guidelines,
but that are often presented as contaminants of concern. These include:
Particulate matter includes coarse
particles (with a diameter between
2.5 µm and 10 µm), such as pollen,
wind-blown soil particles and dust
from industrial activities.
Finer particles (diameter less than
2.5 µm) such as the soot and
chemicals generated from the
burning of fuels are also included in
this category.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odor-less gas
produced by the incomplete combustion of wood
and fossil fuels. As an indoor air contaminant, carbon
monoxide is difficult to detect without specialized
equipment. Carbon monoxide can be potentially lethal
to humans if exposed for a long period of time.
Sulfur dioxide is another harmful gas that is produced
mainly from fossil fuel combustion. Sulfur dioxide is the
most important acidifying compound responsible for
acid rain.
Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish-brown
gas produced predominately through
the burning of fossil fuels. It is one
of the most common indoor air
contaminants, due to heating systems
and cooking. It also plays a key role in
the formation of atmospheric ozone.
Ozone in the upper atmosphere
helps to protect the Earth from
the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV)
rays. But ground-level ozone has
been linked to problems with lung
health. As climate change creates
favorable conditions for ozone
formation, combatting global
ozone production is expected to
be a strong focus for the coming
ritish water is in need of some
good publicity. The country’s water companies have
been mired in controversy in
recent years following reports of
mismanagement, widespread leaking
pipes, sewage-saturated seas and
record fines. In a recent survey, only
34% of respondents trusted their local water company to prevent sewage
from entering rivers and seas.
So, the last thing these companies
would want right now is a trending
story about another dangerous
contaminant in the country’s water
systems. But such a headline may just
be around the corner…
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS) are a growing concern around
the world. The group of surfactants
were first mass produced in the mid20th century to waterproof consumer
products like pans, paints and packaging. They’re now known as “forever
chemicals” because they have an
almost-unbreakable highly-fluorinated alkyl chain backbone that makes
them extremely chemically stable and
difficult to degrade naturally.
This robustness has helped the chemicals reach as far the Arctic and the
base camp of Mount Everest. So it’s no
surprise they’re in British rivers, too.
What may be more shocking is the
level of PFAS that might persist in the
nation’s drinking water, particularly
as a recent wave of research has linked
the compounds to health concerns
like cancer and low birth weights.
A recent report from the Royal Society of Chemistry found that more
than a third of tested water courses
in England and Wales contained medium- or high-risk levels of PFAS. The
river Thames in London was one of
the most polluted sites the team sampled; the capital’s waterway contained
a combined PFAS concentration level
of 4,931.1 nanograms per liter (ng/l)
– nearly 50 times the Royal Society’s
proposed limit (100 ng/l) of all forever
chemicals in drinking water.
So, the pertinent question is:
how many of these PFAS compounds are making their way through
the river’s filtration network and into
London’s drinking water?
To work that out, researchers would
need to gather tap water samples from
across the city, which is exactly what
one team is about to do.
“We want to quantify how much PFAS
is coming out of the taps in people’s
homes,” said Dr. Alexandra Richardson, a researcher at Imperial College
London’s School of Public Health.
Richardson is heading up the university’s Investigating the Toxicological
Assessment of PFAS (ITAPS) project,
which is partly funded by the Royal
Society of Chemistry.
Testing London’s Water for PFAS
“There are guidelines for what PFAS
levels are suitable once it leaves the
drinking water treatment plant, but
there's a lot of piping between the
treatment plants and our kitchen
taps,” said Richardson. “In the US,
that there are quite a few studies
looking at what's coming out the taps
in the various states in the USA, but
nothing really in the UK. So that's
what this project is about.”
To gather the required data, Richardson and her colleagues have already
recruited 40 participants, and hope
to enlist more from across the city
after the Easter break.
“From an experimental and scientific
standpoint, a scatter [of data] across
London is what we’re trying to
achieve – good representation from
almost every from every London borough,” said Richardson. “Because we
genuinely do not know if the PFAS
concentrations vary across the city at
all, or one region, or if a region with
old infrastructure is better or worse
affected than a newer build area. We
genuinely don't know.”
If the team do end up detecting high
levels of PFAS in one particular area,
they’ve vowed to notify all relevant
“We want to give back to the community
in some ways,” Richardson continues.
“We are planning on giving them the
concentrations of PFAS in line with
the current drinking water spectra
guidelines, which I've hoped would
be below the lowest tier. If a house
does trigger a concern, then we will
investigate that further. But it's a balance, as we don't want to fear monger.”
This balance between safety and
excessive scrutiny is something that,
according to Richardson, hasn’t
always been struck when it comes to
recent PFAS regulation, particularly
in the US.
“I think the US has gone a bit overboard in some ways with it,” she said.
“PFAS and PFOA [perfluorooctanoic
acid] are nasty compounds. There are
definitely indications there might be
cancer risk caused by them. But asking labs to routinely test down to four
PPT [parts per trillion], it's a very big
ask, analytically.”
