Fast and Efficient Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Edible Oils Using Dual-Layer SPE

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can contaminate edible oils through environmental exposure and processes used in the production of the oil itself. Analysis of these lipophilic compounds in oily samples usually incorporates extraction techniques such as column chromatography using normal phase sorbents, and liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) followed by solid phase extraction (SPE) or GPC. In this work, a simple and direct SPE approach using a dual-layer cartridge is presented for the extraction of PAHs
from edible oil samples. Sample was applied directly to the cartridge without dilution, and acetonitrile was used to elute the PAHs, with fatty matrix retained by the sorbent beds. Samples of canola and soybean oils spiked with a mixture of PAHs from 2 to 6 rings were analyzed in triplicate by both HPLC
with fluorimetric detection and GC/MS in selected ion mode. Recoveries of the PAHs and reproducibilities of the spiked replicates will be reported, as well as a comparison of data obtained for the two analytical techniques.
from edible oil samples. Sample was applied directly to the cartridge without dilution, and acetonitrile was used to elute the PAHs, with fatty matrix retained by the sorbent beds. Samples of canola and soybean oils spiked with a mixture of PAHs from 2 to 6 rings were analyzed in triplicate by both HPLC
with fluorimetric detection and GC/MS in selected ion mode. Recoveries of the PAHs and reproducibilities of the spiked replicates will be reported, as well as a comparison of data obtained for the two analytical techniques.