Multiomics – News and Features

Bayer HealthCare Renews and Expands its License for Ariadne Pathway Studio and MedScan Technology
Bayer HealthCare will renew and expand its license till the end of 2010 to use for pathway research, toxicology studies and microarray data analysis.

High Throughput Screening of Infectious Virus Entry in Mammalian Cells
Researchers at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology are using two customized Tecan Freedom EVO® 200 liquid handling workstations to silence 7,000 mammalian genes.

Helmholtz Initiative on Systems Biology
The long-term goal of the initiative is to shed light on the causes of complex disorders and diseases and develop new approaches for treating them.

European Union Awarded €2.9M Grant to Breast and Colon Cancer Biomarker Research Project
IPSOGEN announced that COBRED project coordinated by BioSystems International has been awarded a €2.9 M grant as part of the 6th Framework Programme.

The First Public Nucleotide Sequence Database Turns 25
EMBL-Bank, nucleotide sequence database of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Fluxion Receives $1.2M NIH Grant for the Development of Drug Discovery Platform
Grant funds development of multiplexed single-cell electroporation system for highly controlled siRNA delivery.

Aviva Collaborates with the Institute for Systems Biology to Develop Antibodies
ISB will provide a list of proteins for which Aviva will produce antibodies that will be used by ISB to identify biomarker proteins that indicate liver toxicity.

Avesthagen and Manipal Acunova Announce Drug Discovery Collaboration
This partnership aims to provide a fully integrated platform from early discovery to filing approvals for new products.

Lumera Extends Collaborative Research Agreement with the Institute for Systems Biology
Collaboration to identify predictive biomarkers for both drug toxicity and cancer using Lumera’s ProteomicProcessor™.

Cellumen to Profile Toxins for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cellumen will use its cellular technology to profile toxins under a multi-year contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.