Product News
Global Technologies Group Reports Combined Joint Testing of MBS Technology in Conjunction With M2 Polymer Technologies Successful
Successful completion of testing on dual use treatability of contaminated soils with combination of MBS and M2 Polymer technologies.
Product News
Agar Scientific Announces the Availability of SMART Grids from Dune Sciences
SMART Grids™ to simplify nano- and bioanalysis sample preparation.
Product News
JPK Instruments Launch the NanoWizard®3 NanoScience AFM
NanoWizard®3 NanoScience system design provides the highest AFM performance in liquids and air, integrated with optical microscopy.
Product News
KIT Uses the JPK NanoWizard Family of AFMs for the Nanoscale Characterization of Optical Systems and Devices
Generation and utilization of light is the unifying theme of research and teaching at the Light Technology Institute of the KIT.
Product News
Locus Introduces iPhone Application for Field Environmental Data Collection
Locus offers another industry-first application for environmental data collection.
Product News
SANYO Multi-gas Incubator Offers Exceptional Control and an Industry-First Decontamination System
New MCO-19M multi-gas incubator ensures ideal growth conditions and excellent reproducibility of experimental results.
Product News
MagneGas Secures Significant Fuel and Strategic Development Customer
Company has reached an agreement with Michigan-based Blue Water Industrial Products to provide its multiple locations with MagneGas™.
Product News
ITT Analytics Launches the New SI Analytics TitroLine® Titrator Series
ITT Corporation announces that its SI Analytics brand has launched the TitroLine® titrator series for advanced titration and dosing applications.
Product News
Locus Awarded Contract to Manage LANL Environmental Information and Data
Locus SaaS software to manage data for nation's largest laboratory.
Product News
ONH836 Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen Determinator
Designed for measurement of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen content of inorganic materials, ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, and refractory materials using the inert gas fusion technique.