Empowering CRISPR With Innovative Single-Cell Isolation
Last Updated: July 15, 2024
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Published: May 15, 2024

Credit: iStock
CRISPR/Cas9 is a revolutionary tool for precise genome editing which can be used to create disease-specific iPSC models. These models are key to study disease mechanisms and develop personalized cell therapies.
However, CRISPR technology still faces challenges such as off-target editing and variable editing efficiency. To overcome these problems, clonal populations must be isolated using single-cell sorting technologies to further characterize the edited cells.
This whitepaper explores the advantages of a novel cell sorting and dispensing platform – which combines microfluidics, flow cytometry and liquid dispensing – that can help researchers get to their optimal clones more efficiently.
Download this whitepaper to discover how to:
- Achieve plated single cells in as little as seven minutes
- Preserve cell viability and integrity for better clonal growth
- Save time with a simplified, automated workflow
Cell Engineering with
Innovative Cell Sorting
& Single Cell Dispensing
In biomedicine, one of the most revolutionizing tools is
the CRISPR/Cas9 system, which allows modification of
sequences in the genome with precision and efficiency.
CRISPR/Cas9 can be used with immortalized cell
lines, primary cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPSCs) to build models for studying gene functions,
disease mechanisms and therapeutic approaches.
When combined with induced pluripotent stem
cells (iPSCs), CRISPR/Cas9 is especially powerful.
It facilitates the precise editing of iPSC genomes,
creating models that mirror disease-specific genetic
. These models are invaluable for
delving into disease mechanisms and pioneering
new treatments. Furthermore, by rectifying genetic
anomalies in iPSCs, scientists can generate cells
tailored to a specific immune profile, paving ways for
personalized cell therapies for a host of diseases2.
Single Cell Isolation in
CRISPR Cell Engineering
While CRISPR technology brings a new paradigm
in cell engineering, it is not without challenges.
Off-target editing and variable editing efficiency
makes it critical to isolate clonal populations to
further characterize the edited cells to identify
clonal cells with desired characteristics. Working
with clonal populations ensures that each clonal
line of cells being studied possess heterogeneous
genomic makeup and consistent biological
behavior. Renowned for its fast, gentle and easy
platform, Bio-Techne’s 2-laser Pala Cell Sorter and
Single Cell Dispenser enhances the speed and
efficiency that are crucial for the next wave of cell
engineering breakthroughs.
Learn more about the Bio-Techne
Pala Cell Sorter & Single Cell Dispenser
"The Bio-Techne Pala Platform has
been increasingly recognized by
leading scientists & researchers..."
The Bio-Techne Pala Cell Sorter and Single Cell
Dispenser platform has been increasingly recognized
by leading scientists and researchers as the tool of
choice for gently dispensing single cells to generate
clonal cells after gene editing, with or without
fluorescent tagging.
Combining microfluidics, flow cytometry and liquid
dispensing, the Pala platform, with its remarkable
ease-of-use, is serving research groups of all sizes
and helping scientists get to their optimal clones
more efficiently, as highlighted by the following
publication briefs.
in PeerReviewed
Hypoimmune Induced
Pluripotent Stem Cells
Survive Long Term in Fully
Immunocompetent, Allogeneic
Rhesus Macaques
Published in:
Nature Biotechnology
Rejection of cell therapeutics by
the immune system is a critical
aspect taken into consideration
during cell engineering and cell
therapy development. The study in
this publication demonstrates how
hypoimmune pluripotent (HIP) stem
cells were engineered and transplanted
into allogeneic rhesus macaques.
The HIP cells successfully survived
in these macaques and differentiated
into various lineages. Human HIP cells
were also studied, where they were
differentiated into pancreatic islet cells,
resulting in measurable improvements
in diabetic mice.
A Bio-Techne Cell Sorter and Single
Cell Dispenser was used to generate
the foundational HIPs for the study. It
facilitated two rounds of precise single
cell cloning to create B2M-/
iPSCs via CRISPR gene inactivation.
This process involved depleting MHC
class I & II expressions. The gentle cell
handling by the Bio-Techne platform
ensured cell viability.
0 4
Identification of Inhibitors
of Tubulin Polymerization
Using a CRISPR-Edited
Cell Line with Endogenous
Fluorescent Tagging of
β-Tubulin & Histone H1
Published in: Biomolecules
This research aimed to enhance
high-throughput cancer drug
screening by utilizing a cell line
model with a GFP tag added
to the β-tubulin gene through
CRISPR. By inhibiting β-tubulin
polymerization, one can gauge
the restriction of proliferation.
