The Tumor Microenvironment Series: The Tumor Microenvironment in a Nutshell

Cellular and structural components surrounding tumor cells make up the tumor microenvironment (TME). Their dynamic interactions define tumor heterogeneity, progression and metastasis. Non-malignant cells in the TME can, for example, change their phenotype and promote tumor development. Unraveling mechanisms and interactions like this on a cellular and molecular level enables the identification of new therapeutic strategies to treat cancer.
Tune into the TME webinar series and listen to the episode “Tumor Microenvironment in a Nutshell” to get a quick refresher on the cause and effect of the TME on tumor development.
Attend this webinar to:
- Get an overview of cellular and non-cellular components of the TME
- Understand the functional characteristics of the TME
- Learn about the role of the TME in drug development