Invitrogen EVOS FL Auto 2 Cell Imaging System
A powerful, flexible, intuitive, fast, and fully automated system
high performance and fast, automated imaging right to your lab bench
with the Invitrogen™ EVOS™ FL Auto 2 Imaging System. This system has
been designed with advanced capabilities to simplify demanding
cell-based imaging applications such as live-cell imaging, image tiling,
and Z-stacking, allowing researchers to focus on their data rather than
instrument operation.
• Speed—scan a 96-well plate in 3 fluorescence channels in less than 3 minutes
Flexibility—customise the system with more than 20 user changeable LED
light cubes, dual cameras (monochrome and colour), a variety of
objectives ranging from 1.25x to 100x, and multiple vessel holders
Time-lapse live-cell imaging—onstage incubator option for precise
control of temperature, humidity, and gases for normoxic or hypoxic
conditions allows a wide range of biological studies under physiological
Area view—move rapidly and seamlessly between
single-field mode, low-, and high-magnification scan modes to easily
define and capture the area of interest
• Automation—time-saving features such as autofocus, rapid stage movement, and automated routines
help reduce time to complete experiments, allowing high throughput, high data quality, and improved
experimental reproducibility
Data analysis—extensive quantitative imaging and statistical analysis
in combination with Invitrogen™ Celleste™ Image Analysis Software, an
optional advanced software package offering powerful tools for image
segmentation and classification that can be used for cell counting and
measuring intensity, area, and shape changes over time
Cell counting
counting has traditionally been known to be laborious and inaccurate.
With Celleste Image Analysis Software, cells can be counted in
bright-field, colorimetric, or fluorescence mode. With the ability to
capture cell counts over time, you can easily measure proliferation
Cell viability
Following cell viability over
time can assist in evaluating the potency of cytotoxic compounds as part
of cancer drug screening or just as part of good cell maintenance
Cytoskeletal disruption
Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy on the EVOS FL Auto 2 Imaging System enables reliable and
straightforward visualisation of the cytoskeleton, in both fixed and live-cell systems.
permeability is one of the first steps in the programmed cell-death
pathway. It’s part of both normal and pathological processes. With the
EVOS FL Auto 2 Imaging System and Onstage Incubator, induction of
apoptosis and death can be measured over time by combining nuclear
staining of membrane impermeable DNA stains and a capsase sensor.
Cell cycle
cell numbers at various cell cycle checkpoints are integral for cancer
research. Researchers looking for cell cycle developmental changes or
modulators of the cell cycle can use Celleste Image Analysis Software to
monitor for changes in intensity and colour as cells go through the
different cell cycle phases.
Wound healing
formation during embryonic development, wound healing, and immune
responses all require the orchestrated movement of cells in particular
directions to specific locations. Cells often migrate in response to
specific external signals, including chemical signals and mechanical
signals. An understanding of the mechanism by which cells migrate may
lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies for controlling,
for example, invasive tumour cells. Combining the EVOS FL Auto 2
time-lapse live cell capabilities with the wound-healing measurement on
Celleste software, allows generation of wound-healing data, over time,
with the touch of a button.
Auto 2 allows for the investigation of multiple factors that affect
adipogenesis. For example, time-lapse images and Celleste software
functionality can be combined to show increased adiposome number and
size over time, as they are differentiated into adipocytes with
differentiation media.