The GFP tag facilitates
real-time monitoring of β-tubulin
polymerization via high-content
imaging. This live-cell approach
expedites the screening
process and boosts accuracy
since it excludes additional cell
preparation and allows genes
to be observed in their most
physiological state, thus
offering a truer assessment
of drug impacts.
In the study, the Bio-Techne
Cell Sorter and Single Cell
Dispenser played an integral role
by efficiently dispensing single
cells for cloning after CRISPR
editing. This optimization by the
Bio-Techne platform streamlined
the cloning process, resulting in
a larger number of viable clones.
These clones were pivotal for
screening desired traits like
precise editing, minimal off-target
effects, and robust proliferation.
Redefining the Role
of Ampk in Autophagy & the
Energy Stress Response
Published in:
Nature Communications
This study revisits the role of
adenosine monophosphateactivated protein kinase (AMPK)
in autophagy, challenging
the current understanding. It
uncovers AMPK’s dual functions:
moderating the immediate
induction of autophagy during
energy deficits while preserving
vital autophagy components.
These dual roles are essential
for cellular balance and survival
during energy stress.
The Bio-Techne Cell Sorter and
Single Cell Dispenser played a
pivotal role in creating various
knockout (KO) and double
knockout (DKO) cell lines postCRISPR editing. GFP-positive
cells underwent sorting and were
then dispensed for using the
Bio-Techne platform, establishing
distinct clonal lines. The KO
cell lines were instrumental in
shedding light on the functions of
the genes that were edited out.
Screening of FDA-Approved
Drugs for NRF2 Activation:
A Novel Approach to
Discover Therapeutics
for Non-Alcoholic Fatty
Liver Disease
Published in: Antioxidants
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) impacts 20–25% of
the global populace, a figure
that intensifies with the growing
prevalence of obesity while
therapeutic solutions are scarce.
To address this, the research
team utilized an engineered
cell line model to perform
high-throughput screening on
a vast library of FDA-approved
substances. They identified six
compounds with potential as
therapeutic agents for NAFLD.
The Bio-Techne Cell Sorter and
Single Cell Dispenser played
a crucial role in the research
methodology. Utilizing CRISPR,
the team tagged the endogenous
heme oxygenase-1 (HMOX1)
gene with a luciferase reporter in
HEK293T cells. The Bio-Techne
platform then dispensed the
edited cells for cloning. The
accurately edited clone served
as the foundational model
for the subsequent drug
compound screening.
02 03 04
CRISPR-Directed Gene
Editing as a Method to Reduce
Chemoresistance in Lung
Cancer Cells
Published in: Springer Link
This research introduces an
innovative approach to improve
cancer treatment outcomes by
curtailing chemoresistance.
By targeting genes believed to
have acquired resistance during
chemotherapy, radiation, or
immunotherapies, the strategy
involves using CRISPR editing
to introduce mutations that
incapacitate the specific gene.
In a practical application of this
concept, the team worked with
a lung cancer cell line, editing
the NRF2 gene to integrate
two mutations.
The Bio-Techne cell sorter
and single cell dispenser was
instrumental in this endeavor.
Over two rounds of editing and
cloning to develop the desired
cell line, the Bio-Techne Platform
efficiently dispensed individual
cells, streamlining the meticulous
process of generating the
mutation-bearing lung cancer
cell line.
Age-Related Low Bone
Mineral Density in C57BL/6
Mice Is Reflective of Aberrant
Bone Morphogenetic
Protein-2 Signaling Observed
in Human Patients Diagnosed
with Osteoporosis
Published in:
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
Osteoporosis is a prevalent
age-linked bone ailment.
While potential treatments,
BMP-2 and CK2.3, operate via
the BMP-signaling pathway,
their limitations underscore the
need for dependable mouse
models to understand associated
complications. Drawing insights
from a cell line model where
the BMPR1a receptor (integral
to BMP-2) was nullified using
CRISPR, this study successfully
showcased the C57BL/6 mouse
strain as a reliable model for
osteoporosis research. The
pivotal knockout cell line,
foundational to this research, was
crafted using the capabilities of
the Bio-Techne cell sorter and
single cell dispenser.
