Shimadzu Announces Introduction of Products at PittCon® 2006
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Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. has announced its upcoming activity for the PittCon® 2006 conference and exhibition (March 12-16, Orlando).
The company will introduce several new products during the event, including:
- QP-2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
- TD-20 Thermal Desorption System for GCMS
- ICPE-9000 Multitype Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer
- ELSD-LTII Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
Other announcements and products featured include:
- Prominence HPLC SIL-20A Autosampler
- Prominence HPLC CBM-20A System Controller
- ProminenceMD (HPLC Method Development System)
- Prominence 2-Dimensional HPLC Application Systems
- HPV-1 HyperVision Ultra-High-Speed Video Camera
- GC 50th Anniversary
- Mass Spectrometry/Biotech Applications Laboratory and Physical Measurement Laboratory
"PittCon is the industry's leading conference and vital to reaching our corporate objectives," said Kevin McLaughlin, marketing communications coordinator.
"We're able to introduce important new industry equipment directly to the audience that will use it."
"Additionally, the technical poster presentations and workshop opportunities enable Shimadzu Scientific Instruments to showcase our expertise to industry peers."
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments will also participate in the Analytical Information Markup Language (AnIML) workshop.
Alex Mutin will present, "Analytical Instrument Control Using XML-Based Web Service," at 3:45 p.m. on March 16.