LifeArc is a medical research charity transforming promising life science ideas into medical breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. They are self-funding and specialize in early-stage translation, advancing lab-based scientific discoveries to a point where they can be developed into the next generation of diagnostics, treatments and cures.
Latest LifeArc Content

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Enters the Mainstream
This article will discuss the principles of fragment-based drug discovery and will highlight some examples of recent successes in this area.

Industry Insight
Cancer Research Horizons: Driving Innovation and Strengthening Academia–Industry Collaboration
In April 2022, Cancer Research UK unveiled Cancer Research Horizons, its new approach to driving innovation in the field. Technology Networks had the opportunity to speak with two members of Cancer Research Horizon’s executive leadership team to learn more about some of the cutting-edge experimental capabilities that will be used to interrogate cancer biology more thoroughly.

Genetic Study of Over 57,000 People Provides Insights Into Severe COVID-19
Some 16 new genetic variants associated with severe Covid-19, including some related to blood clotting, immune response and intensity of inflammation, have been identified.