In 2022, the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) issued its
interim PFOA and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid [PFOS] limit of 4 ng/l
for single samples. In comparison,
the European Union’s collective limit
for 20 PFAS chemicals is 100 ng/l.
While there are no firm limits for
PFAS in England and Wales, there
are “wholesomeness” guidelines to
keep 47 individual PFAS compounds
to 100 ng/l.
While the Royal Society of Chemistry isn’t as ardent as the EPA, it has
proposed more stringent PFAS limits
for the UK (100 ng/l for all collective
compounds) to bring the country’s
regulations in line with the continent.
In its report last year, the society
also called on the UK government
to enforce stricter limits on PFAS
industrial discharge and ensure that
many hundreds of sources of PFAS
are captured and documented in a
national lab for record-keeping.
In principle, Richardson agrees that
more PFAS research can only be a
good thing for public health policies.
“I hope that research along this
route will continue,” she said. “It
doesn't necessarily have to be the
same model as the ITAP study. It’s
like the early days of understanding
the health effects of air pollution.
We know these things are in the
environment. We know they can
cause effects. But we don't know the
human dose at the moment. Because
we don't know how much we ingest
in food or tap water. Therefore, it's
very hard to put a toxicology value
on it and to determine effect. So, I
definitely hope that PFAS research
into human health exposures and
human health effects will definitely
continue because I do think it's
something that is important.”
Richardson hopes the ITAP study
will have produced its first round of
results by the end of this year. ⚫
Meet the interviewees whose insights featured in issue 35 of The Scientific Observer:
Jessica Metcalf, PhD,
is an associate professor in the
Department of Animal Science at
Colorado State University. She is
a microbiome scientist who leads
highly interdisciplinary, innovative
research projects that span the
fields of animal science, health, and
forensics by combining experimental
ecology, large genomic datasets, and
bioinformatics tools.
Caroline Hickman is a practicing climate-aware
psychotherapist and lecturer in social work and climate psychology at the University of Bath in the UK. Her research focuses
on eco-anxiety and distress about the climate and ecological crisis
in children and young people globally.
Kevin Pixley, PhD, is the Dryland Crops Program
director and Wheat Program director at the International Maize
and Wheat Improvement Center. His research focuses on the use
of crop biodiversity to address novel opportunities, including
enhanced sustainability of farming systems, improved nutritional
or health outcomes or value-addition for farmers.
Professor Giles Oldroyd is the director of the
Crop Science Centre at the University of Cambridge. His research
focuses on the interactions between plants and beneficial microorganisms, both bacteria and fungi, that aid in the uptake of nutrients
from the environment, especially nitrogen and phosphorus.
Alexandra Richardson, PhD, is a research
associate within the Epidemiology and Biostatistics (EBS) and
Emerging Chemical Contaminants (ECC) groups at Imperial
College London.
Susan Clayton, PhD, is a professor of psychology and
environmental studies at the College of Wooster in the USA. She
studies the psychology of climate change and people’s social and
emotional responses to changes in the natural environment.
Kathryn RamirezAguilar completed her PhD
in analytical chemistry in 1999.
She gained 15 years of research
experience before shifting her focus
away from the bench, dedicating her
efforts toward enhancing the environmental sustainability of scientific
research and addressing its influence
on climate change more broadly.
As well as managing the CU Green
Labs Program at the University of
Colorado Boulder, she serves on the
board of the International Institute
for Sustainable Laboratories
(I2SL), acts as chair of the I2SL
University Alliance Group (UAG),
and heads the Bringing Efficiency
to Research Grants initiative under
the I2SL UAG, aiming to integrate
efficiency and sustainability into US
research funding.
Maria Ojala, PhD, is a senior lecturer in psychology
and one of the research directors of the Center for Environmental
and Sustainability Social Science (CESSS) at Örebro University in
Sweden. Her research focuses on how young people think, feel, act,
learn and communicate about global environmental problems, with
a specific focus on climate change.
Zachary Burnham, PhD, is a research assistant
professor at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and was
formerly a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University.
Natalie Cooper, PhD,
is a senior researcher at the Natural
History Museum, London. Her
research sits at the interface between
macroecology and macroevolution,
and aims to understand broad-scale
patterns of biodiversity
Meet the Interviewees
How a CRISPR-Like System
Was Discovered
in Eukaryotes
Cicadas Could Help Us
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Everyday Surfaces
The Power and Potential of
Epigenetic Aging Clocks
Could Psychedelics Change
How We Treat Migraine and
Cluster Headache?
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The Future of Food: Five Key
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The Ultimate Guide
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ISSUE 26, MAY 2023
Are We Closer to a Cure, or Still a World Apart?
The Environmental Impact
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Immune Cartographers
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Half-Synthetic Yeast
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How Body-on-a-Chip Is
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How Do You Make a Water
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Building an Atlas
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ISSUE 24, MARCH 2023
A Green Approach
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HPV Is Not Just a Women's
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ISSUE 25, APRIL 2023
The Landscape
of Agricultural
Strategies for Sustainable
Science at CU Boulder
and Beyond
ISSUE 35, APRIL 2024
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