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New Challenges and Opportunities for the Food Safety Professional
John O'Brien, Deputy Head, Nestle Research Center describes some of the challenges and opportunities for the food safety professional.

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Plastic Antibody Mimics for Assays and Sensors in Food Analysis
This talk presents the general principle of molecular imprinting, their optimization, and the synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers using new approaches based on controlled/living radical polymerization and localized photopolymerization.

Importance of Food Processing in the Area of Food Safety & Mycotoxins
The objective of this presentation is to discuss the reduction of known mycotoxins through appropriate management of the industrial technologies, targeting worldwide solutions scientifically available, taking inspiration in particular from the last 2 years activities of the International Life Sciences Institute Europe.

Food Safety Policies – Support, Opposition, and Ignorance
This study recommends several ways that state policymakers can take action to implement federal food safety policies effectively and sustainably.

Emerging Toxins in Food and Feed
Despite huge research investments on mycotoxins and other toxic secondary metabolites of fungi and plants, prevention, control and proper exposure assessment remain difficult and agricultural and food industry continue to be vulnerable to problems of contamination.

Current Pitfalls in Allergen Analysis
DNA and/or protein based techniques are used for the analysis of food allergens. The advantages and disadvantages of each method need to be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be highlighted in the presentation.

How to combat food fraud
We spoke to John Coady, Chief Audit & Investigations Manager, Food Safety Authority of Ireland, at Food Safety & Analysis 2016.

The Advantages of Capacitive Biosensors
Bo Mattiasson, Professor, Lund University, tells us about capacitive biosensors and some of the advantages they offer over other immunosensors.

Rohit Khanna Discusses the Unique Culture at Waters
Rohit Khanna, Ph.D., VP of Marketing & Informatics for Waters Corporation discusses the unique culture within the organization and how this is achieved.

The Benefits of Use-and-Throw Instruments
Anthony Turner, Professor, Linkoping University, tells us about the benefits and applications of use-and-throw instruments.