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Food and Beverage Analysis – Multimedia

The Kjeldahl Method as a Reference Method for Nitrogen and Protein Analysis content piece image

The Kjeldahl Method as a Reference Method for Nitrogen and Protein Analysis

An educational video on the Kjeldahl method for determination of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and crude protein for food and beverage analysis, as well as environmental and pharmaceutical applications.
Some gluten free pasta on a plate next to a half empty pasta packet on a wooden table.

What's a Food Allergy and What's Not? Body Stuff With Dr. Jen Gunter

People often mix up food allergies and food intolerances, even though they require completely different medical treatments. Dr. Jen Gunter explains the differences.
Fast and Robust Analysis of 203 Pesticides in Spinach content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Fast and Robust Analysis of 203 Pesticides in Spinach

There is a growing demand for more rapid methods with maintained robustness and chromatographic performance for the identification and quantitation of chemical residues in food analysis.
Food Safety Testing – Veterinary Drug Residues content piece image

Food Safety Testing – Veterinary Drug Residues

This infographic addresses the issue of veterinary drug residues in foods, the dangers they pose and measures taken to detect and prevent them from reaching the consumer.
Tips for Improving Your qPCR content piece image
How To Guide

Tips for Improving Your qPCR

Download this guide to learn how you can improve your qPCR reagents, sample/template and quality control.

Testing Program and Method Considerations for Alternative Protein Products

Speaking at Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis 2021, A J McCardell, president of Certified Laboratories, presented her talk on food safety and quality objectives when manufacturing Food and beverage products.
Mycotoxins and Food Safety content piece image

Mycotoxins and Food Safety

The contamination of food and feed with mycotoxins is a global threat to food safety and has great public health and economic significance.
Food Adulteration and Authenticity Analysis: New Mass Spectrometry Solutions to Combat Food Fraud content piece image

Food Adulteration and Authenticity Analysis: New Mass Spectrometry Solutions to Combat Food Fraud

Speaking at the Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis online symposium 2021, Artem Filipenko, Ph.D, from Bruker, delivered his talk on how innovations in mass spectrometry can combat food fraud.
Analytical Method for Pesticide Residue in Cannabis Flower content piece image
App Note / Case Study

Analytical Method for Pesticide Residue in Cannabis Flower

Since there are no federal regulations for pesticide analysis in cannabis, individual states have developed their own regulations outlining the list of pesticides to monitor and the maximum residue limits or acceptable limits for each pesticide.
Mitigation of Mycotoxins Along Food Processing: from Scientific Findings to Practical Guidance – the ILSI Europe Experience content piece image

Mitigation of Mycotoxins Along Food Processing: from Scientific Findings to Practical Guidance – the ILSI Europe Experience

Speaking at the Advances in Food & Beverage Online Symposium 2021, Michele Suman delivered their talk on the mitigation of mycotoxins in food processing.