Food and Beverage Analysis – Products

Product News
Agilent Announces Inspirational LC/TQ and LC/Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry Solutions at ASMS 2023
Agilent Technologies Inc. today announced two new liquid chromatography mass spectrometry systems (LCMS), the Agilent 6495D LC/TQ and the Agilent Revident LC/Q-TOF.

The 6546 High-Resolution LC/Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
The 6546 LC QTOF is the highest resolution LC/MS system with its simultaneous wide dynamic range, high resolution and accurate isotope ratios, this hrms mass spec is ideally suited for metabolomics research, and it accelerates food and environmental analyses by concurrent target and suspect screening.

Product News
ImmunoDiagnostic Systems Announces the USA Release of c10 Sequential Analyzer to Wine Industry
ImmunoDiagnostic Systems is announcing the US release of its c10 chemistry analyzer.

Product News
Extragel: A New Highly Effective Growth Matrix
AMSBIO is pleased to announce the launch of Extragel, a reconstituted matrix hydrogel formed by basement membrane components extracted from mouse tumor tissues which are rich in extracellular matrix proteins.

Product News
Waters Launches Glyphosate-V for On-Site Testing of Common Pesticide
Waters Corp introduces Glyphosate-V, the world’s first lateral flow strip test for fully quantitative detection of Glyphosate in grains and water samples, at The International Production and Processing Expo.

Product News
Think a LIMS Is Not for Your Industry? Think Again
Recent data released by Autoscribe Informatics shows the breadth of industries purchasing a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS); many for the first time.

App Note / Case Study
Improving qPCR Reliability With Automated RNA Normalization and Plate Setup
Quantitative real time PCR, often coupled with reverse transcription (RT-qPCR), is a powerful technique for detecting differences in the copy number of nucleic acids and can be used for analysis of gene expression.

Product News
Sustainable Extraction Technology Essential for Green Beauty Innovation
Asynt reports how sustainable cosmetics innovator – Keracol Ltd (Leeds, UK) is using its DrySyn heating blocks and CondenSyn air condensers in the development and scale-up of their product range.

PerkinElmer QSight Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS
An exceptional solution for food safety and environmental testing, the QSight LC-MS/MS is a triple quadrupole solution, in a compact, easy-to-use design.

App Note / Case Study
Fast and Robust Analysis of 203 Pesticides in Spinach
There is a growing demand for more rapid methods with maintained robustness and chromatographic performance for the identification and quantitation of chemical residues in food analysis.