Bruker Announces Next-Generation NMR WineScreener™ 2.0 Solution

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At the international technology trade fair for wine, fruit, fruit juice and spirits, INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA 2013 (, Bruker has announced the second release of its successful NMR WineScreener.
With this new release more than 110 parameters can be evaluated under push button automation, with targeted analysis of more than 50 quantification parameters, and up to 60 statistical parameters, covering properties such as geographical origin, grape variety and vintage year.
With this further increase in the already large number of analytical parameters obtained in a single NMR measurement, the NMR WineScreener 2.0 offers low costs per sample and even lower costs per individual parameter.
The WineScreener analysis is built on more than 5,000 wines that have been measured over the last 15 month.
For every compound measured, quantified variety-specific concentration distribution curves are available, providing additional quality parameters beyond the OIV (Organization International du Vin, defined thresholds.
The revolutionary performance of the NMR WineScreener 2.0 has convinced Intervitis/Interfructa officials to award a 2013 innovation prize to this unique wine-analysis system.
Worldwide grape variety models for red and white wines form the basis of the statistical analysis, supplemented by origin and vintage models that provide valuable analysis tools for the authentication of wine.
"At the CVUA Karlsruhe we are using the principles of NMR-based food investigations for official surveillance very successfully, as established for the WineScreener and other matrices like cosmetics and drugs," commented Dr. Thomas Kuballa, responsible for NMR analysis at the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office Karlsruhe (
'We are convinced that the NMR WineScreener 2.0 initiates a new era in food quality control and are working towards the accreditation of the system in coordination with government control agencies," said Dr. Manfred Spraul, Bruker's Director of Applied NMR development.
A specification sheet detailing the possible analysis results is available. The NMR-based wine-analysis is supported and offered by WineSpin Analytics ( and Eurofins (
The NMR WineScreener is the second NMR-based food quality control solution offered by Bruker on the same hard- and software platform as the NMR JuiceScreener™, which offers push-button fruit juice and puree analysis of 23 fruit types, based on more than 16,000 spectra acquired over 4 years (