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7000E Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
The Agilent 7000E triple quadrupole GC/MS provides unequivocal intelligence and robustness to deliver the answers you seek. The routine workhorse for labs across a wide range of industry applications like pesticides in food or SVOCs in environmental samples now has SWARM autotune and improved diagnostic tools. HydroInert, the new ion source optimized for use with hydrogen as a carrier gas, helps your lab avoid disruptions from the unstable helium supply chain while overcoming many of the performance challenges associated with hydrogen. Together, these features deliver leading performance, reduce instrument downtime, and maximize sample throughput.
Method development beginning with SIM, scan, or MRM data, and method migration from the Agilent 5975 or 5977 GC/MSD can be done with ease using the fully automated MassHunter Optimizer for GC Triple Quadrupole. Using new data acquisition modes including triggered MRM and simultaneous dynamic MRM and scan (dMRM/scan), you can confidently confirm target analytes and perform retrospective analysis at any point in the future without the need for reinjection.