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CRISPR and Genome Editing – Multimedia

RNA Interference in Mammalian Cells Using low siRNA Concentrations content piece image

RNA Interference in Mammalian Cells Using low siRNA Concentrations

We have developed a transfection reagent, HiPerFect Transfection Reagent, which allows efficient gene knockdown with siRNA concentrations from 1 nM–10 nM, depending on the cell type and siRNA used. HiPerFect Transfection Reagent has been tested and validated for many cell types, including primary cells. Effective knockdown in primary cells demonstrates that HiPerFect Transfection Reagent ensures low cytotoxicity levels.
Long-term Gene Silencing in Mammalian Cells using siRNA content piece image

Long-term Gene Silencing in Mammalian Cells using siRNA

Gene silencing using siRNA-mediated RNAi has become a powerful tool in cell biology, addressing a range of research questions in functional genomics and drug discovery. After delivery of siRNA into the cell, rapid degradation of the target mRNA can be detected, often within 24 hours, and subsequently the corresponding protein is also knocked down.
Transfection Efficiency and Cytotoxicity of Commonly Used siRNA Transfection Reagents content piece image

Transfection Efficiency and Cytotoxicity of Commonly Used siRNA Transfection Reagents

The present study was focused on the comparison of efficiency and cytotoxicity of five most popular transfection reagents: Lipofectamine 2000, Lipofectamine RNAi MAX (Invitrogen), Dharmafect (Dharmacon), HyperFect (Qiagen) and Interferin (PolyTransfection). In this study we observed that except Lipofectamine RNAi MAX, other reagents have relatively high cytotoxicity and low transfection efficiency in MCF-7 and HeLa cells.
Gene Silencing Approaches for Functional Angio-Genomics content piece image

Gene Silencing Approaches for Functional Angio-Genomics

This project focuses on bypassing difficulties and disadvantages of classical homologous recombination to generate animal models with custom genetic alterations, by developing alternative novel and promising approaches for semi-high throughput gene targeting or gene silencing in vivo. We have optimized procedures for construct design, transfection, gene delivery and genotyping. We are evaluating these novel strategies to study genes involved in angiogenesis.
High-Throughput RNAi by Reverse Transfection with low siRNA Concentrations content piece image

High-Throughput RNAi by Reverse Transfection with low siRNA Concentrations

The use of short interfering RNA (siRNA) for knockdown of gene expression has become a powerful tool in molecular and cell biology. Some applications require the use of low siRNA concentrations (less than 5 nM), for example, to decrease the possibility of nonspecific effects. We present data from experiments carried out using a new transfection reagent, HiPerFect Transfection Reagent, which allows efficient gene knockdown with less than 5 nM siRNA.
Determination of Interferon-Pathway–Related Gene Induction during RNAi  content piece image

Determination of Interferon-Pathway–Related Gene Induction during RNAi

Experimental approaches using short interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules to specifically silence gene expression have become more widely used in recent years. As for all techniques in molecular and cellular biology, the importance of protocol optimization and the use of appropriate controls cannot be overestimated.
Genomewide Profiling After Gene Knockdown by RNAi content piece image

Genomewide Profiling After Gene Knockdown by RNAi

In this study, siRNA-mediated RNAi has been combined with genomewide expression profiling using high-density oligonucleotide probe arrays. This combination of technologies provides a vast amount of information and allows optimization of RNAi experiments by monitoring the effects of siRNA transfection on every gene of the genome. CDC2 was efficiently knocked down using siRNA designed by QIAGEN. After knockdown, expression profiling was performed using Affymetrix® GeneChip® arrays.
High-Throughput and High-Yield Purification of Recombinant Proteins Expressed in Escherichia coli. content piece image

High-Throughput and High-Yield Purification of Recombinant Proteins Expressed in Escherichia coli.

We have developed a high throughput expression of recombinant proteins containing hexahistidine affinity tag in Escherichia coli followed by one step affinity purification of proteins on Ni2+ agarose beads.