Considerations When Validating Your Analyst® Software

The FDA considers software validation to be “confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that software specifications conform to user needs and intended uses, and that the particular requirements implemented through software can be consistently fulfilled.”1 Note the terms “objective evidence” and “particular requirements.” Confirmation of conformity to user needs and intended uses is obtained by comparing actual system performance to pre-determined requirements.
Validation, in the context of government regulation, is distinct from hardware Installation Qualification/Operational Qualification/Instrument Performance Verification (IQ/OQ/IPV).
The purpose of the validation project is to document that the decisions made regarding the system have been properly designed, documented, executed, and verified. It is important to demonstrate that actions were properly planned, that the actions were executed according to the plan, and that the correct records have been kept.
The purpose of this white paper is to assist users in validating their Analyst® Software.