ALS laboratory in Hong Kong Automates Titrimetric Analysis with Metrohm 855 Robotic Titrosampler

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In order to increase the lab’s capacity ALS Hong Kong has automated acid-base titrations with an 855 Robotic Titrosampler from Metrohm.
Our Metrohm instrument is very precise and very flexible in terms of method writing and editing, as we use the software tiamo™, says Vico Chen, the manager of the inorganic section of the ALS Hong Kong laboratory. Hence, ALS can analyze a batch of samples for different parameters simultaneously without any problems.
Saving manpower is another criterion that convinced ALS Hong Kong to invest in Metrohm automation. We can analyze 50 samples in a single run completely unattended and even overnight. says Vico Chen.
Service and maintenance is provided to ALS Hong Kong by the local Metrohm office.
Learn more by watching the video.