Shimadzu is a world-leading manufacturer of analytical instrumentation. In every corner of the world, their products and services are being used by customers to develop a variety of new products to protect and restore the environment and deliver better health and lifestyles to people. With pride in these achievements firmly in mind, they strive to improve their technologies further and enhance their knowledge so that they can offer even greater technologies, products and services.
Latest Shimadzu Content

Separation Scientists Gather To Exchange Ideas

Researchers Develop Wider Bandwidth Quantum Infrared Spectroscopy

Explore Practical Solutions for Lipid and Fatty Acid Analysis

Continuous Validation of HPLC Performance in a Regulated Lab Environment

Advances in Battery Research 2024

ICPMS-2040/2050: An Era Without Compromise

Fast, Efficient, Robust Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Choose the Right Instrument for Your Battery Analysis

Solutions for an Efficient Analysis of PFAS