Novel Bioassays in Picodroplets for Single-Cell Analysis

Using microfluidic devices with well-defined microchannel geometries and accurate flow control, uniform pico-litre volume droplets (picodroplets) can be generated and used as miniaturized “test tubes” for high-throughput bioassays. Cells and biomolecules encapsulated in picodroplets can be incubated, detected, sorted and dispensed in a high-throughput manner using various established microfluidic techniques.
In this webinar, Romina Durigon from Sphere Fluidics discusses the Cyto-Mine® instrument which uses picodroplet technology for single-cell analysis. This provides a fully integrated workflow of single-cell encapsulation, incubation, assay, sorting, imaging and dispensing, with capabilities of processing up to tens of millions of single cells in a working day.