ELISA – News and Features
Personalized Medicine: Milestone in the Therapy Control of Humanized Antibodies
CENiMED, BioTeZ and Invitek announce their cooperation to develop, produce and market the Recovery-ELISAs for the therapy control of humanized antibodies.
Salivary Diagnostic Device Shows Promise
Researchers supported by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research have developed a device that measures proteins in saliva to indicate a developing disease in the mouth or body.
Bruker Daltonics and HealthLinx Expand Biomarker Discovery Collaboration
The companies with further develop biomarkers for a number of pregnancy complications.
Regenerative Medicine Wins the 2006 ALPSP/Charlesworth Award for Best New Journal
The judging panel stated that Regenerative Medicine, '...is eye-catching and easy to read with a clear rationale.'
York Bioanalytical Unveils Immunoassay Service
York Bioanalytical Solutions has announced the launch of its immunoassay service for the bioanalytical support of large molecule developments and the measurement of biomarkers.
NIH Names Fisher Unit, Pierce, Preferred Vendor for Multiplex Protein Profiling
Pierce will provide standardized, sensitive multiplex analysis for secreted protein expression in samples submitted by the NIH.
MorphoSys and Chimera Announce Cooperation and Co-Marketing Agreement
Parties agree to co-market generation of monoclonal antibodies by Antibodies by Design and Chimera’s Imperacer ™assay technology.
Nanosphere Awarded U.S. Patent for Biobarcode™ Protein Detection Technology
Biobarcode™ technology is designed for protein detection, for nucleic acid detection and genomics.