Gene editing of SAMHD1
in macrophage-like
cells reveals complex
relationships between
SAMHD1 phosphoregulation, HIV-1 restriction
& cellular dNTP levels
Published in: bioRxiv
This paper holds significance for
the scientific community due to its
pioneering approach in studying
HIV-1 infection within human
macrophages. By introducing
mutations to the SAMHD1
catalytic core locus in BLaER1
cells, the research offers a more
physiologically relevant model
for examining SAMHD1’s
anti-viral functions. This stands
in contrast to the conventional
methods that rely on SAMHD1
over-expression, which may not
truly replicate in vivo conditions.
The novel approach paves the
way for devising strategies that
target SAMHD1 with precision,
without unintended interference
in other cellular operations.
The successful creation of both
knock-out and knock-in cell lines,
central to this study’s innovations,
was made possible through the
utilization of a Bio-Techne cell
sorter and single cell dispenser,
further underlining its importance
in advancing cellular research
05 06 07
by Leading
The researchers who published the
citations featured in this monograph
chose Bio-Techne Cell Sorters and
Single Cell Dispensers for their cell
engineering workflows due to the
ease-of-use and gentle sorting that
preservers cell viability.
Bio-Techne’s Pala cell sorting and single cell dispensing
platform drastically reduces instrument overhead time,
letting you go from initializing the instrument to achieving
plated single cells in as little as seven minutes. This is
in contrast to conventional FACS systems, which can take
over an hour to operate and provide results.
The Pala platform is automated and easy-to-use. The
plug-and-play user interface streamlines many of the steps
required for traditional FACS sorters, saving scientists and
researchers valuable time and money. The simplicity of
the platform makes it possible for anyone to use without
specialized expertise or training.
At less than 2 psi, the Bio-Techne Pala Cell Sorter and
Single Cell Dispenser uses low-pressure sorting to
accurately and efficiently sort cells gently, thus preserving
cell viability and integrity for better clonal growth.
1. Hu, X., White, K., Olroyd, A.G. et al. Hypoimmune
induced pluripotent stem cells survive long term in fully
immunocompetent, allogeneic rhesus macaques. Nat
Biotechnol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-023-
2. Park, JM., Lee, DH. & Kim, DH. Redefining the role of AMPK in
autophagy and the energy stress response. Nat Commun 14,
2994 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38401-z
3. Li, J., Arest, S., Olszowy, B., Gordon, J., Barrero, C. A., &
Perez-Leal, O. (2023). CRISPR/Cas9-Based Screening of
FDA-Approved Drugs for NRF2 Activation: A Novel Approach to
Discover Therapeutics for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 12(7), 1363.
4. Khachatryan, H., Olszowy, B., Barrero, C. A., Gordon, J., &
Perez-Leal, O. (2023). Identification of Inhibitors of Tubulin
Polymerization Using a CRISPR-Edited Cell Line with
Endogenous Fluorescent Tagging of β-Tubulin and Histone
H1. Biomolecules, 13(2), 249. https://doi.org/10.3390/
5. Rivera-Torres, N., Bialk, P., & Kmiec, E. B. (2023). CRISPRDirected Gene Editing as a Method to Reduce Chemoresistance
in Lung Cancer Cells. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton,
N.J.), 2660, 263–271. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-
6. Halloran, D., Pandit, V., MacMurray, C., Stone, V., DeGeorge,
K., Eskander, M., Root, D., McTague, S., Pelkey, H., & Nohe,
A. (2022). Age-Related Low Bone Mineral Density in C57BL/6
Mice Is Reflective of Aberrant Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2
Signaling Observed in Human Patients Diagnosed with
Osteoporosis. International journal of molecular sciences,
23(19), 11205. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231911205
7. Schüssler, M., Schott, K., Fuchs, N. V., Oo, A., Zahadi,
M., Rauch, P., Kim, B., & König, R. (2023). Gene editing
of SAMHD1 in macrophage-like cells reveals complex
relationships between SAMHD1 phospho-regulation, HIV1 restriction and cellular dNTP levels. bioRxiv: the preprint
server for biology, 2023.08.24.554731. https://doi.
8. Paolini Sguazzi, G., Muto, V., Tartaglia, M., Bertini, E., &
Compagnucci, C. (2021). Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
(iPSCs) and Gene Therapy: A New Era for the Treatment of
Neurological Diseases. International journal of molecular
sciences, 22(24), 13674. https://doi.org/10.3390/
9. Chun, Y. S., Byun, K., & Lee, B. (2011). Induced pluripotent stem
cells and personalized medicine: current progress and future
perspectives. Anatomy & cell biology, 44(4), 245–255.
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