Nanostart AG: New Board of Directors Appointed
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The Nanostart AG has announced that the District Court Frankfurt am Main has met the request of the Executive Board of the Nanostart AG by means of the decision in January 2015, appointing Mr Bernd Förtsch as member of the company’s Board of Directors.
Mr Förtsch will take on the mandate until the company’s next statutory general meeting and will stand for election.
For over two decades, Bernd Förtsch has been active in the field of media and finances. Mr Förtsch is owner and member of the Executive Board of the “Börsenmedien AG”, which publishes (among others) the business magazine “Der Aktionär” (The Shareholder). Recently, through the “Börsenmedien AG” Mr Förtsch has been holding majority shares in the debate magazine “The European”.
Bernd Förtsch already recognized the great potential of nano-technology early on. Until 19 August 2014, he was member of the Board of Directors of the “MagForce AG”. At present, Bernd Förtsch is Chairman of the Executive Board of the “DAF Deutsches Anleger Fernsehen AG” and the “Panthera Capital AG” and member of the Board of Directors of the “FinTech Group AG”.
With regard to the appointment of Mr Förtsch to the Board of Directors of Nanostart, Mr Neef stated: “I’m very happy to see Mr Förtsch, founder and major shareholder of the Nanostart AG, returning to the Board of Directors. I appreciate his competence, his outstanding network, and his experience as entrepreneur as a great enrichment with a view to our work.”